It's been a busy run of events at work. Yesterday was our Earth Day celebration. This gets celebrated in June to avoid the questionable April weather, you know, back when it was sunny. I found it ironic that on Earth Day, I basically got to stand in a monsoon for a large portion of the day. Tends to color your disposition. It is also not one of my better looks. The rain did work in our favor a little bit. One of the extremists groups who shall not be named was all set to picket my workplace to protest the keeping of the elephants. So, things were a little more tense then needbe. But the day went off without a hitch.
I got a neat bon mot on Friday. I got a new, larger office. My previous one was a room fashioned by a large, false wall out of a larger room. That meant I was dependent on air from the two doors and I think played a large part in getting me sick last summer. Now, I got a bigger space across the hall, with windows and Delaware Park view. It feels imminently more civilized.
It's comparitively swanky compared to my closet setting. The pictures aren't great but you get the idea.
My daughters made fudge ribbon cake for me for today so I think I'm passing on lunch.
Happy Dad's day to all the dads out there, especially to mine as he left Roswell this week with the phrase "Cured" stamped in his file.
Score one for the good guys
Uncut, I totally agree. Whenever people ask me where I'm from, if I say I live in Buffalo, or just moved here from Buffalo, everyone gives me these "poor you" looks, and says something like "bet you're glad to be out of there". So I love to show them pictures of the beach, etc, and say "yup, THAT is buffalo."
Nice photos! You are so close to were I live in these! It is definately cool to see pictures of the waterfront! I need to plan a paint/draw day this summer at the waterfront, thank you for the inspiration!
Heidi, about half way up the tower at the Marina.
Nice photos. I love the puffy white clouds. Where was #6 taken from?
Nice photos, (e:mrmike). Once again, I'm struck by the notion that if you showed these pix to someone that didn't kow Buffalo and asked them to name the city in a multiple choice test, none of them would have picked "Buffalo"
None of the photos fit the stereotypes people have of Buffalo.
Nice Pictures