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01/14/2009 10:01 #47404

Computer / Electronics Recycling
Category: buffalo

SATURDAY January. 17, 2009 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.

E-Waste & Computer Recycling
Electronic Items which can be brought to the site for
free, proper disposal include: Computers, Monitors & all Peripherals * Modems * Printers * Cell
Phones * Fax Machines * VCRs * CD & DVD Players * Games * TVs * Rechargeable Batteries * Fluorescent Bulbs

For Questions contact Erie County at 858-6996.

Drop-off Site, Buffalo State College, enter from Grant Street Overflow L-Lot

fing - 01/15/09 12:51
I am not sure if I mentioned this before but all Goodwill locations take computers and peripherals. They have a company that picks them up for recycling so don't feel bad dropping off your nonworking computer with them either.
paul - 01/14/09 21:24
Be careful though, the thugs that work it ripped the shit out of our car interior pulling stuff out of of the backseat and left stuff in the trunk.
joshua - 01/14/09 12:59
Damn, this is useful - thanks Jim. We have some really, really old hardware and this sounds exactly like what we'd want to do.
james - 01/14/09 12:53
I am looking at two printers stacked on top of each other that could use some recycling.
heidi - 01/14/09 12:07
for the past two years, my community organization sponsored a computer junk collection point and got >3,000 lbs... an important service, definitely!

01/13/2009 20:50 #47397

Category: lulz
jim - 01/14/09 10:12
Yeah, I think we did :/
ladycroft - 01/14/09 07:54

hey, i think i completely missed you at the NYE party?
tinypliny - 01/13/09 22:23
That looks so tiny and perfect! Example of cuteness overload.

01/09/2009 09:27 #47338

Buffalo Feed
Category: local
I've created a site which aggregates and links to all the local Buffalo bloggers that I could find. It's been up a few days and I've shaken out most of the initial bugs.

Buffalo Feed:


This weekend I'll have time to add a few features like categorization and the ability to filter out sites you don't want to see, and it'll be even more useful.

I like to think of it as an inside-out (e:strip). It'll never be a community of it's own like (e:strip) is, but instead it's a way to look outward to almost 200 individual sites, each of which represents someone who is passionate about writing and sharing. There's actually a lot more bloggers in Buffalo then I ever would have thought.

Let me know what you think and if there's any way I can make it better. If you use Internet Explorer let me know if it looks broken and if so what version of IE you're running.


OK, back to work. Just wanted to drop a quick note here before the day really gets started.

libertad - 01/13/09 22:21
I like what I have seen so far. I am amazed at how much of buffalo is blogging. It seems like a great way to find out new info.
paul - 01/10/09 13:33
I know I already told you personally but I wanted to say it publically. Buffalofeed is an awesome idea - it is so refreshing to see another non-commercial, Buffalo-based portals to information.
dcoffee - 01/10/09 11:27
Sweet, good idea, damn useful.
jim - 01/09/09 12:08
Still not in Google, will need a bit of time to get found & indexed.
drew - 01/09/09 12:06
I googled Buffalo Feed when you said the site was almost there (but wasn't yet) and all I got was links for what bison eat.
james - 01/09/09 12:00
Jim, as your agent I wish you ran this post by me first.

The site if BuffaloFeed. Buffalo. Who gives a rats ass about Batavia? Change the picture.


I am very happy you finally got this pet project up and running. You are an awesometastic programmer.
jim - 01/09/09 10:28
Currently it sometimes displays photos, depending on if the photo is included in the summary of the feed. I'm going to have it strip out all photos, and then generate smaller photos that link to the original post if a photo is included in summary or in the content.

I don't want to post full size photos on the site, but instead have people go back to the original site to view them.

I'm going to make the site more iPhone friendly, but probably not for a couple weeks.
matthew - 01/09/09 10:22
Very cool jim, when's the iPhone app coming out? :) does it display photos as well as text?

01/06/2009 18:08 #47311

Bacon Cups
Category: food
Bacon cups:

Hey, maybe there is a God after all!

metalpeter - 01/07/09 19:21
That looks so tasty. This idea is a new twist on an old idea. See people don't like salad so they put something bad for you on it that tastes good like ranch dressing or bacon bits. It as also been used with things like cheese on Brocoli or other things, I think this might be my favorite form of it though.
mike - 01/07/09 16:02
iriesara - 01/07/09 11:40
how yummy would it be to bake a little quiche in there!?! or like a cheesburger cassarole type thing baked right in, yum! I'm sure there's more creative things you could do, but that much bacon makes me go into cave man like bacon
lauren - 01/07/09 10:08
that is beautiful.
paul - 01/07/09 00:05
Yum, crunch, yum!
joshua - 01/06/09 22:27
Ha - this is cool. But I still need my bacon in my salad, rather than having my salad in the bacon!
libertad - 01/06/09 20:28
those looks so freaking good.
james - 01/06/09 20:16
are they dishwasher safe?
mrmike - 01/06/09 20:11
that is beyond awesome
tinypliny - 01/06/09 20:02
Haha - she was actually obsessed enough to photo document all of that step by step.

Loony #1.
jim - 01/06/09 19:11
All that salad is lacking is bacon bits.
jim - 01/06/09 19:10
I think a 50/50 bacon to lettuce ratio is perfectly appropriate!
theli - 01/06/09 18:59
To bad our favorite deity made our arteries so bad at handling it. :p

I find it hilarious that they actually contain salad.
janelle - 01/06/09 18:24
  • salivate*
hodown - 01/06/09 18:10
Wow, just wow.

01/06/2009 15:54 #47308

Afternoon Nap
I wish it was culturally acceptable to take naps in the mid-afternoon. Then staying up until Midnight wouldn't make me wretched the next day.
joshua - 01/06/09 16:37
I thought that today myself - I was home very briefly and lamented that I couldn't stay for an hour to nap.
hodown - 01/06/09 15:56
I second that!