Yea, since it was snowing for the most part I just spent the majority of the weekend at home. So other than making a mess of the house cooking I watched quite a bit of TV. There are two women that I came across that just sucked me right in from the first moment I was flipping through the channels. The totally weird unexpected part of this whole experience is that these women are actually my age & not the latest 23 year old flavor of the month hottie from Hollywood.
1. Rhonda Mitra
I just can't stop watching Doomsday

as it has been on heavy rotation on skinaMAX. A part of you thinks that it is ridiculous shot'em up fiery action film, but the movie gives you enough other niblets that you just go along for the ride. But back to her, yea, a ripped athletic looking chick or at least when she filmed this right before she shot Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. All I can say is WOW, it has been quite a long time since I was sucked in by some actress.
2. Chelsea Handler
I never saw her show Chelsea Lately until this weekend. She's pretty darn funny to say the least. Yea she's kind of a sexy Joan Rivers but can't help not to laugh when she's talking trash about other celebs. I'll defiantly be DVRing it during the week.
I can actually see it from my office. Scary stuff, but everyone got off. Amazing, huh..
This is the first test of the Obama administration. Will we go to war with New Jersey for harboring LaGuardia airport?