Got out on the bike tonight and it felt great and humbling at the same time. I do wonder what it does to the thought processes after awhile. Me on a bike through Gates Circle is a sight me in my car would have thought to be a true idiot. But I made the trek down to Delaware Park and did a lap of the famous ring road, periodically running along this teenage girl on an old school style banana seat style bike. I don't think she lapped me, but she wasn't working hard either.
I was working hard. It's part of my process of learning to navigate city traffic. Buffalo drivers do sort of suck. The mentality seems to be "Go right-a-fucking head" upon viewing a yield sign. I would like to see our residents navigate something like New York's Henry Hudson Parkway as part of renewing drivers licenses. That would separate the posers from the true motorists in a heartbeat. Felt good to get out and shake the cobwebs from the first part of the week. Did a slow roll back up Elmwood and it is always a neat way to see the world.
I think the Buffalo Kayak tour is calling for Sunday. I've been thinking and thinking and it is time just shut up and do it. You should come.
I read a revue of a Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band show from Europe that described the show as phenomenal and quite a victory lap. Victory lap? That is a cliche that smells like the end is near. It's to be expected and if that is the case, it's been a hell of a ride, but I'd like one more round. The current tour could add a Buffalo stop, after all we've mean to one another, c'mon Bruce, one more and I'll quit making snide comments about "Queen of the Supermarket." Ah, well, that alone might make a small road trip worth doing.
Dealing with a waffling sponsor prospect for my office which unnecessarily stressed me and ruined the afterglow of a good sponsor meeting to start the day yesterday. Got to love a meeting where they feed you. Bacon should always play a role in these proceedings. Good folks to work with and I hope we can come together.
This beat impaired old duffer is headed down to see George Clinton tomorrow night. For free? hell yeah, Uncle Jam wants you. Good tunes and beer, these are a few of my favorite things.
Got a bonus night with my loyal traveling companion last night, the resulting Family Guy marathon, videogaming and munching of Mr. Pizza's finest did us both a world of good.
Wednesday was better for it.
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/15/2009 22:04 #49301
Notes from the midpoint of a tough weekCategory: random
07/10/2009 10:26 #49247
Happy Birthday to the mighty middle kidCategory: birthdays
My ceaselessly amazing middle daughter and pet sitter to the stars, turned 15 yesterday. The celebration continues tonight at Chefs. Seems just like yesterday, I held her for the first time and her big brown eyes looked around the delivery room with an expression that said "What a dump!"
dimartiste - 07/10/09 23:08
Happy teenagerhood to your middle child! 15. I remember it like it was yesterday myself! Chefs is great I hope you all have a great time!
Happy teenagerhood to your middle child! 15. I remember it like it was yesterday myself! Chefs is great I hope you all have a great time!
paul - 07/10/09 10:42
Happy birthday to her and yum to chefs
Happy birthday to her and yum to chefs
07/07/2009 21:15 #49221
We are not all "Lance"Category: sports
I got on my bike for the first time this summer yesterday. I didn't want to get too carried away since it had indeed been awhile. I wasn't out to set any land speed records, just wanted to get a little exercise. The rest of the weekend felt a little sedentiary by comparison. I have no idea how far I go, never checked.
Given the lack of Sunday traffic in the city of Buffalo, I headed out down Delaware Ave, headed downtown. Now, I'm not one for the cycling regalia. I do wear a helmet, which makes me look like the Great Gazoo, but a regular t shirt and shorts serves me just fine.
I mention that because not everybody should try to dress like Lance. They don't give you a yellow jersey for making good time around the Aud wreckage. Doesn't stop a few folks for attempting the look. Like I said, I get out once in a while for fun and in the case of yesterday, getting my nerve back in the crazy lanes.
I figure a man of my proportions (6′2, 240) should probably know his limitations and I think I do when it comes to fashion choices. Apparently, I might be an island in that particular ocean. After making a turn around Exchange St, and working my way back up Washington, I spotted a similar proportioned individual who was geared up. All he was missing was corporate sponsorship and the good sense not to stuff the belly into the spiderman bike top. Looked like Peter Parker let himself go a little.
Not that I'm a matinee idol, but I think my loose fitting Springsteen t-shirt made me look a little more palatable. Something to be said for not looking like licorice toothpaste ready to escape the tube.
Made me laugh to see somebody so concerned with accessorizing that he's behind a little in the exercising department. It's always nice to get a sign that you are on the right path. It's that those signs are sometimes not always what you might think.
Given the lack of Sunday traffic in the city of Buffalo, I headed out down Delaware Ave, headed downtown. Now, I'm not one for the cycling regalia. I do wear a helmet, which makes me look like the Great Gazoo, but a regular t shirt and shorts serves me just fine.
I mention that because not everybody should try to dress like Lance. They don't give you a yellow jersey for making good time around the Aud wreckage. Doesn't stop a few folks for attempting the look. Like I said, I get out once in a while for fun and in the case of yesterday, getting my nerve back in the crazy lanes.
I figure a man of my proportions (6′2, 240) should probably know his limitations and I think I do when it comes to fashion choices. Apparently, I might be an island in that particular ocean. After making a turn around Exchange St, and working my way back up Washington, I spotted a similar proportioned individual who was geared up. All he was missing was corporate sponsorship and the good sense not to stuff the belly into the spiderman bike top. Looked like Peter Parker let himself go a little.
Not that I'm a matinee idol, but I think my loose fitting Springsteen t-shirt made me look a little more palatable. Something to be said for not looking like licorice toothpaste ready to escape the tube.
Made me laugh to see somebody so concerned with accessorizing that he's behind a little in the exercising department. It's always nice to get a sign that you are on the right path. It's that those signs are sometimes not always what you might think.
tinypliny - 07/08/09 22:05
You know I always thought cycling gear looked so terribly uncomfortable regardless of the aerodynamic claims and whatnots.
You know I always thought cycling gear looked so terribly uncomfortable regardless of the aerodynamic claims and whatnots.
07/01/2009 14:33 #49141
Happy Canada DayThe loft apartment over a great party gets older today and she doesn't look a day over 141

tinypliny - 07/01/09 17:23
Hilarious. Both the card and your comment. "The Loft Apartment over a great party"??? HAHAHA
Hilarious. Both the card and your comment. "The Loft Apartment over a great party"??? HAHAHA
07/03/2009 23:45 #49181
Bisons, BPO and whatnotCategory: fatherman
Thanks to (e:Vincent) for organzing the Bisons/BPO game this evening, I was looking forward to it thinking number one son and I could go, see the game, hear the music and enjoy some fireworks. I know costume characters still freak him at age 11, but I figured it was innocuous enough where the seats were that we could have some fun.
He showed up at my door upset and in near tears at the thought of having to go. I want to do stuff other than hang around my apartment and it almost looked like we had a decent night for doing it, but he finally told me that he "doesn't like it and doesn't want to go."
I know the Bisons are bad, but geesh. I'm okay with him not wanting to go if he doesn't enjoy it. He doesn't have to like everything I like. I guess that would be cause for worry if he did. He is becoming an individual and I think I need to give him some space to find his voice. What kind of Dad would I be to shove him into something just because I find some moments of peace at the ballpark. The price of the tickets was a hard thing to swallow. The threat of rain today succeeded in making the game scalper proof. So, it's only money. I know ultimately he and I are cool, I guess I thought I had something another avenue of shared experience, something that is ours. He's asleep in the other room as I write this. His sisters are a challenge and I think he looks at my place in kind of a sanctuary sort of way. With the ages the kids are, things a little more specialized. With one pretty much an adult, and another at that fractious age of 14, the days of universal experience are pretty much over.
And I'm used to that. Quality time has always been more important than quantity. I'd rather laugh around a dinner table periodically than cram them all into a space where they would be resenting it.
I guess I'm feeling the side effects of building something up too high in my own mind. We hit the movies pretty regularly, but I was anxious for some guy time, fresh air, a pretzel, watching grown men try way too hard to catch a foul ball. To know that he didn't want to hurt. I told him that he needs to tell me before I go off and buy tickets for stuff, because once we buy, we're committed. He apologized and we did pig out of some of Just Pizza's finest and I took a nice nap after that, but something felt a little empty.
I was looking forward to it. I love my job but events there necessitated that I work late while my dad stepped in to take him to the recent "Walking with Dinosaurs" show. That made me real depressed while I worked my event. I don't get a chance to show off that often and I guess it feels like one slipped away again.
Only a game.
He showed up at my door upset and in near tears at the thought of having to go. I want to do stuff other than hang around my apartment and it almost looked like we had a decent night for doing it, but he finally told me that he "doesn't like it and doesn't want to go."
I know the Bisons are bad, but geesh. I'm okay with him not wanting to go if he doesn't enjoy it. He doesn't have to like everything I like. I guess that would be cause for worry if he did. He is becoming an individual and I think I need to give him some space to find his voice. What kind of Dad would I be to shove him into something just because I find some moments of peace at the ballpark. The price of the tickets was a hard thing to swallow. The threat of rain today succeeded in making the game scalper proof. So, it's only money. I know ultimately he and I are cool, I guess I thought I had something another avenue of shared experience, something that is ours. He's asleep in the other room as I write this. His sisters are a challenge and I think he looks at my place in kind of a sanctuary sort of way. With the ages the kids are, things a little more specialized. With one pretty much an adult, and another at that fractious age of 14, the days of universal experience are pretty much over.
And I'm used to that. Quality time has always been more important than quantity. I'd rather laugh around a dinner table periodically than cram them all into a space where they would be resenting it.
I guess I'm feeling the side effects of building something up too high in my own mind. We hit the movies pretty regularly, but I was anxious for some guy time, fresh air, a pretzel, watching grown men try way too hard to catch a foul ball. To know that he didn't want to hurt. I told him that he needs to tell me before I go off and buy tickets for stuff, because once we buy, we're committed. He apologized and we did pig out of some of Just Pizza's finest and I took a nice nap after that, but something felt a little empty.
I was looking forward to it. I love my job but events there necessitated that I work late while my dad stepped in to take him to the recent "Walking with Dinosaurs" show. That made me real depressed while I worked my event. I don't get a chance to show off that often and I guess it feels like one slipped away again.
Only a game.
metalpeter - 07/04/09 11:27
Hey Sorry you to couldn't make it, we had a good time, sounds like you two did also and that is what counts.
Hey Sorry you to couldn't make it, we had a good time, sounds like you two did also and that is what counts.
drew - 07/04/09 10:15
Does your kid like ribs? If so, bring him to our house this afternoon.
Does your kid like ribs? If so, bring him to our house this afternoon.
theecarey - 07/04/09 01:58
You two totally had quality 'guy time', but not in the manner that you wanted/expected. Maybe not right now, but there are bound to be purely mutually-interested times you can share, to help fill the little void that is nagging within you. In the mean time, know that your very presence and overall essence of what you represent to him will be what he remembers when looking back to his well loved childhood. There are all sorts of bonding and memory making opportunities ahead. Tonight really was one of those.
You have a great perspective on parenting that I admire.
You two totally had quality 'guy time', but not in the manner that you wanted/expected. Maybe not right now, but there are bound to be purely mutually-interested times you can share, to help fill the little void that is nagging within you. In the mean time, know that your very presence and overall essence of what you represent to him will be what he remembers when looking back to his well loved childhood. There are all sorts of bonding and memory making opportunities ahead. Tonight really was one of those.
You have a great perspective on parenting that I admire.
tinypliny - 07/04/09 00:05
mrmike, I think you gave him exactly what he wanted - a night of peace and not being forced to do what his parents wanted him to. I think that is worth a lot more than any missed chances. In fact, you didn't miss any chances. :)
mrmike, I think you gave him exactly what he wanted - a night of peace and not being forced to do what his parents wanted him to. I think that is worth a lot more than any missed chances. In fact, you didn't miss any chances. :)
That is good to know! I am going to take this tour sometime this summer (though I am not sure I should because I don't know how to swim).
Tiny, down by the reopened commercial slip area on the waterfront, one group rents kayaks and canoes each weekend. On Saturday and Sunday morning, a tour guide give novices a lesson on what you need to know and you can go on a guided river tour via kayak.
What is a Buffalo Kayak tour? Do you have to know kayaking/swimming? Where do people Kayak? Where does one sign up?