For the past six years or so, my former spouse takes our daughters to Michigan Women's Music Festival. The girls bemoan it, but I think secretly that is part of their act. They like the freedom and the time bonding with mom away from the distractions of life. The upside of this for me is (easy jokes aside) that our mighty lad comes and bunks with me while they are gone.
I'm not ashamed to admit it, that is pretty great too. When this first occurred I grumbled a little bit since what vacation time I had got a little boxed in, but since I finally have a good employer, it's been pretty cool too. We get to hang out, relax, get caught up on missing blockbusters, eat a little more junk than usual, and in his words, "work really hard at being lazy."
I had to work a little, so he went to Zoo camp while I was working, but we've been able to have some fun in spite of those hurdles. We were even contemplating a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame jaunt till I realized that it was the Pro Football Hall of Fame weekend and most Cleveland area hotels are beholden to the NFL through Tuesday. That can wait, in the interim, it's Harry Potter, Bodyworlds, a little Pizza, G.I. Joe, the beach, and maybe a little more Pizza.
Pretty great.
My mom-in-law asked if he could come tonight for an overnight to help her with my three year old terror of a nephew, which he accepted. That threw me into something completely unexpected for the week or so: free time.
As pleasant as this time frame is, (we hung out in front of Comfort Zone with root beer and people watching after camp), that is a nice bonus too.
Now, what to do.
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/08/2009 11:54 #49484
Free timeCategory: fatherman
08/05/2009 14:43 #49463
Midweek Random NotesCategory: random
--Disgusted by the deal breaking between MSNBC and Fox in regards to Olbermann and O'Reilly. It's been a sore point with me how spineless the media has been in recent years. Now, to find out corporate giants are self-censoring for reasons passing understanding is just demoralizing.
--Did we really need Creed to get back together?
--I've been following the health care debate with some interest and while we are drowning in soundbites, no coherency has made it out to us regular folks. I think I have my pulse on the root of the problem. It's certainly not the health care professionals. I had what turned out to be a minor issue last year and the pros took care of me quickly, but processing the paperwork was huge. The administering is where the problem lies. It's taken me the better part of six months to get things clarified on my kids dental policy. Finally heard the telltale soundings of claims being reprocessed this morning.
--All praises to President Clinton for freeing the reporters in North Korea. Jokes about the plane ride home are almost too easy to make.
--Paula Abdul's departure from American Idol only means there is the increased possibility of her turning up on a show I watch.
--The Buffalo Sabres are officially taking me for granted. I've been a fan forever and not resigning Andrew Peters and Max Afinigenov doesn't feel like a top to bottom review in my book. I'll show them, I'll continue to not be able to afford to go a game. That will teach them.
--This is the third full summer the Holiday Inn on Delaware Ave. stopped doing their pool club. It had to be such easy money. A family could pay $275.00 and swim all you wanted when the pool was open. They stopped, guess the extra income was troublesome. If towels were an issue, they could not supply them, charge a little less and still make out like bandits. Rational thought doesn't apply there either.
--Omar Minaya owes me an apology. Fellow Mets fans will understand. The Bisons are hard to watch, but Paul McCartney was the last guy to have multiple hits at Citifield.
--Did we really need Creed to get back together?
--I've been following the health care debate with some interest and while we are drowning in soundbites, no coherency has made it out to us regular folks. I think I have my pulse on the root of the problem. It's certainly not the health care professionals. I had what turned out to be a minor issue last year and the pros took care of me quickly, but processing the paperwork was huge. The administering is where the problem lies. It's taken me the better part of six months to get things clarified on my kids dental policy. Finally heard the telltale soundings of claims being reprocessed this morning.
--All praises to President Clinton for freeing the reporters in North Korea. Jokes about the plane ride home are almost too easy to make.
--Paula Abdul's departure from American Idol only means there is the increased possibility of her turning up on a show I watch.
--The Buffalo Sabres are officially taking me for granted. I've been a fan forever and not resigning Andrew Peters and Max Afinigenov doesn't feel like a top to bottom review in my book. I'll show them, I'll continue to not be able to afford to go a game. That will teach them.
--This is the third full summer the Holiday Inn on Delaware Ave. stopped doing their pool club. It had to be such easy money. A family could pay $275.00 and swim all you wanted when the pool was open. They stopped, guess the extra income was troublesome. If towels were an issue, they could not supply them, charge a little less and still make out like bandits. Rational thought doesn't apply there either.
--Omar Minaya owes me an apology. Fellow Mets fans will understand. The Bisons are hard to watch, but Paul McCartney was the last guy to have multiple hits at Citifield.
08/02/2009 11:41 #49439
Stuck in the Back of My mental fridgeCategory: random
Just watched the "Two Cathedrals" episode of the West Wing. It was one of the best episodes ever. The Emmys should be embarrassed for not recognizing Martin Sheen for that one. "Feckless thug!" Indeed.
Wines in the Wild is a nice party, but the prep work is exasperatingly hard. The 7:30 a.m. arrival to the 11:00 departure was a reminder that I ain't as bullet proof as I used to be. I'm tired still from it and the look of concern my daughter had for my appearance today, had me concerned. It's a little sad that with 50 some vendors of food, the Advil I swallowed was the most necessary.
I really like the Buffalo Bills' new white throwback jerseys. Those are always a money grab, but the throwbacks look so much nicer than the real deal. I'm fighting the urge to spring for one. I worry that it is a stupid thing to want and that I'm too old to be wearing the shirt of somebody half my age, but dammit, those are actually pretty cool.
Why do people think if they stand in the street staring in the direction of the bus think that that will make the bus appear that much quicker?
Is it possible to have too much pizza in a week? Right now, I don't think I care. Tomorrow, I require a vegetable.
Ran two events simultaneously today, feeling the side effects, years that belong tom somebody else. My knees are calling me names and who knew they had such potty mouths.
Sitting with a beer in hand, watching the Incredibles, munching on pizza with my son was the most blissful I felt all week.
If you get a chance, check out Great Performances this week. It is celebrating Pete Seeger with a birthday party attending by some of the best in American music from the past 60 years. Worth the investment and the inevitable pledge breaks.
And Hook and Ladder Golden Ale is tasty stuff, worth the money at Wegmans
Wines in the Wild is a nice party, but the prep work is exasperatingly hard. The 7:30 a.m. arrival to the 11:00 departure was a reminder that I ain't as bullet proof as I used to be. I'm tired still from it and the look of concern my daughter had for my appearance today, had me concerned. It's a little sad that with 50 some vendors of food, the Advil I swallowed was the most necessary.
I really like the Buffalo Bills' new white throwback jerseys. Those are always a money grab, but the throwbacks look so much nicer than the real deal. I'm fighting the urge to spring for one. I worry that it is a stupid thing to want and that I'm too old to be wearing the shirt of somebody half my age, but dammit, those are actually pretty cool.
Why do people think if they stand in the street staring in the direction of the bus think that that will make the bus appear that much quicker?
Is it possible to have too much pizza in a week? Right now, I don't think I care. Tomorrow, I require a vegetable.
Ran two events simultaneously today, feeling the side effects, years that belong tom somebody else. My knees are calling me names and who knew they had such potty mouths.
Sitting with a beer in hand, watching the Incredibles, munching on pizza with my son was the most blissful I felt all week.
If you get a chance, check out Great Performances this week. It is celebrating Pete Seeger with a birthday party attending by some of the best in American music from the past 60 years. Worth the investment and the inevitable pledge breaks.
And Hook and Ladder Golden Ale is tasty stuff, worth the money at Wegmans
metalpeter - 08/03/09 19:11
The Looking for the Bus thing is because often when you get past the car you can see a bus a few blocks away. This is helpful if your not sure if it came early or is it running late. Your waiting for it what else do you have to do.
In Terms of Football it starts in less Then A week. Bills in the Hall Of Fame Game. Does anyone know is this the first time they have played it? I would think it has to be.
I haven't seen the Throw Backs so I don't know what they look like, but I say if you Have the Money go For Owens and hope he gets a long term deal. If the Bills don't lock him up some other team will take him with our Luck Someone like the Pats or the Dolphins and then he will play much better for that team. Bills do the right thing give the guy a 3 year deal.
The Looking for the Bus thing is because often when you get past the car you can see a bus a few blocks away. This is helpful if your not sure if it came early or is it running late. Your waiting for it what else do you have to do.
In Terms of Football it starts in less Then A week. Bills in the Hall Of Fame Game. Does anyone know is this the first time they have played it? I would think it has to be.
I haven't seen the Throw Backs so I don't know what they look like, but I say if you Have the Money go For Owens and hope he gets a long term deal. If the Bills don't lock him up some other team will take him with our Luck Someone like the Pats or the Dolphins and then he will play much better for that team. Bills do the right thing give the guy a 3 year deal.
tinypliny - 08/02/09 11:49
I think the staring-at-the-non-existent bus trick works like voodoo, actually. The higher the number of people doing it at the same time, at the same spot, the faster the bus comes in. It's as if you can magnetically draw the bus to you by concentrated staring. I am a firm believer.
I think the staring-at-the-non-existent bus trick works like voodoo, actually. The higher the number of people doing it at the same time, at the same spot, the faster the bus comes in. It's as if you can magnetically draw the bus to you by concentrated staring. I am a firm believer.
07/21/2009 10:37 #49343
Too much cheezeburger...Category: random
But they're funny

dcoffee - 07/22/09 20:07
they are funny. Makes me chuckle.
they are funny. Makes me chuckle.
metalpeter - 07/21/09 18:47
Funny Pictures
Funny Pictures
07/25/2009 12:26 #49373
Fun in the CathouseCategory: work
Spent some time in the Tiger House at the Zoo yesterday while a local artist did some line drawings for a future promotion. It's funny what the animals fixate on. One of my colleagues had a water bottle that she crunched a little and the noise it made cause of the lions who was OUTSIDE fill the window to voice his displeasure.
I stayed benignly over with the mom and kid tigers who were using the entire tiger side of the building looking for places to take that perfect nap. I think I can relate. It still makes me a little nervous to be in there, but privileged at the same time.
Took a few untouched pics of the experience. I got to be just a few feet away. This is indeed a cool gig

I stayed benignly over with the mom and kid tigers who were using the entire tiger side of the building looking for places to take that perfect nap. I think I can relate. It still makes me a little nervous to be in there, but privileged at the same time.
Took a few untouched pics of the experience. I got to be just a few feet away. This is indeed a cool gig

tinypliny - 08/02/09 11:50
heidi - 07/26/09 00:17
wow!!!!! they're so beautiful! I'm constantly surprised you don't post more pix of your work environment.
wow!!!!! they're so beautiful! I'm constantly surprised you don't post more pix of your work environment.
theecarey - 07/25/09 22:52
fantastic opportunities you have at your work to hang out with the cool cats. I want to play with them so bad.
fantastic opportunities you have at your work to hang out with the cool cats. I want to play with them so bad.
metalpeter - 07/25/09 13:58
Great Tiger Pictures. I wonder if the zoom would have fit through the fence if a tiger would eat the camera? I know this much I don't think that is a chance I would take, maybe I would. On a side note there used to be one of those tiger refuse places that came to "The Fair" and they used to let people feed baby tigers a bottle. Not sure how true this is but unless you had showsie pants or maybe like a track suit, I guess that sound they made sounds like the sound the bag of chicken they where feed with (the big cats not the cubs), of course some of that is show so you don't know if that is true. Again great pictures thanks for sharing them.
Great Tiger Pictures. I wonder if the zoom would have fit through the fence if a tiger would eat the camera? I know this much I don't think that is a chance I would take, maybe I would. On a side note there used to be one of those tiger refuse places that came to "The Fair" and they used to let people feed baby tigers a bottle. Not sure how true this is but unless you had showsie pants or maybe like a track suit, I guess that sound they made sounds like the sound the bag of chicken they where feed with (the big cats not the cubs), of course some of that is show so you don't know if that is true. Again great pictures thanks for sharing them.
He wasn't overly thrilled. Some things were pronounced cool, others not so much
What was your son's impression of Bodyworlds?