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01/05/2009 15:13 #47288

Sucky Day!
Category: life
First panic attack in a year. This is awesome. I frickin' hate myself sometimes.

December was 2 weeks of being mostly sick and semi-functional, a week of vacation, and a few days of holidays. Plus quitting smoking this week. No wonder one of my project's schedule has slipped a month, but still it's freaking me out. At least the big project is still on track.

Oh well, at least I have a nice co-worker who is covering my communication duties today.

Sorry, world, for spilling my crazy all over you today.

tinypliny - 01/05/09 20:09
If it makes you feel any better (or may be worse) I am on a week-long panic attack starting today. My advisor will be gone for two weeks after this week. So I HAVE TO FINISH my writing this week so that I can submit it for a grant that is due the week she will be back.

  • Pardner in panic attack - big five!*
hodown - 01/05/09 16:13
Deep breaths...
heidi - 01/05/09 15:59
It's okay, Jim! Panic attacks suck...When I have them it's so hard for me to remember that things will change, things will ease. Thanks for reaching out to us.
jason - 01/05/09 15:33
Jim, we are all human and have our limitations. Don't bruise yourself up over this. After all, the weight of the world isn't on your shoulders. Things have a way of working out usually. Feel better man.

01/01/2009 10:11 #47236

Happy New Year!
Category: holidays
The party last night was a lot of fun, thanks everyone & best wishes for the new year!
hodown - 01/01/09 11:13
Glad you enjoyed. Feel free to stop by and help clean up.
metalpeter - 01/01/09 10:39
Thank you for the good wishes, the party was a good time still moving a bit slow from it, I hope 2009 is good for you as well

12/31/2008 09:14 #47225

Michael Vick
Category: aminals
My brother's job is to rehabilitate Michael Vick's dogs. 22 of his dogs were placed at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah where he works ( ).

It's a very weird intersection with fame. They've got like half a dozen people working with these dogs every day to get them adoptable. My brother says that most of them are actually fine, but they've got to go to extreme lengths to prove that they're harmless before they can be considered adoptable.

james - 12/31/08 10:31
I am so glad your brother has a job he really enjoys.
jenks - 12/31/08 09:37
wow. good for your bro. That's so awesome... as you may or may not know, i've done some work with pits blah blah, so I love stories like this. :)

12/29/2008 14:51 #47211

Quitting Smoking
I quit smoking this morning. It is going pretty well so far.

I just need to get past to Friday and I'll be OK. My one smoking co-worker is off on vacation this week so this is my best chance to avoid temptation. We're each other's doom when it comes to quitting.

I quit for a few years, up until New Year's eve last year when I was a little drunk and had one, and then slowly over the couple months after that I ended up hooked again. So it's been a year now of on-again off-again smoking and I hate it so much.
tinypliny - 12/31/08 13:39
Good luck!!! Hope you win the war against the COPD stick! :D
james - 12/29/08 21:51
Jim tries to be courteous and I appreciate that. But everything stinks of cigarettes and it is tough to be aware of it because your sense of smell and taste are deadened by smoking. If I ever caught him smoking in the house or in the car I would skin Jim alive because those are shared spaces and I don't shit in his pants so it is only fair.

But, you will get through this Jim and you will really appreciate it when it is over.
jim - 12/29/08 16:16
He hates it so much. I tried not to ever smoke around him and only smoked outside.
joshua - 12/29/08 15:57
The worst part about dating someone who smokes is "tobacco mouth." On a scale of one to Mussolini, how strict is (e:james) when it comes to smoking in the house and around him and such?
jim - 12/29/08 15:07
I was the one who asked for a cigarette, that's all that matters :)

But it wasn't you, no.
jason - 12/29/08 14:59
Oh man, I think there was an e-strip party last year right? I wasn't the one who gave you a cig at New Year's Eve was I?

12/23/2008 14:54 #47153

Just to Make James Angry

Plus lots more:
tinypliny - 12/24/08 01:04
Two of my favourite things this season!! Thank you! This was awesome. :D
zobar - 12/23/08 19:54
holy extension cords

- Z
james - 12/23/08 16:01
Christmas hurts my teeth.