07/25/2009 12:26 #49373
Fun in the CathouseCategory: work
07/21/2009 10:37 #49343
Too much cheezeburger...Category: random
07/18/2009 13:12 #49322
Beaming up to the MothershipCategory: random
I made the trek to Thursday in the Square for the first and probably only time this year last week for George Clinton and Parliment/Funkadelic. This had been one of the more stressful work weeks in recent memory. A few things went right Thursday. I signed a couple sponsors for the Zoo, and thought I deserved to kick back a little. A few years ago, the geniuses at Buffalo Place, in an effort to sell more stuff, made the TATS concerts all ages. That resulted in some folks being there for the music, but more were there to say they were there. That is an affliction with many Darien Lake shows in my memory.
Nice part about the Clinton show is that it kept the posers to a minimum. The inherent groovyness of a P/Funk show brought more folks down for the music. There were a lot of folks who thought those outdoor chairs had a place. It was a great vibe. It was very crowded, but people were very respectful and careful, looking out for one another. This doesn't happen at your typical Thursday in the Square program. Nice to see. After strolling to get a good view for "Flashlight" and "We Got the Funk," I was a happy guy, thinking fondly of how I used to get my son pumped up for school by "We Want the Bus, gotta catch that bus." I think they played for almost 3 1/2 hours, but around 8, I had my fill.
I walked down a little down by the M&T building and grabbed a snack from one of the vendors, where I had a great view of old artvoice banner featuring Steve Christie that is hanging from the former Bon-Ton store. He last played for the Bills in the late 90s, so the banner has been sitting up there for a decade plus, which is good guess as to how long it has been since the store had any kind of tenant. Taylor's? what folly. You look a little to your left and gaze full into the depression that is Main Place Mall. One of the windows even had a cynically placed "Good Bye" in their window from the last merchant to close there.
Renewed optimism and intense fatalism within a few hundred feet of one another. There have been a few prospects for the Bon-Ton store. One of the charter schools was interested in the building, until the then Masiello administration kaboshed that, scared that that might actually bring people downtown, admittedly little people, but they are usually driven by bigger people. I think the mayor was holding out for another terrific project like our thriving Bass Pro store due to open half past not bloody likely.
Perhaps Buffalo Place and the Mall owner should get together a little more, because whatever the existing plan might be, that stuff ain't working. You'd think some restaurant type would be interesting in even making some summer bucks off that long patio that works around the south end of the building.
They keep waiting for some magic bullet, one big project to make all the difference, while the bicycle ice cream dude gets persecuted for waiting to sell me a dreamcicle. Look at Elmwood, Hertel and select sections of Main St. It's the little things that flower into big things. Making the smaller tasks easier to do can add up to the big projects. I don't want to live next to Bass Pro, but it is nice to know I can walk to Zillycakes.
07/16/2009 15:38 #49308
Things are pretty mellow in the officeCategory: random
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile..."
07/15/2009 22:04 #49301
Notes from the midpoint of a tough weekCategory: random
Got out on the bike tonight and it felt great and humbling at the same time. I do wonder what it does to the thought processes after awhile. Me on a bike through Gates Circle is a sight me in my car would have thought to be a true idiot. But I made the trek down to Delaware Park and did a lap of the famous ring road, periodically running along this teenage girl on an old school style banana seat style bike. I don't think she lapped me, but she wasn't working hard either.
I was working hard. It's part of my process of learning to navigate city traffic. Buffalo drivers do sort of suck. The mentality seems to be "Go right-a-fucking head" upon viewing a yield sign. I would like to see our residents navigate something like New York's Henry Hudson Parkway as part of renewing drivers licenses. That would separate the posers from the true motorists in a heartbeat. Felt good to get out and shake the cobwebs from the first part of the week. Did a slow roll back up Elmwood and it is always a neat way to see the world.
I think the Buffalo Kayak tour is calling for Sunday. I've been thinking and thinking and it is time just shut up and do it. You should come.
I read a revue of a Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band show from Europe that described the show as phenomenal and quite a victory lap. Victory lap? That is a cliche that smells like the end is near. It's to be expected and if that is the case, it's been a hell of a ride, but I'd like one more round. The current tour could add a Buffalo stop, after all we've mean to one another, c'mon Bruce, one more and I'll quit making snide comments about "Queen of the Supermarket." Ah, well, that alone might make a small road trip worth doing.
Dealing with a waffling sponsor prospect for my office which unnecessarily stressed me and ruined the afterglow of a good sponsor meeting to start the day yesterday. Got to love a meeting where they feed you. Bacon should always play a role in these proceedings. Good folks to work with and I hope we can come together.
This beat impaired old duffer is headed down to see George Clinton tomorrow night. For free? hell yeah, Uncle Jam wants you. Good tunes and beer, these are a few of my favorite things.
Got a bonus night with my loyal traveling companion last night, the resulting Family Guy marathon, videogaming and munching of Mr. Pizza's finest did us both a world of good.
Wednesday was better for it.
wow!!!!! they're so beautiful! I'm constantly surprised you don't post more pix of your work environment.
fantastic opportunities you have at your work to hang out with the cool cats. I want to play with them so bad.
Great Tiger Pictures. I wonder if the zoom would have fit through the fence if a tiger would eat the camera? I know this much I don't think that is a chance I would take, maybe I would. On a side note there used to be one of those tiger refuse places that came to "The Fair" and they used to let people feed baby tigers a bottle. Not sure how true this is but unless you had showsie pants or maybe like a track suit, I guess that sound they made sounds like the sound the bag of chicken they where feed with (the big cats not the cubs), of course some of that is show so you don't know if that is true. Again great pictures thanks for sharing them.