Mrmike's Journal
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04/08/2009 11:05 #48323
Office PoliticsCategory: work
04/05/2009 09:58 #48292
Farm by the Market, crazy talk I tell yaCategory: random
Nobody seems to want to give anything a chance to develop anymore. From romances to rebuilds, there is an ugly false sense of urgency that ultimately going to leave us all permanently messed up. I'm sitting here with the morning paper and coffee and there is an article that caught my fancy. 
Nothing and I mean nothing has happened in that area of Buffalo for a long time, which makes me wonder about their representation at city hall since he's been over there for more than a little bit. For the city to stiff arm that family's noble idea makes me crazy. Land gets put back to use by somebody who is willing to buy it, work and make something from in a part of town where there is not a whole lot of that going on. The city says no, because they MIGHT be able to resell to places like Habitat for Humanity. They might want to look at the lack of a demand now and be glad somebody has an interest.
It frustrates me because anything that has proven to be a draw around here has happened largely in spite of the "leadership." While our fearless leaders whore themselves out to the perennial cocktease that is a Bass Pro store, Elmwood, now Hertel and pockets of Grant are moving along because small groups of people put their minds & backs to work to make something happen. Small things, sure, but they add up to big things.
I guess I'm ranting a little, but hardly anything is instantaneous. Instant gratification is pretty rare, unless you have a cupcake from Delish handy.
The experiences of the week, watching Sens. Thompson and Stachowski hand out staff raises and pocket stipends, while screwing the electorate further roused my thinking. These are two of dumbest men alive or evil geniuses. I'm not sure which. It reminds me of that actual political sentiment that I think I heard on the West Wing. "Never underestimate the power of a small group of dedicated people to change things, because they are the only ones who ever have."
Makes you crazy.
One of the women who has the dubious distinction of working for me was at a personal milestone. She is turning 30 tomorrow and spent Friday in a pre-birthday funk. Having breezed through 30 only to a full-sized MrMike hole in the the wall that is 40, I tried to tell her it was no big deal. The world throws enough obstacles at you so to bring on others seems a little silly. She was concerned that turning 30 meant the death of something. Can you imagine a world where we all acted our ages according to the stereotypes they demand? I'd be smoking a pipe and drinking high balls on a regular basis and I hate both. Don't want to live in a Mad Men world, just like watching it once a week.
She thought about that then her husband showed up to reveal the secret we've been keeping for almost four months. He called me to ask to turn her loose for a vacation week for this week. He showed up to take her home and pack as they were leaving for Costa Rica at 9:30. I was impressed. She had been missing the folks, so he arranged their travel to meet them in Costa Rica for breakfast saturday morning. I wish I had the means to do that, let alone the wherewithal. She was nearly hyperventalating trying to remember what needed done.
I just smiled and kept repeating don't worry about it.
I guess my point be is that the positive karma is there, you just can't be in such a damn fool hurry to find it.
Going to the b-movie series at the New Phoenix tonight.

Nothing and I mean nothing has happened in that area of Buffalo for a long time, which makes me wonder about their representation at city hall since he's been over there for more than a little bit. For the city to stiff arm that family's noble idea makes me crazy. Land gets put back to use by somebody who is willing to buy it, work and make something from in a part of town where there is not a whole lot of that going on. The city says no, because they MIGHT be able to resell to places like Habitat for Humanity. They might want to look at the lack of a demand now and be glad somebody has an interest.
It frustrates me because anything that has proven to be a draw around here has happened largely in spite of the "leadership." While our fearless leaders whore themselves out to the perennial cocktease that is a Bass Pro store, Elmwood, now Hertel and pockets of Grant are moving along because small groups of people put their minds & backs to work to make something happen. Small things, sure, but they add up to big things.
I guess I'm ranting a little, but hardly anything is instantaneous. Instant gratification is pretty rare, unless you have a cupcake from Delish handy.
The experiences of the week, watching Sens. Thompson and Stachowski hand out staff raises and pocket stipends, while screwing the electorate further roused my thinking. These are two of dumbest men alive or evil geniuses. I'm not sure which. It reminds me of that actual political sentiment that I think I heard on the West Wing. "Never underestimate the power of a small group of dedicated people to change things, because they are the only ones who ever have."
Makes you crazy.
One of the women who has the dubious distinction of working for me was at a personal milestone. She is turning 30 tomorrow and spent Friday in a pre-birthday funk. Having breezed through 30 only to a full-sized MrMike hole in the the wall that is 40, I tried to tell her it was no big deal. The world throws enough obstacles at you so to bring on others seems a little silly. She was concerned that turning 30 meant the death of something. Can you imagine a world where we all acted our ages according to the stereotypes they demand? I'd be smoking a pipe and drinking high balls on a regular basis and I hate both. Don't want to live in a Mad Men world, just like watching it once a week.
She thought about that then her husband showed up to reveal the secret we've been keeping for almost four months. He called me to ask to turn her loose for a vacation week for this week. He showed up to take her home and pack as they were leaving for Costa Rica at 9:30. I was impressed. She had been missing the folks, so he arranged their travel to meet them in Costa Rica for breakfast saturday morning. I wish I had the means to do that, let alone the wherewithal. She was nearly hyperventalating trying to remember what needed done.
I just smiled and kept repeating don't worry about it.
I guess my point be is that the positive karma is there, you just can't be in such a damn fool hurry to find it.
Going to the b-movie series at the New Phoenix tonight.
04/04/2009 21:08 #48285
Sigh!"hey michael, i enjoyed your company as well, you are very easy to be around. i am sorry but i just don't feel the connection i'm looking for to pursue a relationship. i wish i did, good luck to you"
All you can do is keep trying
All you can do is keep trying
mrmike - 04/05/09 08:30
Older you get, spookier it be. Nobody wants anything to evolve, it seems. ah,well...
Older you get, spookier it be. Nobody wants anything to evolve, it seems. ah,well...
uncutsaniflush - 04/04/09 22:56
I never did that dating thing. My heart was pretty broken all the time with just dealing with one love interest at a time. I pretty much blundered from one relationship to another with lots of dry spells in between. I've been told by my friends that I was clueless when it comes to dating. I reckon I'm lucky that some women like geeks without social grace.
Good luck, (e:mrmike), you have more courage than I had.
I never did that dating thing. My heart was pretty broken all the time with just dealing with one love interest at a time. I pretty much blundered from one relationship to another with lots of dry spells in between. I've been told by my friends that I was clueless when it comes to dating. I reckon I'm lucky that some women like geeks without social grace.
Good luck, (e:mrmike), you have more courage than I had.
mrmike - 04/04/09 21:54
shit happens.
shit happens.
tinypliny - 04/04/09 21:17
Hey Michael,
I think you are a wonderful person and incredibly fun to hang out with! Additionally, your writing is amazing and insightful. Maybe the connection didn't work for a reason! :D
Hey Michael,
I think you are a wonderful person and incredibly fun to hang out with! Additionally, your writing is amazing and insightful. Maybe the connection didn't work for a reason! :D
03/24/2009 21:08 #48183
Deconstructing...Category: random
It's funny how something can be lionized even after falling dormat. You could mount a pretty easy argument how the city screwed up Memorial Auditorium after the Arena was built. It and the surrounding land has sat there for 12 years doing nothing, just another abandoned property not generating anything, not unlike our city leaders. But the sale of its insides and the removal of the property sparked romantic notions. The place was a dump on its best of days. The long darkened ramps introduced you to your neighbor rather closely whether you wanted you to or not. The steps leading down to the seats into the oranges were vertigo inducing and the hand rails were a metal fabricator's practical joke.
I was walking downtown the other night and saw the gaping hole where the desconstruction had opened the building. Like I said, the structure was nothing special, but what it could contain was sometimes amazing: bunches of Sabres games, a few Braves games (as I am old), seeing Bob Seger, Rush, The Kinks, the Who, U2, Springsteen and many more. Okay, I was curious to go back and have a look. I didn't want a seat from the place or anything, but seeing the joint fall back into itself for the Bass Pro store that is never going to come. I took a stroll tonight to look into the abyss and could see into where my Dad and I walked under the rink one night by taking the wrong turn after a playoff game or the night I was part of the post game press corps with Ch.2 (where I covered up my college radio logo from Scotty Bowman's prying eyes ( for a little guy, he scared the crap out of me)).

My little sister's first contact high, skipping the Senior prom with a van load of friends to see Eric Clapton, having Gil Perreault sign my jersey, getting a seat in the press box for part of a hockey game.
When the place was full and the asbestos was hiding quietly in the ceiling, it really didn't look much better or dramatically different, but what could happen inside fueled the imagination. I can still remember the peanut vendor/huckster who worked the events. He would sit outside and bark "Before you go in the door! Stop at the Peanut Store!!
It was a dump, but it was our dump
I was walking downtown the other night and saw the gaping hole where the desconstruction had opened the building. Like I said, the structure was nothing special, but what it could contain was sometimes amazing: bunches of Sabres games, a few Braves games (as I am old), seeing Bob Seger, Rush, The Kinks, the Who, U2, Springsteen and many more. Okay, I was curious to go back and have a look. I didn't want a seat from the place or anything, but seeing the joint fall back into itself for the Bass Pro store that is never going to come. I took a stroll tonight to look into the abyss and could see into where my Dad and I walked under the rink one night by taking the wrong turn after a playoff game or the night I was part of the post game press corps with Ch.2 (where I covered up my college radio logo from Scotty Bowman's prying eyes ( for a little guy, he scared the crap out of me)).

My little sister's first contact high, skipping the Senior prom with a van load of friends to see Eric Clapton, having Gil Perreault sign my jersey, getting a seat in the press box for part of a hockey game.
When the place was full and the asbestos was hiding quietly in the ceiling, it really didn't look much better or dramatically different, but what could happen inside fueled the imagination. I can still remember the peanut vendor/huckster who worked the events. He would sit outside and bark "Before you go in the door! Stop at the Peanut Store!!
It was a dump, but it was our dump
tiburon1724 - 03/25/09 20:41
yes, that building is such an eyesore save the entryway. It's just a WPA project, take it down and move on. People here are so clingy and reluctant to move forward. I'm not saying tear down everything in the city but the aud is UGLY as sin. And yeah those upper seats were ridiculously steep, terrified me as a kid.
yes, that building is such an eyesore save the entryway. It's just a WPA project, take it down and move on. People here are so clingy and reluctant to move forward. I'm not saying tear down everything in the city but the aud is UGLY as sin. And yeah those upper seats were ridiculously steep, terrified me as a kid.
metalpeter - 03/25/09 17:59
Nice shots mike. Maybe it is just me but I remember the place and those seats seeming so high when you where in them, if you trip and fell it looked like you would go over all the step then the balcony and who knows if you would land on someone or a blue Chair. But from out side looking in it looks so much smaller. When I was there last before the Bandits game there was a broken part of the fence and some people went in, that was a chance I wasn't willing to take. Again Good post.
Nice shots mike. Maybe it is just me but I remember the place and those seats seeming so high when you where in them, if you trip and fell it looked like you would go over all the step then the balcony and who knows if you would land on someone or a blue Chair. But from out side looking in it looks so much smaller. When I was there last before the Bandits game there was a broken part of the fence and some people went in, that was a chance I wasn't willing to take. Again Good post.
james - 03/24/09 22:41
It is our dump. And now it is our rubble.
And soon it will be selling fake worms.
It is our dump. And now it is our rubble.
And soon it will be selling fake worms.
mrmike - 03/24/09 22:27
Thanks, Dave. I think I stated it a little better after a rewrite on facebook, but it did get me seeing those moments clearly. I couldn't describe dinner last night, but I can still tell you roughly about the first Bruce show I saw a thousand years ago in really, boring detail.
Thanks, Dave. I think I stated it a little better after a rewrite on facebook, but it did get me seeing those moments clearly. I couldn't describe dinner last night, but I can still tell you roughly about the first Bruce show I saw a thousand years ago in really, boring detail.
dcoffee - 03/24/09 22:09
wow. the pictures I got out of those words were more fascinating than the photos you took. And I want to run down there with my camera. It's a pity that Darien Lake gets most of the concerts nowadays. Funny remembering those dark hallways, and inclines, and sitting behind a pillar in the Orange section. cool post mike.
wow. the pictures I got out of those words were more fascinating than the photos you took. And I want to run down there with my camera. It's a pity that Darien Lake gets most of the concerts nowadays. Funny remembering those dark hallways, and inclines, and sitting behind a pillar in the Orange section. cool post mike.
03/30/2009 09:27 #48235
Monday Mental Crib NotesCategory: miscellany
Still rising to the tasks of being awake...
I took an slightly expanded version of a post from here and fleshed it out a little more on facebook, only to see the Buffalo News do two articles on the same topic in yesterday's "paper." Makes you wonder if a few of the minions there are following estrip for feature ideas. Theirs might have been better but mine was first.
The previously mentioned number one son was falling victim to the hype and was after me to go to Monsters vs Aliens once it opened. We decided to take the plunge Saturday afternoon and truly geek it up by going to the IMAX theater out on Transit Road. Anything worth doing is worth doing the excess, you know. But Regal, seriously, $26 for two tickets, seriously? Fandango now charges $2.00 per ticket for ordering online. That's $30 before I've even filled out my financial aid paperwork at the concession stand. That is officially the end of me booking ahead. I love the semantics of a convenience charge. Who exactly is that convenient for? certainly not this decaying customer. But the kid has been good, so I sucked it up--especially since I was rewarded with the Star Trek preview, which was pretty cool. Movie is silly fun if you are thinking about it.
My lovely middle child goes to the Tapestry High School, which for this year is in the back side of the St. Mary's School for the Deaf building. I say this because she was telling me about the strange looks that she and a friend were getting taking the Main St bus. Both of them had their IPODs on and the site of two girls with ear buds in place walking past the St. Mary's sign. "Shouldn't they be using their hands to talk?" from one bus rider. No argument with Depeche Mode: People are definitely people.
Six day work week beginning today -- no wonder it feels like I don't have a life. Next week our p.r. coordinator is being taken away to celebrate her 30th birthday so I get to wear two hats again.
Taking a little time away from Bikram Yoga -- finances got a little tight and the continuing change of seasons was screwing with my breathing ability. Once we can settle into spring for real (snow, this morning, really?) and all camp & college fees are finished, I'll hope back on board.
I think we are all gizmo junkies here in some fashion or another. The lovely daughter of two paragraphs ago came home from school on Friday upset. I was over at the house dropping off some zoo stuff and she said her Ipod got taken out of her locker. Sucks to start with, but she paid for the bulk of it, so the emotional investment is that much larger. Occasionally, you are powerless. That was one of those times, where all the ex and I could do was listen.
My church puts on a music sunday every spring and yesterday was the third straight year that I've said the hell with it. The music is beautiful, small orchestra and choir really showing its chops, but the crowd is staggeringly rude. One year, I went up to take number one son to his classroom only to come down to see some woman literally sitting on my belongings. Regularly about 300 people come to the services. but the music sundays double that with people from the neighborhood, people too cheap to go to Kleinhans for the 2:00 show, and just assorted assholes who want to hear the music with little regard for the surroundings. The last one I did go to is still burnt into my memory. This woman was sitting with her baby a couple rows ahead of me. The baby was cooing, enjoying her surroundings and charming the pants of all the immediate neighbors except for these two old biddies who thought they were at Radio City. These two crumudgeons (somewhere between 80 and 200) wouldn't shut the fuck up until the woman left in tears with the child. My biggest disappointment was in myself for not speaking to the witches the way they deserved. This was after some jerkass was trying to shush my son when he was asking some questions about the instruments before the service started.
So, the coffee and home made brunch were much more spiritually fulfilling.
Wished I could have made it to Merge last week, Tiny -- plate is a little full. I'm on three boards at the moment and I'm pretty sure one of em has to go.
Have a good Monday, ya'all.
I took an slightly expanded version of a post from here and fleshed it out a little more on facebook, only to see the Buffalo News do two articles on the same topic in yesterday's "paper." Makes you wonder if a few of the minions there are following estrip for feature ideas. Theirs might have been better but mine was first.
The previously mentioned number one son was falling victim to the hype and was after me to go to Monsters vs Aliens once it opened. We decided to take the plunge Saturday afternoon and truly geek it up by going to the IMAX theater out on Transit Road. Anything worth doing is worth doing the excess, you know. But Regal, seriously, $26 for two tickets, seriously? Fandango now charges $2.00 per ticket for ordering online. That's $30 before I've even filled out my financial aid paperwork at the concession stand. That is officially the end of me booking ahead. I love the semantics of a convenience charge. Who exactly is that convenient for? certainly not this decaying customer. But the kid has been good, so I sucked it up--especially since I was rewarded with the Star Trek preview, which was pretty cool. Movie is silly fun if you are thinking about it.
My lovely middle child goes to the Tapestry High School, which for this year is in the back side of the St. Mary's School for the Deaf building. I say this because she was telling me about the strange looks that she and a friend were getting taking the Main St bus. Both of them had their IPODs on and the site of two girls with ear buds in place walking past the St. Mary's sign. "Shouldn't they be using their hands to talk?" from one bus rider. No argument with Depeche Mode: People are definitely people.
Six day work week beginning today -- no wonder it feels like I don't have a life. Next week our p.r. coordinator is being taken away to celebrate her 30th birthday so I get to wear two hats again.
Taking a little time away from Bikram Yoga -- finances got a little tight and the continuing change of seasons was screwing with my breathing ability. Once we can settle into spring for real (snow, this morning, really?) and all camp & college fees are finished, I'll hope back on board.
I think we are all gizmo junkies here in some fashion or another. The lovely daughter of two paragraphs ago came home from school on Friday upset. I was over at the house dropping off some zoo stuff and she said her Ipod got taken out of her locker. Sucks to start with, but she paid for the bulk of it, so the emotional investment is that much larger. Occasionally, you are powerless. That was one of those times, where all the ex and I could do was listen.
My church puts on a music sunday every spring and yesterday was the third straight year that I've said the hell with it. The music is beautiful, small orchestra and choir really showing its chops, but the crowd is staggeringly rude. One year, I went up to take number one son to his classroom only to come down to see some woman literally sitting on my belongings. Regularly about 300 people come to the services. but the music sundays double that with people from the neighborhood, people too cheap to go to Kleinhans for the 2:00 show, and just assorted assholes who want to hear the music with little regard for the surroundings. The last one I did go to is still burnt into my memory. This woman was sitting with her baby a couple rows ahead of me. The baby was cooing, enjoying her surroundings and charming the pants of all the immediate neighbors except for these two old biddies who thought they were at Radio City. These two crumudgeons (somewhere between 80 and 200) wouldn't shut the fuck up until the woman left in tears with the child. My biggest disappointment was in myself for not speaking to the witches the way they deserved. This was after some jerkass was trying to shush my son when he was asking some questions about the instruments before the service started.
So, the coffee and home made brunch were much more spiritually fulfilling.
Wished I could have made it to Merge last week, Tiny -- plate is a little full. I'm on three boards at the moment and I'm pretty sure one of em has to go.
Have a good Monday, ya'all.
tinypliny - 03/31/09 20:50
I love your stories! :D
I have wondered so many times about the convenience charge as well!
(e:Heidi) and I are planning some more trip to random eateries and the harbour this spring/summer/winter?. We will be posting each time! You are most welcome to join us for everything! :)
I love your stories! :D
I have wondered so many times about the convenience charge as well!
(e:Heidi) and I are planning some more trip to random eateries and the harbour this spring/summer/winter?. We will be posting each time! You are most welcome to join us for everything! :)
Amen to your comments on the No Urban Farm story. OK, so irrigation and fertilizing the land do raise some issues, but those can be dealt with. The idea of deliberating choosing not to sell the land to these folks because it has the chance of becoming housing...wtf? Housing we've got. Economy is what we don't got. Selling land that is subsequently put to work creates jobs and revenue. Empty lots do neither.