Mrmike's Journal
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06/14/2009 08:01 #48970
The Complaint DepartmentCategory: random notes
If you ever wonder why people are disinclined to vote, I believe those folks received validation in the form of the New York State Senate. As a moderate democrat, I like to think I see both sides, but this is ridiculous. While the democratic senators pout and act like petulant fifth-graders, the republicans are playing a glorified version of "King of the Castle." Neither is doing anything remotely resembling the people's business. Nobody's looking to lead, change the nature of a government hellbent on getting the very last drop of blood from the stone. Talk about a bunch a people who need smacked with a big bag of hammers.
Wish it was possible for a government bail-out because our state senate is run worse than GM.
In other news, I've had it up to here with the race for this, the fun run for that, the 5K for rectal itch, you name it. The race organizers seem to think the city has three streets and the course help doesn't know the route either. I was trying to take my daughter to work this morning down one street, was told to take another, when I got to the end of that, was told to turn around to go back where we started. I realize it is the only time you get folks into the city, but how about a little consideration for city lifers and spread this grab out a little, puhleeze??
Been down Elmwood at Forest three separate times today, each time there was some butthead who couldn't remember to get out of the right lane so they could keep traveling on Elmwood, and they HAD to challenge everybody who remembered?
Lest you think I'm too high and mighty gentle reader, after hitting the ATM by Bidwell, thinking I was free and clear, I pulled right in front on an SUV who thankfully was too oblivious to me.
It's Allentown weekend and once again, the stuff around the Art Festival is cooler than the items in the Art Festival. You'd think the Art Association would embrace the positive vibe and not be such hypocrites when it came to music and the merchants in the area, that way a big party could get spread out as it grew.
06/08/2009 16:22 #48867
Biker Gangs, fun runners & moreCategory: work
Still tired from it all. Well, dear reader, it is like this. Physically, (and sometimes by necessity, I have had to be a really early morning person and it isn't sitting well.
During a recent day of double promotion, I had to stare down actual bikers, take crap about a commercial that doesn't exist, run a few miles across the grounds as well as take my part in the Eugene O'Neill drama that is my parents and sister living together under one roof. The bikers were a piece of cake by comparison. Events are funny things. It is kind of like traveling. You stand around a lot alternating with periods of moving all over the property at as a high of rate of speed as was possible.
There are some oddities, watching people and their sense of entitlement to things they knew nothing about. I watched as one woman who paid nothing to come, wasn't charged a thing, was all set to go tear off the head of some restaurant employee in search of the parking token she believed she so richly deserved. People will have self-inflicted anuerisms over the littlest thing. A letter in my email box gripes over the lack of free ice cream, when we specified when the free ice cream was to be given away. Went to my folks house at the end of the day feeling like Methusalah.
Woke up the next morning with designs on the parade and my fatigue was hard to conceal as the splife offered to take the boy home early, provided I went home and napped. Don't have to tell me twice. I plopped on the couch and promptly checked out for three hours.
New man today: got the car inspected, picked up the dry cleaning, filled out the paperwork for passport card and booklet, washed the vehicle and enjoyed the coffee much more since I was at my own brewer. Good way to start the week. I may yet just thrive.
heidi - 06/08/09 17:03
I saw your ex & #1 son at pride yesterday and introduced myself. She told me how much she appreciates you and all your support and how rough it's been on you.
I saw your ex & #1 son at pride yesterday and introduced myself. She told me how much she appreciates you and all your support and how rough it's been on you.
06/02/2009 09:02 #48822
Happy StuffCategory: fatherman
It's funny how often you can read in these pages how somebody's getting old or feeling so old and invariably the writer isn't past 30. Well, I got one for you all and I don't mind. Today, I am the parent of an 18 year old. That statement is one of those that makes me worry. I can't remember much about last night's dinner, but the events of today 18 years ago are practically in high definition. She got her yearbook last week at a reception at the Pearl Street Brewery (My kid in a bar, one of my bars!!!) and the following picture was inside. I'm so proud, even at just a few months old, she could render a good evil eye.
Happy Birthday, Siobhan

Happy Birthday, Siobhan

metalpeter - 06/02/09 19:25
Well that happens a lot around 25. It isn't an age thing it is a number thing. 25th is a milestone in a lot of things like events and sports and aniversaries and then it is also a Quarter Century also. In any event (e:mrmike) congratulations.
Well that happens a lot around 25. It isn't an age thing it is a number thing. 25th is a milestone in a lot of things like events and sports and aniversaries and then it is also a Quarter Century also. In any event (e:mrmike) congratulations.
james - 06/02/09 10:06
Happy birthday! Though it isn't your birthday it is still yours to celebrate.
Happy birthday! Though it isn't your birthday it is still yours to celebrate.
joshua - 06/02/09 09:36
Cheers Mike, that is one of the nice milestones in life.
You're right about the getting old commentary - it is usually someone under 30. I remember on our 25th birthday my brother and I looked at each other and thought, "shit, we're getting old!" At some point in your 20's it seems that you come to the realization that indeed time keeps on ticking, and it's such an epiphany that you feel compelled to wonder aloud about it.
Cheers Mike, that is one of the nice milestones in life.
You're right about the getting old commentary - it is usually someone under 30. I remember on our 25th birthday my brother and I looked at each other and thought, "shit, we're getting old!" At some point in your 20's it seems that you come to the realization that indeed time keeps on ticking, and it's such an epiphany that you feel compelled to wonder aloud about it.
06/01/2009 15:04 #48815
Drama, Drama, DramaOy!
My older sister subletted her place and came back to Buffalo with our Dad yesterday afternoon. Wow, didn't like being there at all. Everybody knew it was coming and I think ultimately it will be a good thing. She has herself convinced that it is the end of the world. Anybody with a brain knows otherwise, but the economics of the times are her off her game.
It was a tough weekend, but she was dragging it out. By the tiime Sunday morning got here, my dad's patience was gone. He wanted to get her moving out of Chelsea to at least cap one end of the odyssey.
They made it to Buffalo in a decent amount of time, a little more than 7 hours. I made it out to Clarence to help with the minivan unload and get the valuable electronics up and running. As we're unloading, he venting to me about her. She's venting to me about him. Apparently, I'm switzerland (without the secret Nazi financing).
She was upset because they left without a friend coming by to pack her tv. Dad told the friend that they were aiming to be gone by 9AM on Sunday. She wanted the friend to pack her tv (and really to say goodbye for the summer). That didn't happen. My Dad thought standing around in Chelsea would only prolong the agony. I think he was right. My younger sister and I half joked it worh risking the wrath for the greater good.
I offered to go in my Dad's stead. He is off infusion therapy finally, but the last treatment was just a week ago. He declined. I got my brother-in-law to get there to do any heavy lifting. So, it worked. He got her into the car and fortunately had clear sailing all the way back this direction. The finality of the journey was a big monkey off their collective shoulders.
I do what you can: mix highballs, pickup food and hook up all of her valued electronics, which got everybody chilled appropriately. Never wanted to leave my folks place so badly before.
My older sister subletted her place and came back to Buffalo with our Dad yesterday afternoon. Wow, didn't like being there at all. Everybody knew it was coming and I think ultimately it will be a good thing. She has herself convinced that it is the end of the world. Anybody with a brain knows otherwise, but the economics of the times are her off her game.
It was a tough weekend, but she was dragging it out. By the tiime Sunday morning got here, my dad's patience was gone. He wanted to get her moving out of Chelsea to at least cap one end of the odyssey.
They made it to Buffalo in a decent amount of time, a little more than 7 hours. I made it out to Clarence to help with the minivan unload and get the valuable electronics up and running. As we're unloading, he venting to me about her. She's venting to me about him. Apparently, I'm switzerland (without the secret Nazi financing).
She was upset because they left without a friend coming by to pack her tv. Dad told the friend that they were aiming to be gone by 9AM on Sunday. She wanted the friend to pack her tv (and really to say goodbye for the summer). That didn't happen. My Dad thought standing around in Chelsea would only prolong the agony. I think he was right. My younger sister and I half joked it worh risking the wrath for the greater good.
I offered to go in my Dad's stead. He is off infusion therapy finally, but the last treatment was just a week ago. He declined. I got my brother-in-law to get there to do any heavy lifting. So, it worked. He got her into the car and fortunately had clear sailing all the way back this direction. The finality of the journey was a big monkey off their collective shoulders.
I do what you can: mix highballs, pickup food and hook up all of her valued electronics, which got everybody chilled appropriately. Never wanted to leave my folks place so badly before.
james - 06/01/09 19:20
Family has a way of bringing out the most miserable in us.
Family has a way of bringing out the most miserable in us.
05/28/2009 22:32 #48780
Representing...Category: fatherman
Despite a couple of errors on the media's part, my former spouse and current son represented on Ch. 2 tonight about how we all just folks. She spoke well and he works a camera well.

metalpeter - 06/01/09 20:40
The other day Bill Maher said something on his show that I wish I had the " " to. It went something along the lines of why can't everyone just have civil unions and get rid of Marriage. He was talking about how does something the church do give people all these rights. I think what he was getting at is that there should be no such thing as it and that anyone should be able to have a civil union with anyone else. That isn't a bad idea really. If you think about the fact that the church and state are supposed to be separate then how can a marriage in a church give you legal rights to things. I'm not saying I completely agree but it is an interesting thought.
The other day Bill Maher said something on his show that I wish I had the " " to. It went something along the lines of why can't everyone just have civil unions and get rid of Marriage. He was talking about how does something the church do give people all these rights. I think what he was getting at is that there should be no such thing as it and that anyone should be able to have a civil union with anyone else. That isn't a bad idea really. If you think about the fact that the church and state are supposed to be separate then how can a marriage in a church give you legal rights to things. I'm not saying I completely agree but it is an interesting thought.
theecarey - 06/01/09 16:30
Damn you have a good looking family, btw. (no surprise there!)
Lets legalize same sex marriage already! Finding someone to share life with is challenge enough, let it not be complicated further based soley on which gender we choose. Looking forward to the day when we can look back on (recent) history and say, "remember when.."
Damn you have a good looking family, btw. (no surprise there!)
Lets legalize same sex marriage already! Finding someone to share life with is challenge enough, let it not be complicated further based soley on which gender we choose. Looking forward to the day when we can look back on (recent) history and say, "remember when.."
metalpeter - 05/29/09 18:47
Yes they do represent well.
In terms of the moral beliefs the people who think that making it legal is saying it is ok, and they don't want there kids to think it ok do have a good point. The saying it will be taught in schools I don't agree with. I think one of the problems with this entire issue is that everyone has a public and private life. What you do in your private life is just that and unless people are good friends they don't want to know. What happens with this issue is that people now have to know about people being gay. I think that really gets lots of people rilled up. Personally I think Gay Marriage should be legal and everyone should be treated the same. But at the same time how does someone who thinks it is wrong deal with that at there Job? One example is what if two guys holding hands repulses you How do you take there picture at say ollan mills, what if you do weedding pictures can you legally turn down gays? See this is not a simple human rights issue. It is also an issue of what rights do the people who think gays are sinners and will burn in hell, and want nothing to do with them.
Yes they do represent well.
In terms of the moral beliefs the people who think that making it legal is saying it is ok, and they don't want there kids to think it ok do have a good point. The saying it will be taught in schools I don't agree with. I think one of the problems with this entire issue is that everyone has a public and private life. What you do in your private life is just that and unless people are good friends they don't want to know. What happens with this issue is that people now have to know about people being gay. I think that really gets lots of people rilled up. Personally I think Gay Marriage should be legal and everyone should be treated the same. But at the same time how does someone who thinks it is wrong deal with that at there Job? One example is what if two guys holding hands repulses you How do you take there picture at say ollan mills, what if you do weedding pictures can you legally turn down gays? See this is not a simple human rights issue. It is also an issue of what rights do the people who think gays are sinners and will burn in hell, and want nothing to do with them.
jason - 05/29/09 11:14
I don't particularly care if an advocacy group in fact advocates their position on a given issue. Obviously they're wrong on this, and it's an insult to everyone's intelligence when someone says that kids are a target. That is so goddamn wrong I don't know where to start.
What a government decides to be morally correct seems to me to be fickle and based upon the bought and paid for preferences of special interests. I would rather fall on the side of freedom and civil rights. This isn't the only decision in NYS that is based upon faulty logic assuming the government should be up your fucking ass for the good of society.
I don't particularly care if an advocacy group in fact advocates their position on a given issue. Obviously they're wrong on this, and it's an insult to everyone's intelligence when someone says that kids are a target. That is so goddamn wrong I don't know where to start.
What a government decides to be morally correct seems to me to be fickle and based upon the bought and paid for preferences of special interests. I would rather fall on the side of freedom and civil rights. This isn't the only decision in NYS that is based upon faulty logic assuming the government should be up your fucking ass for the good of society.
carolinian - 05/29/09 11:01
Let me guess, he's one of those conservative people who cares so much for children that he fought against the State Children's Health Insurance Program which would expand health insurance for poor children, and who tries to end school lunch programs?
Let me guess, he's one of those conservative people who cares so much for children that he fought against the State Children's Health Insurance Program which would expand health insurance for poor children, and who tries to end school lunch programs?
tinypliny - 05/29/09 10:19
Some moron commented: "What becomes legal as far as same-sex marriage is concerned also becomes legal to teach our children. So, the children are really the target in all of this."
That comment is so bereft of logic, its hilarious. For starters, this issue is about respect, understanding and love and that always starts at home. And yeah, mr. moron, there are a contrallion things that are "legal". No doubt they were all specifically designed with the express purpose of harming your children. How do morons like this even lead a congregation? I shudder for those unfortunate souls.
Some moron commented: "What becomes legal as far as same-sex marriage is concerned also becomes legal to teach our children. So, the children are really the target in all of this."
That comment is so bereft of logic, its hilarious. For starters, this issue is about respect, understanding and love and that always starts at home. And yeah, mr. moron, there are a contrallion things that are "legal". No doubt they were all specifically designed with the express purpose of harming your children. How do morons like this even lead a congregation? I shudder for those unfortunate souls.
twisted - 05/28/09 23:37
Right will prevail. Kudos for standing up and speeding the way.
Right will prevail. Kudos for standing up and speeding the way.
uncutsaniflush - 05/28/09 23:10
Yes, they did represent. And you have much to be proud of. Including yourself as a father and co-parent.
Come to think of it, you represented as well. Kudos to you and yours.
Yes, they did represent. And you have much to be proud of. Including yourself as a father and co-parent.
Come to think of it, you represented as well. Kudos to you and yours.
Well if the Allentown People would have been thinking this is what they would have done years ago.
1)take the stuff on allen that heads towards main and head it towards elmwood. then make the festival go about one block past tupper.
2) LET MIA go on with out Harrasement
3) Charge MIA to put up signs to direct people to it
4) Let people know that if art is what they want then Allentown is the place to be
5) If performance art is what you want go to MIA.
See what the allentown people think is that art is only art and performance art and music isn't and that those things are a threat to them. They are right about the threat part. But what they didn't get was the art at MIA was more about seeing it then selling it, at first I don't even think you could buy it.
Yes Allentown west is the unofical art festival and it has only gotten a name like last year or maybe one year prior.
Art wise there is a lot of stuff I like there. But there is some stuff I would really love to see there being sold, that I know I will never see that is maybe more MIA style or internet style maybe.