Although it's been a vision of mine that we are going to see Civil Unrest this year due to the economy and taxes I didn't think it would be so close to Buffalo so soon. I remember 1997 and that was no Joke. What is scary this time around is that the State is totally broke & they need every penny they can get. Also Patterson wasn't elected and who says he will seek office again, so he may just pull the "nuclear option" which he may feel is the right thing to do in his mind with no re-election consequences.
I just wonder if they pull another 90 blockade, if anything will happen at the Casino?
But yea, this is why we need another route out of here. What are you going to do if I-90 is gone? Go through Canada? In the 90's when Quebec had Oka going on, they ended up building a highway around the reserve without any environmental studies or any red tape just due to a road that went through the native territory that was shutdown for over a year during the dispute. Is that the reason why the started the 219 project, since they knew this day would come again?
Artificial tanning = Not a good idea.
Loh AY. Mich Law Rev. 2008 Nov;107(2):365-90. Are artificial tans the new cigarette? How plaintiffs can use the lessons of tobacco litigation in bringing claims against the indoor tanning industry. :::link:::
you can always come visit :)
but...there are also sunlight lights you can buy, which is not tanning, just a light. it acts the same as sunshine for your psyche.
What I will say is just be careful I don't trust those machines. It is to bad you don't have a way to feel that same with out the machine like by going skiing granted you won't get a tan all over you body but I do know people who have gotten a good burn from skiing (light hits you than it also hits the snow and reflects onto you, sorry I don't know what that is called). I wonder if that spray on tan stuff would give you the same feeling or not, it might be a little safer not sure (not the store bought kind the kind at the tanning places).
I used to tan for short periods occasionally and then I realized that I really don't like the way I feel after getting out. It really isn't the same as the sun to me. I was lucky enough to have caught some rays in FL over Xmas so I assume you must be dying for the sun. I really hate the way I would smell too after getting out of them. Doctors do say that this area has a vitamin D deficiency so you could take D supplements if necessary. The DR can determine if you need it by a blood test.
Wait...we are?!?
Did I miss a memo?
You need just a few minutes in the sun to get all the vitamin D you need. Tanning beds do horrible, nasty things to your skin. Just watching women who have been going for years (it is always women, men are allowed to be as pasty and slovenly as we like in this strange sexual empire). They have Crypt Keeper skin. If you go occasionally, and it does you a world of emotional good, then tan away my friend. Just don't bake your skin into a pepperoni pizza.