I was walking downtown the other night and saw the gaping hole where the desconstruction had opened the building. Like I said, the structure was nothing special, but what it could contain was sometimes amazing: bunches of Sabres games, a few Braves games (as I am old), seeing Bob Seger, Rush, The Kinks, the Who, U2, Springsteen and many more. Okay, I was curious to go back and have a look. I didn't want a seat from the place or anything, but seeing the joint fall back into itself for the Bass Pro store that is never going to come. I took a stroll tonight to look into the abyss and could see into where my Dad and I walked under the rink one night by taking the wrong turn after a playoff game or the night I was part of the post game press corps with Ch.2 (where I covered up my college radio logo from Scotty Bowman's prying eyes ( for a little guy, he scared the crap out of me)).

My little sister's first contact high, skipping the Senior prom with a van load of friends to see Eric Clapton, having Gil Perreault sign my jersey, getting a seat in the press box for part of a hockey game.
When the place was full and the asbestos was hiding quietly in the ceiling, it really didn't look much better or dramatically different, but what could happen inside fueled the imagination. I can still remember the peanut vendor/huckster who worked the events. He would sit outside and bark "Before you go in the door! Stop at the Peanut Store!!
It was a dump, but it was our dump
yes, that building is such an eyesore save the entryway. It's just a WPA project, take it down and move on. People here are so clingy and reluctant to move forward. I'm not saying tear down everything in the city but the aud is UGLY as sin. And yeah those upper seats were ridiculously steep, terrified me as a kid.
Nice shots mike. Maybe it is just me but I remember the place and those seats seeming so high when you where in them, if you trip and fell it looked like you would go over all the step then the balcony and who knows if you would land on someone or a blue Chair. But from out side looking in it looks so much smaller. When I was there last before the Bandits game there was a broken part of the fence and some people went in, that was a chance I wasn't willing to take. Again Good post.
It is our dump. And now it is our rubble.
And soon it will be selling fake worms.
Thanks, Dave. I think I stated it a little better after a rewrite on facebook, but it did get me seeing those moments clearly. I couldn't describe dinner last night, but I can still tell you roughly about the first Bruce show I saw a thousand years ago in really, boring detail.
wow. the pictures I got out of those words were more fascinating than the photos you took. And I want to run down there with my camera. It's a pity that Darien Lake gets most of the concerts nowadays. Funny remembering those dark hallways, and inclines, and sitting behind a pillar in the Orange section. cool post mike.