Mrmike's Journal
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07/01/2009 14:33 #49141
Happy Canada Day06/24/2009 07:17 #49054
Weekend photosCategory: pix
Not from last weekend when the weather blew, the one before where we got a summer preview. Number one son and I went to the marina, got the now obligatory Aud deconstruction pic, and ate overpriced ice cream product and took these.

jenks - 07/03/09 08:22
Uncut, I totally agree. Whenever people ask me where I'm from, if I say I live in Buffalo, or just moved here from Buffalo, everyone gives me these "poor you" looks, and says something like "bet you're glad to be out of there". So I love to show them pictures of the beach, etc, and say "yup, THAT is buffalo."
Uncut, I totally agree. Whenever people ask me where I'm from, if I say I live in Buffalo, or just moved here from Buffalo, everyone gives me these "poor you" looks, and says something like "bet you're glad to be out of there". So I love to show them pictures of the beach, etc, and say "yup, THAT is buffalo."
dimartiste - 07/01/09 14:39
Nice photos! You are so close to were I live in these! It is definately cool to see pictures of the waterfront! I need to plan a paint/draw day this summer at the waterfront, thank you for the inspiration!
Nice photos! You are so close to were I live in these! It is definately cool to see pictures of the waterfront! I need to plan a paint/draw day this summer at the waterfront, thank you for the inspiration!
mrmike - 06/25/09 10:11
Heidi, about half way up the tower at the Marina.
Heidi, about half way up the tower at the Marina.
heidi - 06/24/09 22:11
Nice photos. I love the puffy white clouds. Where was #6 taken from?
Nice photos. I love the puffy white clouds. Where was #6 taken from?
uncutsaniflush - 06/24/09 22:00
Nice photos, (e:mrmike). Once again, I'm struck by the notion that if you showed these pix to someone that didn't kow Buffalo and asked them to name the city in a multiple choice test, none of them would have picked "Buffalo"
None of the photos fit the stereotypes people have of Buffalo.
Nice photos, (e:mrmike). Once again, I'm struck by the notion that if you showed these pix to someone that didn't kow Buffalo and asked them to name the city in a multiple choice test, none of them would have picked "Buffalo"
None of the photos fit the stereotypes people have of Buffalo.
metalpeter - 06/24/09 18:46
Nice Pictures
Nice Pictures
06/21/2009 12:25 #49022
Action-packed, Pee-Wee, Action-packed!Category: work
It's been a busy run of events at work. Yesterday was our Earth Day celebration. This gets celebrated in June to avoid the questionable April weather, you know, back when it was sunny. I found it ironic that on Earth Day, I basically got to stand in a monsoon for a large portion of the day. Tends to color your disposition. It is also not one of my better looks. The rain did work in our favor a little bit. One of the extremists groups who shall not be named was all set to picket my workplace to protest the keeping of the elephants. So, things were a little more tense then needbe. But the day went off without a hitch.
I got a neat bon mot on Friday. I got a new, larger office. My previous one was a room fashioned by a large, false wall out of a larger room. That meant I was dependent on air from the two doors and I think played a large part in getting me sick last summer. Now, I got a bigger space across the hall, with windows and Delaware Park view. It feels imminently more civilized.

It's comparitively swanky compared to my closet setting. The pictures aren't great but you get the idea.
My daughters made fudge ribbon cake for me for today so I think I'm passing on lunch.
Happy Dad's day to all the dads out there, especially to mine as he left Roswell this week with the phrase "Cured" stamped in his file.
Score one for the good guys
I got a neat bon mot on Friday. I got a new, larger office. My previous one was a room fashioned by a large, false wall out of a larger room. That meant I was dependent on air from the two doors and I think played a large part in getting me sick last summer. Now, I got a bigger space across the hall, with windows and Delaware Park view. It feels imminently more civilized.

It's comparitively swanky compared to my closet setting. The pictures aren't great but you get the idea.
My daughters made fudge ribbon cake for me for today so I think I'm passing on lunch.
Happy Dad's day to all the dads out there, especially to mine as he left Roswell this week with the phrase "Cured" stamped in his file.
Score one for the good guys
06/14/2009 21:39 #48977
Inauguration Day PicturesCategory: politics
I thought I posted some of these but I think I actually forgot
One of the beautiful things of having relatives smack in the middle of DC is you can select your historical moments without a whole lot of advance planning. With the inauguration of President Obama, my former spouse and I thought it would be good to take our kids and just be part of the moment. Given their racial makeup, it was a once in a lifetime thing. Given a horrifying ride down the night before, I was ready for a little lackadasical adventure. Essentially, we walked a few blocks and were in Obamastock. It was fun to just see all the hullabaloo. We didn't stuggle to get into certain places. Things just seemed to happen all Ferris Bueller like, just right into place. The feeling of hope made everybody friends. After eight years of Washington induced fear, it was a beautiful thing to see the city (both of them) so friendly.

My Eldest and Youngest having more fun in front of the Department of the Interior than is usually permitted.

Our hero, trying not freeze celebrating democracy

One of the beautiful things of having relatives smack in the middle of DC is you can select your historical moments without a whole lot of advance planning. With the inauguration of President Obama, my former spouse and I thought it would be good to take our kids and just be part of the moment. Given their racial makeup, it was a once in a lifetime thing. Given a horrifying ride down the night before, I was ready for a little lackadasical adventure. Essentially, we walked a few blocks and were in Obamastock. It was fun to just see all the hullabaloo. We didn't stuggle to get into certain places. Things just seemed to happen all Ferris Bueller like, just right into place. The feeling of hope made everybody friends. After eight years of Washington induced fear, it was a beautiful thing to see the city (both of them) so friendly.

My Eldest and Youngest having more fun in front of the Department of the Interior than is usually permitted.

Our hero, trying not freeze celebrating democracy

metalpeter - 06/15/09 19:56
I do remember you posting pictures but don't think that I have seen any of these ones before.
I do remember you posting pictures but don't think that I have seen any of these ones before.
06/14/2009 08:01 #48970
The Complaint DepartmentCategory: random notes
If you ever wonder why people are disinclined to vote, I believe those folks received validation in the form of the New York State Senate. As a moderate democrat, I like to think I see both sides, but this is ridiculous. While the democratic senators pout and act like petulant fifth-graders, the republicans are playing a glorified version of "King of the Castle." Neither is doing anything remotely resembling the people's business. Nobody's looking to lead, change the nature of a government hellbent on getting the very last drop of blood from the stone. Talk about a bunch a people who need smacked with a big bag of hammers.
Wish it was possible for a government bail-out because our state senate is run worse than GM.
In other news, I've had it up to here with the race for this, the fun run for that, the 5K for rectal itch, you name it. The race organizers seem to think the city has three streets and the course help doesn't know the route either. I was trying to take my daughter to work this morning down one street, was told to take another, when I got to the end of that, was told to turn around to go back where we started. I realize it is the only time you get folks into the city, but how about a little consideration for city lifers and spread this grab out a little, puhleeze??
Been down Elmwood at Forest three separate times today, each time there was some butthead who couldn't remember to get out of the right lane so they could keep traveling on Elmwood, and they HAD to challenge everybody who remembered?
Lest you think I'm too high and mighty gentle reader, after hitting the ATM by Bidwell, thinking I was free and clear, I pulled right in front on an SUV who thankfully was too oblivious to me.
It's Allentown weekend and once again, the stuff around the Art Festival is cooler than the items in the Art Festival. You'd think the Art Association would embrace the positive vibe and not be such hypocrites when it came to music and the merchants in the area, that way a big party could get spread out as it grew.
metalpeter - 06/14/09 10:44
Well if the Allentown People would have been thinking this is what they would have done years ago.
1)take the stuff on allen that heads towards main and head it towards elmwood. then make the festival go about one block past tupper.
2) LET MIA go on with out Harrasement
3) Charge MIA to put up signs to direct people to it
4) Let people know that if art is what they want then Allentown is the place to be
5) If performance art is what you want go to MIA.
See what the allentown people think is that art is only art and performance art and music isn't and that those things are a threat to them. They are right about the threat part. But what they didn't get was the art at MIA was more about seeing it then selling it, at first I don't even think you could buy it.
Yes Allentown west is the unofical art festival and it has only gotten a name like last year or maybe one year prior.
Art wise there is a lot of stuff I like there. But there is some stuff I would really love to see there being sold, that I know I will never see that is maybe more MIA style or internet style maybe.
Well if the Allentown People would have been thinking this is what they would have done years ago.
1)take the stuff on allen that heads towards main and head it towards elmwood. then make the festival go about one block past tupper.
2) LET MIA go on with out Harrasement
3) Charge MIA to put up signs to direct people to it
4) Let people know that if art is what they want then Allentown is the place to be
5) If performance art is what you want go to MIA.
See what the allentown people think is that art is only art and performance art and music isn't and that those things are a threat to them. They are right about the threat part. But what they didn't get was the art at MIA was more about seeing it then selling it, at first I don't even think you could buy it.
Yes Allentown west is the unofical art festival and it has only gotten a name like last year or maybe one year prior.
Art wise there is a lot of stuff I like there. But there is some stuff I would really love to see there being sold, that I know I will never see that is maybe more MIA style or internet style maybe.
Hilarious. Both the card and your comment. "The Loft Apartment over a great party"??? HAHAHA