My older sister subletted her place and came back to Buffalo with our Dad yesterday afternoon. Wow, didn't like being there at all. Everybody knew it was coming and I think ultimately it will be a good thing. She has herself convinced that it is the end of the world. Anybody with a brain knows otherwise, but the economics of the times are her off her game.
It was a tough weekend, but she was dragging it out. By the tiime Sunday morning got here, my dad's patience was gone. He wanted to get her moving out of Chelsea to at least cap one end of the odyssey.
They made it to Buffalo in a decent amount of time, a little more than 7 hours. I made it out to Clarence to help with the minivan unload and get the valuable electronics up and running. As we're unloading, he venting to me about her. She's venting to me about him. Apparently, I'm switzerland (without the secret Nazi financing).
She was upset because they left without a friend coming by to pack her tv. Dad told the friend that they were aiming to be gone by 9AM on Sunday. She wanted the friend to pack her tv (and really to say goodbye for the summer). That didn't happen. My Dad thought standing around in Chelsea would only prolong the agony. I think he was right. My younger sister and I half joked it worh risking the wrath for the greater good.
I offered to go in my Dad's stead. He is off infusion therapy finally, but the last treatment was just a week ago. He declined. I got my brother-in-law to get there to do any heavy lifting. So, it worked. He got her into the car and fortunately had clear sailing all the way back this direction. The finality of the journey was a big monkey off their collective shoulders.
I do what you can: mix highballs, pickup food and hook up all of her valued electronics, which got everybody chilled appropriately. Never wanted to leave my folks place so badly before.
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/01/2009 15:04 #48815
Drama, Drama, Drama05/28/2009 22:32 #48780
Representing...Category: fatherman
Despite a couple of errors on the media's part, my former spouse and current son represented on Ch. 2 tonight about how we all just folks. She spoke well and he works a camera well.

metalpeter - 06/01/09 20:40
The other day Bill Maher said something on his show that I wish I had the " " to. It went something along the lines of why can't everyone just have civil unions and get rid of Marriage. He was talking about how does something the church do give people all these rights. I think what he was getting at is that there should be no such thing as it and that anyone should be able to have a civil union with anyone else. That isn't a bad idea really. If you think about the fact that the church and state are supposed to be separate then how can a marriage in a church give you legal rights to things. I'm not saying I completely agree but it is an interesting thought.
The other day Bill Maher said something on his show that I wish I had the " " to. It went something along the lines of why can't everyone just have civil unions and get rid of Marriage. He was talking about how does something the church do give people all these rights. I think what he was getting at is that there should be no such thing as it and that anyone should be able to have a civil union with anyone else. That isn't a bad idea really. If you think about the fact that the church and state are supposed to be separate then how can a marriage in a church give you legal rights to things. I'm not saying I completely agree but it is an interesting thought.
theecarey - 06/01/09 16:30
Damn you have a good looking family, btw. (no surprise there!)
Lets legalize same sex marriage already! Finding someone to share life with is challenge enough, let it not be complicated further based soley on which gender we choose. Looking forward to the day when we can look back on (recent) history and say, "remember when.."
Damn you have a good looking family, btw. (no surprise there!)
Lets legalize same sex marriage already! Finding someone to share life with is challenge enough, let it not be complicated further based soley on which gender we choose. Looking forward to the day when we can look back on (recent) history and say, "remember when.."
metalpeter - 05/29/09 18:47
Yes they do represent well.
In terms of the moral beliefs the people who think that making it legal is saying it is ok, and they don't want there kids to think it ok do have a good point. The saying it will be taught in schools I don't agree with. I think one of the problems with this entire issue is that everyone has a public and private life. What you do in your private life is just that and unless people are good friends they don't want to know. What happens with this issue is that people now have to know about people being gay. I think that really gets lots of people rilled up. Personally I think Gay Marriage should be legal and everyone should be treated the same. But at the same time how does someone who thinks it is wrong deal with that at there Job? One example is what if two guys holding hands repulses you How do you take there picture at say ollan mills, what if you do weedding pictures can you legally turn down gays? See this is not a simple human rights issue. It is also an issue of what rights do the people who think gays are sinners and will burn in hell, and want nothing to do with them.
Yes they do represent well.
In terms of the moral beliefs the people who think that making it legal is saying it is ok, and they don't want there kids to think it ok do have a good point. The saying it will be taught in schools I don't agree with. I think one of the problems with this entire issue is that everyone has a public and private life. What you do in your private life is just that and unless people are good friends they don't want to know. What happens with this issue is that people now have to know about people being gay. I think that really gets lots of people rilled up. Personally I think Gay Marriage should be legal and everyone should be treated the same. But at the same time how does someone who thinks it is wrong deal with that at there Job? One example is what if two guys holding hands repulses you How do you take there picture at say ollan mills, what if you do weedding pictures can you legally turn down gays? See this is not a simple human rights issue. It is also an issue of what rights do the people who think gays are sinners and will burn in hell, and want nothing to do with them.
jason - 05/29/09 11:14
I don't particularly care if an advocacy group in fact advocates their position on a given issue. Obviously they're wrong on this, and it's an insult to everyone's intelligence when someone says that kids are a target. That is so goddamn wrong I don't know where to start.
What a government decides to be morally correct seems to me to be fickle and based upon the bought and paid for preferences of special interests. I would rather fall on the side of freedom and civil rights. This isn't the only decision in NYS that is based upon faulty logic assuming the government should be up your fucking ass for the good of society.
I don't particularly care if an advocacy group in fact advocates their position on a given issue. Obviously they're wrong on this, and it's an insult to everyone's intelligence when someone says that kids are a target. That is so goddamn wrong I don't know where to start.
What a government decides to be morally correct seems to me to be fickle and based upon the bought and paid for preferences of special interests. I would rather fall on the side of freedom and civil rights. This isn't the only decision in NYS that is based upon faulty logic assuming the government should be up your fucking ass for the good of society.
carolinian - 05/29/09 11:01
Let me guess, he's one of those conservative people who cares so much for children that he fought against the State Children's Health Insurance Program which would expand health insurance for poor children, and who tries to end school lunch programs?
Let me guess, he's one of those conservative people who cares so much for children that he fought against the State Children's Health Insurance Program which would expand health insurance for poor children, and who tries to end school lunch programs?
tinypliny - 05/29/09 10:19
Some moron commented: "What becomes legal as far as same-sex marriage is concerned also becomes legal to teach our children. So, the children are really the target in all of this."
That comment is so bereft of logic, its hilarious. For starters, this issue is about respect, understanding and love and that always starts at home. And yeah, mr. moron, there are a contrallion things that are "legal". No doubt they were all specifically designed with the express purpose of harming your children. How do morons like this even lead a congregation? I shudder for those unfortunate souls.
Some moron commented: "What becomes legal as far as same-sex marriage is concerned also becomes legal to teach our children. So, the children are really the target in all of this."
That comment is so bereft of logic, its hilarious. For starters, this issue is about respect, understanding and love and that always starts at home. And yeah, mr. moron, there are a contrallion things that are "legal". No doubt they were all specifically designed with the express purpose of harming your children. How do morons like this even lead a congregation? I shudder for those unfortunate souls.
twisted - 05/28/09 23:37
Right will prevail. Kudos for standing up and speeding the way.
Right will prevail. Kudos for standing up and speeding the way.
uncutsaniflush - 05/28/09 23:10
Yes, they did represent. And you have much to be proud of. Including yourself as a father and co-parent.
Come to think of it, you represented as well. Kudos to you and yours.
Yes, they did represent. And you have much to be proud of. Including yourself as a father and co-parent.
Come to think of it, you represented as well. Kudos to you and yours.
05/26/2009 10:32 #48756
Don't Like Jon, Don't Like Kate...Category: random
And the 8 don't fill me with any glee either
The only TLC show I catch with any regularity is “American Chopper.†It is essentially the same show everytime out, with different bikes, same arguments, people doing well financially but as Louis CK put it: “Everything is amazing, but nobody is happy.†The “Jon & Kate plus 8″ show has been assaulting our collective senses for much the same reason as either “Jon†or “Kate†strayed and now their happy life that is underwritten by TLC is on the rocks. Iâ€m a little alarmed I know that much. The fact that it is so covered in all the tabloids, near tabloids and gossip.dot.coms probably has the marketing department at the former Learning Channel giggling with delight. They have an energy efficient house they didn't have to pay for, neither has to work thanks to funds coming in and they are winning about the attention from photographers. Wow, not sure where I left my tiny violins to better play the sad song for them. We should all have such intrusions. Sap that I am, I turned away briefly from "No Reservations" to see what all the hullaballo was about. Now that I know, I still don't care.
Preferring to learn more about food and exotic alcohol from French Polynesia, I went back to Bourdain. Now, that is education tv.
The only TLC show I catch with any regularity is “American Chopper.†It is essentially the same show everytime out, with different bikes, same arguments, people doing well financially but as Louis CK put it: “Everything is amazing, but nobody is happy.†The “Jon & Kate plus 8″ show has been assaulting our collective senses for much the same reason as either “Jon†or “Kate†strayed and now their happy life that is underwritten by TLC is on the rocks. Iâ€m a little alarmed I know that much. The fact that it is so covered in all the tabloids, near tabloids and gossip.dot.coms probably has the marketing department at the former Learning Channel giggling with delight. They have an energy efficient house they didn't have to pay for, neither has to work thanks to funds coming in and they are winning about the attention from photographers. Wow, not sure where I left my tiny violins to better play the sad song for them. We should all have such intrusions. Sap that I am, I turned away briefly from "No Reservations" to see what all the hullaballo was about. Now that I know, I still don't care.
Preferring to learn more about food and exotic alcohol from French Polynesia, I went back to Bourdain. Now, that is education tv.
leetee - 05/26/09 11:32
couldn't agree more.
looking forward to the new season of no reservations, particularly the buffalo and since our recent visit, the detroit episodes.
couldn't agree more.
looking forward to the new season of no reservations, particularly the buffalo and since our recent visit, the detroit episodes.
05/21/2009 13:47 #48713
Doughtnuts and BeerCategory: work
You know it’s an ominimous start. My employer is partially a union shop. Given the unionized population dwarfs the nonunion, what they say goes for everybody. Something about that doesn’t seem right. My current health care provider is dropping said employer because of lack of volume. Employer responded by finding a decent solution and pitched it on Monday to the masses. Those types of presentations aren’t exciting, but it did the job. The union workers just voted and just picked something else, for no foreseeable reason, because of a few intimidated everybody else. So, I lost healthcare for the second time this week and have to scramble yet again, this time without the virtue of any materials or prep or any foresight. That’s great. Please note the dripping sarcasm from that last sentence. Largely just an unnecessary pain in the ass, but the union's need for pettiness might cost us a sponsor as well.
Knew the day was going to be an odd one. Had to run a meeting of volunteers who are so apathetic, they barely represent at the meeting, hence the donuts of the title.
We’re having an opening tonight, so we get the treat of staying at work another three hours. This is usually a grim prospect, but it was made a little better hearing my boss order extra beer.
I have a good boss.
Knew the day was going to be an odd one. Had to run a meeting of volunteers who are so apathetic, they barely represent at the meeting, hence the donuts of the title.
We’re having an opening tonight, so we get the treat of staying at work another three hours. This is usually a grim prospect, but it was made a little better hearing my boss order extra beer.
I have a good boss.
libertad - 05/23/09 10:07
I like my fucking union. Sorry, I had to say it!
I like my fucking union. Sorry, I had to say it!
metalpeter - 05/21/09 18:35
Ok that makes no sense. You can Join or Not Join the union. So if you don't join you don't have to pay the fees but then you get no say in what goes on. The way that it should work is that the people who decide what goes on make up there mind and that effects all the non union people. Then the union people work with them and they might get a different deal. Some places the non union people get paid better and treated better. Having no union is better then having one sometimes. Some unions are bad and Power Hungry like some boses are, as an example look to the mess that happened at GM, both sides only cared about money instead of making the cars better then the Japanesse cars.
Ok that makes no sense. You can Join or Not Join the union. So if you don't join you don't have to pay the fees but then you get no say in what goes on. The way that it should work is that the people who decide what goes on make up there mind and that effects all the non union people. Then the union people work with them and they might get a different deal. Some places the non union people get paid better and treated better. Having no union is better then having one sometimes. Some unions are bad and Power Hungry like some boses are, as an example look to the mess that happened at GM, both sides only cared about money instead of making the cars better then the Japanesse cars.
james - 05/21/09 15:46
Eh, it isn't a "fucking unions" thing. It is a "that fucking union" thing.
I am in the same situation at work as you Mike. A union I am not a member to dictates my pay rate, raises, health care, everything. But, they are not total ass hats. There is no sticking it to the man... which can't be said for a lot of other unions.
Eh, it isn't a "fucking unions" thing. It is a "that fucking union" thing.
I am in the same situation at work as you Mike. A union I am not a member to dictates my pay rate, raises, health care, everything. But, they are not total ass hats. There is no sticking it to the man... which can't be said for a lot of other unions.
jenks - 05/21/09 15:20
all i can say to that is "fucking unions."
all i can say to that is "fucking unions."
mrmike - 05/21/09 14:32
J-I think they wanted to stick it the hierarchy. I'm safely in middle-archy but get caught up in the foolishness. It's funny. They made a decision because the plans were rolled out hastily. That isn't the smarted decision making process. Like to think that eventually you get too old for acting like pissy 7th graders but apparently not.
Worst part is that a sponsorship I've been nursing for a few months is likely going to bye-bye.
J-I think they wanted to stick it the hierarchy. I'm safely in middle-archy but get caught up in the foolishness. It's funny. They made a decision because the plans were rolled out hastily. That isn't the smarted decision making process. Like to think that eventually you get too old for acting like pissy 7th graders but apparently not.
Worst part is that a sponsorship I've been nursing for a few months is likely going to bye-bye.
jason - 05/21/09 14:01
Mike - the argument I've heard before goes something like this: "Our blood, sweat and tears make it possible for you to live like a King, so yes we get to make the rules."
Of course, that argument is also extended to the circumstances where non-union employees still have to pay the dues. Same argument. I find it curious.
Mike - the argument I've heard before goes something like this: "Our blood, sweat and tears make it possible for you to live like a King, so yes we get to make the rules."
Of course, that argument is also extended to the circumstances where non-union employees still have to pay the dues. Same argument. I find it curious.
05/20/2009 13:27 #48704
"That's a Dealbreaker"Category: random
I'm wondering if I'll need to start paying royalties to Tina Fey as that came up inadvertingly in two distinctly different conversations.
Came up during a sponsorship discussion at work when a potential vendor wanted too much for too little money. Stifling a smirk after realizing what I said and that I watch too much tv, I got our money.
Came up again last night. I'm trying to move a stubborn force (my older sister) into action. She is clinging to the 11th hour for just "the" miracle in terms of subletting her place and catching up on expenses and whatnot in Buffalo for the summer. She has a rent controlled two bed room spot in Chelsea and found great tenants. Her original mover bailed so she's spending way too much kvetching about another, trying out ideas as wacky as U-Haul's and bringing all her worldly goods to Buffalo only to ship them all back again in September. She was curious about this one moving firm in Chinatown, but has a guy who is willing to do the job already. I'm trying to get quit worrying about the Cantonese moving crew and just a committment made. My Dad is going to fly down there at the end of next week to drive a minivan back with actual valuables. My younger sister has people organized there so he is sidewalk supervising and not dragging his recently pronounced healthy (yet 72 year old self) up and down stairs. Not used to being this voice of reason crap. I've grown up accustomed to having to struggle to be heard.
So, trying to keep her off her ass has been a fulltime chore. It's easy to wallow. Anybody can do that, but the folks can't do everything for her. I can only imagine how it is messing with my folks, so my younger sister and I took on the roles of pushing her along as there will be plenty of time to feel sorry later.
Can't let that be a dealbreaker. Stuff is happening.
Came up during a sponsorship discussion at work when a potential vendor wanted too much for too little money. Stifling a smirk after realizing what I said and that I watch too much tv, I got our money.
Came up again last night. I'm trying to move a stubborn force (my older sister) into action. She is clinging to the 11th hour for just "the" miracle in terms of subletting her place and catching up on expenses and whatnot in Buffalo for the summer. She has a rent controlled two bed room spot in Chelsea and found great tenants. Her original mover bailed so she's spending way too much kvetching about another, trying out ideas as wacky as U-Haul's and bringing all her worldly goods to Buffalo only to ship them all back again in September. She was curious about this one moving firm in Chinatown, but has a guy who is willing to do the job already. I'm trying to get quit worrying about the Cantonese moving crew and just a committment made. My Dad is going to fly down there at the end of next week to drive a minivan back with actual valuables. My younger sister has people organized there so he is sidewalk supervising and not dragging his recently pronounced healthy (yet 72 year old self) up and down stairs. Not used to being this voice of reason crap. I've grown up accustomed to having to struggle to be heard.
So, trying to keep her off her ass has been a fulltime chore. It's easy to wallow. Anybody can do that, but the folks can't do everything for her. I can only imagine how it is messing with my folks, so my younger sister and I took on the roles of pushing her along as there will be plenty of time to feel sorry later.
Can't let that be a dealbreaker. Stuff is happening.
Family has a way of bringing out the most miserable in us.