I'm beginning to think that Human Resources people and Insurance customer service people are in cahoots, to make actual healthcare providers look bad and drive policy holders out of their gourds with unnecessary angst.
Witness this little incident: The former spouse ("Splif" if you will) took our youngins to the dentist only to be told that GHI won't pay their part because I still have Met Life for a provider as well. I haven't had Met Life for anything since October of 200andfreaking7"!!!! I, incorrectly think, that it would make sense to go to source, Met Life and advise them of their error. Their pointless customer service line (that name must be a joke) kicks me to the agent on duty. I tell Jimmy Olsen my story and that thanks to privacy laws I need one company to tell the other that the first company no longer has an affliation with me. He supposedly goes to work on this, but I think he resumes working on his xbox. A series of phone calls and voice mail messages and a week go by. I call his scrawny little self (you tell from the voice) and he admits that he cannot get further access, because of the policy group. The policy group can't find me. (You think it's because I left a year and half ago?!??!?!?). I hang up (impolite I know) and call GHI, verify all my information, the splif's information, etc.
You would think that would be enough to get the Met Life crap off the files so we can get the dental costs taken care of once more. Oh, gentle reader, you'd be sadly mistaken. I have to fill out one more form and get it into the mail to finally get this shit over with. Said form is already in transit attesting to my lack of insurance in the mail.
The hoops you have to fucking leap through. If the president wants to bring down health cares costs, I know where he can start. Leave the medical pros alone and attach where it is really running amuck like bloating H.R. departments in cable companies that will not be named and semi-informed customer care people who aren't attuned to what is happening off the web page they are staring at while they should be working.
Had I known the cable pig screwed up my insurance, my Bell's Palsy battle might have been a little cheaper. Watch them all, because the billing people need to know they are being watched
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/10/2009 17:00 #48008
Insurance griefCategory: health
03/08/2009 12:52 #47984
Grin and "Bearing" ItCategory: work
Sunday, sunday, in the office -- Yee ha!
We've got a big cat themed day going on here at the house of fun so I had to be here to oversee some grad students who working on that but also I project I gave them to help marketing to older potential customers.
The newest attraction isn't officially out yet. I think he will make his media debut tomorrow, so you get a sneak peek. He is a big boy and the resident bear is practically throwing herself at him. Like a typical guy, it is taking him some time to get the hint. About an hour before these pictures were taken, I think he is getting the idea. I can only imagine what parents might have had to say to young inquiring minds had the place been opened.
Check out the post-coital bliss.

The things you see on the way to getting a Friday off.
We've got a big cat themed day going on here at the house of fun so I had to be here to oversee some grad students who working on that but also I project I gave them to help marketing to older potential customers.
The newest attraction isn't officially out yet. I think he will make his media debut tomorrow, so you get a sneak peek. He is a big boy and the resident bear is practically throwing herself at him. Like a typical guy, it is taking him some time to get the hint. About an hour before these pictures were taken, I think he is getting the idea. I can only imagine what parents might have had to say to young inquiring minds had the place been opened.
Check out the post-coital bliss.

The things you see on the way to getting a Friday off.
tinypliny - 03/15/09 19:52
Very cool pics! We have the insider scoop on the ZOO! :D
Very cool pics! We have the insider scoop on the ZOO! :D
paul - 03/08/09 20:03
They are so cute. Somehow, this made me wonder if you could still buy polar bear rugs and sadly, you can :::link::: just not in the USA.
They are so cute. Somehow, this made me wonder if you could still buy polar bear rugs and sadly, you can :::link::: just not in the USA.
03/04/2009 13:31 #47944
BreatheCategory: random
It's been one of those discombobulated weeks.
I've actually escaped all the winter colds and maladies, despite the shrinkage inducing weather of late until last week. until last week. Work has been busy so I came home sort of wiped out and wimped out on class. The next day, it hit and that sucked.
Staggered through work and basically was a hermit over the weekend. I finally got rid of it with an old family recipe. When I was 17, and down with a bad case of brochitis, my dad got exasperated and regular meds and gave me a bourbon and seven up high ball, but filled in a root beer mug. Slept for 13 hours after that. Recreated that over the weekend and it worked like a charm. Only down side was that it made for a 9 day gap in yoga classes. So, I was dreading going back last night. You could feel regression coming, but I'm apparently tougher than I look. Only had to pause twice which was better than I anticipated.
So, there might hope yet.
Been listening to the new U2 album and am letting it grow on me. They've been a favorite for a long time and it was a kick watching them laugh a little to start their week long residency on Letterman
After shoveling the Manhattan snow, they did get down to work a little later.
Fun to see and all, but my mental jury is still out on the album. Should be fun live if they come this way.
Just got back from lunch after hiding from the many conservative republicans here. In their eyes, the economy didn't go into the dumper until January 20th, we didn't have a deficit until then, and the acceptable war bill suddenly became a bad stimulus bill we couldn't afford. Hindsight is not only 20/20, but apparently prone to myopia as well.
Hey, this is my 500th journal. This is my longest continuing dialogue with anything that I didn't have to give an allowance to. Hopefully there has been something worth reading along the way. Just noticed that.
Gonna go apologize to Rush Limbaugh because that seems to be the thing to do these days.
Happy hump day, peeps
I've actually escaped all the winter colds and maladies, despite the shrinkage inducing weather of late until last week. until last week. Work has been busy so I came home sort of wiped out and wimped out on class. The next day, it hit and that sucked.
Staggered through work and basically was a hermit over the weekend. I finally got rid of it with an old family recipe. When I was 17, and down with a bad case of brochitis, my dad got exasperated and regular meds and gave me a bourbon and seven up high ball, but filled in a root beer mug. Slept for 13 hours after that. Recreated that over the weekend and it worked like a charm. Only down side was that it made for a 9 day gap in yoga classes. So, I was dreading going back last night. You could feel regression coming, but I'm apparently tougher than I look. Only had to pause twice which was better than I anticipated.
So, there might hope yet.
Been listening to the new U2 album and am letting it grow on me. They've been a favorite for a long time and it was a kick watching them laugh a little to start their week long residency on Letterman
After shoveling the Manhattan snow, they did get down to work a little later.
Fun to see and all, but my mental jury is still out on the album. Should be fun live if they come this way.
Just got back from lunch after hiding from the many conservative republicans here. In their eyes, the economy didn't go into the dumper until January 20th, we didn't have a deficit until then, and the acceptable war bill suddenly became a bad stimulus bill we couldn't afford. Hindsight is not only 20/20, but apparently prone to myopia as well.
Hey, this is my 500th journal. This is my longest continuing dialogue with anything that I didn't have to give an allowance to. Hopefully there has been something worth reading along the way. Just noticed that.
Gonna go apologize to Rush Limbaugh because that seems to be the thing to do these days.
Happy hump day, peeps
jenks - 03/04/09 21:26
whenever we're sick, my mom preaches "tea with honey and lemon". Then as soon as she's out of earshot, dad sneaks over and says "screw honey and lemon" and puts a nip of whiskey in our tea. I swear it works.
whenever we're sick, my mom preaches "tea with honey and lemon". Then as soon as she's out of earshot, dad sneaks over and says "screw honey and lemon" and puts a nip of whiskey in our tea. I swear it works.
metalpeter - 03/04/09 18:22
I just wanted to say good videos. The last time U2 came to Buffalo I thought about going. The problem was the tickets where more then how much I would pay to see them. Don't get me wrong I like all their radio stuff. Yes there is a band I would have paid that much to see but I'm not into them enough for the high price of tickets. That being said in this video "The Edge" kinda plays like this band from Buffalo/Boston who are no longer together "The Sheila Divine". I think U2 is an awesome band. If when they tour they don't come to Buffalo I'm guessing they will come some place travable like Toronto or Cleveland or someplace not to far.
Happy 500!!!!!!!!!!
I just wanted to say good videos. The last time U2 came to Buffalo I thought about going. The problem was the tickets where more then how much I would pay to see them. Don't get me wrong I like all their radio stuff. Yes there is a band I would have paid that much to see but I'm not into them enough for the high price of tickets. That being said in this video "The Edge" kinda plays like this band from Buffalo/Boston who are no longer together "The Sheila Divine". I think U2 is an awesome band. If when they tour they don't come to Buffalo I'm guessing they will come some place travable like Toronto or Cleveland or someplace not to far.
Happy 500!!!!!!!!!!
theecarey - 03/04/09 16:39
Happy 500! Cheers for many many more. :)
Happy 500! Cheers for many many more. :)
02/26/2009 10:09 #47890
Baby MonkeysCategory: work
Sometimes it's hard not to bring your work home with you. This is one of newest residents of the Rainforest and is disturbingly cute.
Say hi to Mochiba. He's a baby Howler Monkey.

About three weeks old. This is a good gig. I saw the new polar bear yesterday. 1000 pounds of bear is a lot of bear. Picts to come.
Say hi to Mochiba. He's a baby Howler Monkey.

About three weeks old. This is a good gig. I saw the new polar bear yesterday. 1000 pounds of bear is a lot of bear. Picts to come.
tinypliny - 03/15/09 18:15
He looks like an old man. :D
He looks like an old man. :D
gardenmama - 02/26/09 17:23
Totally cool! I'd much rather bring your work home with me than mine. If I bring work home it's usually much more related to a donkey than a monkey! The monkey is waaaayyyyy better! I'm jealous.
Totally cool! I'd much rather bring your work home with me than mine. If I bring work home it's usually much more related to a donkey than a monkey! The monkey is waaaayyyyy better! I'm jealous.
theecarey - 02/26/09 13:48
damn your job sucks- you must really hate it. :)
looking forward to the polar bear pics.
damn your job sucks- you must really hate it. :)
looking forward to the polar bear pics.
mrmike - 02/26/09 13:44
You just saw the only time I'll see him without a fence between us.
You just saw the only time I'll see him without a fence between us.
james - 02/26/09 12:40
There was an article in the Times today about people who keep monkeys for pets.
They are, apparently, absolute delights until they hit puberty. Then they want to beat everything in site.
Enjoy the little guys while they are ADORABLE and small.
There was an article in the Times today about people who keep monkeys for pets.
They are, apparently, absolute delights until they hit puberty. Then they want to beat everything in site.
Enjoy the little guys while they are ADORABLE and small.
janelle - 02/26/09 10:25
Did you literally get to bring it home? Because that would be REALLY fun!
Did you literally get to bring it home? Because that would be REALLY fun!
02/25/2009 12:20 #47885
Paczki dreams and other strange things.Category: work
For lent, this lapsed catholic is giving up mortal combat, being nice to stupid people and any pretense of saving the Mets bullpen. I don't take the lenten season like gospel (pun intended), but it does sort of feel like a nice karmic rewind, kind of like new year's resolutions with some actual gravitas.
My own contribution was to go to Wegman's early yesterday morning and load up on enough Paczkis for everybody in the office. For $10.00 I think I improved my office karma. There is a drop dead gorgeous woman who works in the accounting office, who never seems to be having the best of days, who appeared in my office doorway with as close to a delighted look on her face as I've ever seen her. (I know what you are thinking but remember the axiom of "Fishing off the company pier.")
Had a tough time keeping a straight face through a couple of meetings yesterday. I love the show Entourage on HBO and last season Martin Landau was on, playing an aging out of touch producer. His reoccuring phrase was always something along the lines of "If___________, would that be something you would be interested in?" One of our new ads reps is that guy. He spent the first 30 minutes of a meeting pontificating about wines and what scotches are best, eventually moving on to direct mail. As he is talking, I had already mentally cast in him Martin Landau's role. It was uncanny. The other person in the meeting is an Entourage fan and thinking the same thing. It was like watching a doppleganger in action. She handed me a note and I could feel my face forming a tell-tale stupid smirk. He was a very nice man, but then he said it: "if I can get that price, would that be something you would be interested in?" My colleague had to excuse herself. It was too on the money, and I took the deal. Moral of the story is that Mr. Landau does his homework. And that I kept it together as my silly grin went no further until he left. The guy brought me a bottle of wine, so I got to work with some respect.
After that moment of high comedy, I got dragged into a presentation from an ad agency who is trolling for business and offered to do something for free. Never mind that we have an agency for media stuff and for creative things we have well, me. Good soldier that I am, I went along with the uberboss and my boss to listen to the high shenanigans. The agency creative director was already in my dog house. It is our second meeting and both times he has crapped all over concepts whose biggest sins were that he didn't think of them. They worked so there. The uberboss brings her dog to the office which is cool because the dog is a border collie and say hello to everybody, but spends her time behind a gate in the boss's office. That's where we met with these guys. Woman's best friend wanders the table during the meeting. I'm doing my best to be polite as the bosses ask some questions of the presentation. The creative director says something unkind toward our campaign from last fall (which worked). I hear something sounding like growling. It was coming from the dog. Turned out she was playing with a toy and trying to free it from the table, but she was snarling right under the director type, which scared the pompous right out of him. I couldn't help it, I laughed. Seeing a guy taller than me jump rather,well girlishly, from a dog that was paying him no mind at all, was comedy.
Finally, one last little vignette for you. In the aftermath of cleaning up the convention center from last week's benefit, one of the restaurants was headed out with one of the signs we printed up for them. To keep costs down, we recycle. The benefit in theory is put on by this board. The board men complain about the board women (who work) and none would do anything without the actual staff leading the way. Anyway this board member comes running up to me saying this restaurant was taking their sign. Keep in mind, this same dithering soul was stuffing his face all night long. I simply told him, ask for it back. Their staff wasn't anything to be afraid of. That didn't stop him from sounding alarmingly like Barney Fife at the prospect of actually talking to people. Annoyed, I went over and recovered the sign. Flash to last night and the review of the event. I earned more laughs, but probably his anger when talking about vendors, I took out the two stainless steel balls that (e:Ladycroft) bought for me two christmases ago and told the nebbish "You might need these more than I do for talking to vendors."
Reactions in the room were the perfect cherry on the cake that was my day.
My own contribution was to go to Wegman's early yesterday morning and load up on enough Paczkis for everybody in the office. For $10.00 I think I improved my office karma. There is a drop dead gorgeous woman who works in the accounting office, who never seems to be having the best of days, who appeared in my office doorway with as close to a delighted look on her face as I've ever seen her. (I know what you are thinking but remember the axiom of "Fishing off the company pier.")
Had a tough time keeping a straight face through a couple of meetings yesterday. I love the show Entourage on HBO and last season Martin Landau was on, playing an aging out of touch producer. His reoccuring phrase was always something along the lines of "If___________, would that be something you would be interested in?" One of our new ads reps is that guy. He spent the first 30 minutes of a meeting pontificating about wines and what scotches are best, eventually moving on to direct mail. As he is talking, I had already mentally cast in him Martin Landau's role. It was uncanny. The other person in the meeting is an Entourage fan and thinking the same thing. It was like watching a doppleganger in action. She handed me a note and I could feel my face forming a tell-tale stupid smirk. He was a very nice man, but then he said it: "if I can get that price, would that be something you would be interested in?" My colleague had to excuse herself. It was too on the money, and I took the deal. Moral of the story is that Mr. Landau does his homework. And that I kept it together as my silly grin went no further until he left. The guy brought me a bottle of wine, so I got to work with some respect.
After that moment of high comedy, I got dragged into a presentation from an ad agency who is trolling for business and offered to do something for free. Never mind that we have an agency for media stuff and for creative things we have well, me. Good soldier that I am, I went along with the uberboss and my boss to listen to the high shenanigans. The agency creative director was already in my dog house. It is our second meeting and both times he has crapped all over concepts whose biggest sins were that he didn't think of them. They worked so there. The uberboss brings her dog to the office which is cool because the dog is a border collie and say hello to everybody, but spends her time behind a gate in the boss's office. That's where we met with these guys. Woman's best friend wanders the table during the meeting. I'm doing my best to be polite as the bosses ask some questions of the presentation. The creative director says something unkind toward our campaign from last fall (which worked). I hear something sounding like growling. It was coming from the dog. Turned out she was playing with a toy and trying to free it from the table, but she was snarling right under the director type, which scared the pompous right out of him. I couldn't help it, I laughed. Seeing a guy taller than me jump rather,well girlishly, from a dog that was paying him no mind at all, was comedy.
Finally, one last little vignette for you. In the aftermath of cleaning up the convention center from last week's benefit, one of the restaurants was headed out with one of the signs we printed up for them. To keep costs down, we recycle. The benefit in theory is put on by this board. The board men complain about the board women (who work) and none would do anything without the actual staff leading the way. Anyway this board member comes running up to me saying this restaurant was taking their sign. Keep in mind, this same dithering soul was stuffing his face all night long. I simply told him, ask for it back. Their staff wasn't anything to be afraid of. That didn't stop him from sounding alarmingly like Barney Fife at the prospect of actually talking to people. Annoyed, I went over and recovered the sign. Flash to last night and the review of the event. I earned more laughs, but probably his anger when talking about vendors, I took out the two stainless steel balls that (e:Ladycroft) bought for me two christmases ago and told the nebbish "You might need these more than I do for talking to vendors."
Reactions in the room were the perfect cherry on the cake that was my day.
gardenmama - 02/26/09 17:25
This made me laugh - thanks.
This made me laugh - thanks.
This sounds like a lot of unwanted inefficiency. :/
I'm with ya! I am still in the works of trying to get $90 paid by my insurance because some kind of "data entry error."
I hate GHI, they are such a scam. (e:matthew) is on my insurance and needed a multitude of thing done including tooth fillings that were pretty major. We went to Aspen Dental after we found them on the GHI site. They are an in network dentist. (e:matthew) has like $2000 worth of dental worth. Each of us is covered up to $2500 per year but GHI refused to pay because they only pay for metal fillings for back teeth and Aspen dental only does the white one. What the fuck, they are in network. Seems like a scam to me. We ended up paying over $500 cash and my "Stipend" just went unused. I hate them.
Ugh... UGH! What a pain in the ass.
Nice rant!
oh mike, you just don't understand the beauty of our system. You see, treatment is expensive, insurance companies don't make money by paying for treatment! heavens no. Instead we pay people to sit on the phone and invent scavenger hunts for you until you give up and pay the bill yourself. Sure the bill was only $200 anyway, you know you probably pay that much for the insurance in a month (sucker).
Sorry, I'm not sure how well sarcasm works with just text. Our system is infuriating.
At least corporate America is starting to realize that they are also getting screwed by these companies. :::link::: You'll see General Mills and WalMart both dig a national system.
Really, I pay my FICA taxes for Medicaid and Medicare, I'll bet if I add 1%-2% more in taxes we could all have healthcare. I don't understand the opposition to a national health system, you know? Yea, it'll be SOOOOO much worse than this... /sarcasm.