It's something that I haven't done for a while. In years past I have done it just to try to alleviate a case of seasonal affective disorder. Nothing lifts the spirits in the cold freezing dark Buffalo winter than coming out of a tanning place after a session complete with a bit of sweat. The way I figure I am not getting any vitamin D when I'm in my pod at work during the 7 hours of overcast daylight we do get. That's why I have a light box sunlamp at my desk. Plus with some wacky skin stuff I do get in the winter I've read that some UV radiation does some good actually.
Plus I think (e:metalpeter) is right it does "But it could make you feel better and hotter..." I remember when I first hooked up with my Ex, we were in some "no-tel motel" over in Canada by the "places" over on the Lane. Well the room featured mirrors on the walls and thinking back I did feel pretty hot in comparison to her as she's kind of an albino in the sense that she has no color & burns extremely easily and I did tan kind of regularly back then.
Vincent's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/06/2009 23:12 #47315
just a tanning thoughtCategory: seasonal
01/05/2009 22:01 #47294
New Years Res & the planCategory: life
I had a very good 2008 and to be honest there is a part of me that is afraid that this year won't stand up to last year. I don't know what motivates women, but for guys the negative is more of a motivator that positive reassurance. I guess it comes down to sports and the "I'll show your ass" mentality that we learn early on in life when the other team runs smack or someone criticizes you. Just look at the NFL playoffs the top 4 top awarded people are out golfing & the two most badgered are playing next weekend. Heck I think of the bowl games only UB didn't cover the spread as an underdog or win outright.
Anyway I have a ton of work to do this year. As I was looking back the only things that would have made a great year into a stellar year would have been me getting married &/or having a kid.
Here is a list of things to do:
1. Get mentally healthy
2. Go to a chiropractor
3. Start being more assertive & take more risks in social situations
4. Go tanning at least once a week to keep my current color going.
5. Work some OT to continue building savings
6. Lose 10 pounds to get back to my "ideal" weight
7. Enter into a healthy relationship some some woman
Simple enough right? Well the OT is not guaranteed, I know you can't bank on something that is out of your control, but from the indication I got today, we may be in for a repeat of last year since I didn't get settled yet back into the job today when the question was popped!
Anyway I have a ton of work to do this year. As I was looking back the only things that would have made a great year into a stellar year would have been me getting married &/or having a kid.
Here is a list of things to do:
1. Get mentally healthy
2. Go to a chiropractor
3. Start being more assertive & take more risks in social situations
4. Go tanning at least once a week to keep my current color going.
5. Work some OT to continue building savings
6. Lose 10 pounds to get back to my "ideal" weight
7. Enter into a healthy relationship some some woman
Simple enough right? Well the OT is not guaranteed, I know you can't bank on something that is out of your control, but from the indication I got today, we may be in for a repeat of last year since I didn't get settled yet back into the job today when the question was popped!
metalpeter - 01/06/09 18:00
Well I guess there was something pretty good at the party that I missed. If you drop a few pounds and get a tan (you don't want to much that sun can cause some nasty problems you don't want) Then you will look better to yourself and that can be a boost confidence wise, I'm not saying you aren't. But it could make you feel better and hotter and make you be more socially out there.
Well I guess there was something pretty good at the party that I missed. If you drop a few pounds and get a tan (you don't want to much that sun can cause some nasty problems you don't want) Then you will look better to yourself and that can be a boost confidence wise, I'm not saying you aren't. But it could make you feel better and hotter and make you be more socially out there.
hodown - 01/06/09 09:25
I like all your list except the tanning part- skin cancer is not worth it. And my two cents on the woman/social front you seem to be doing ok, at least from what I saw at the party. But that's just me :)
I like all your list except the tanning part- skin cancer is not worth it. And my two cents on the woman/social front you seem to be doing ok, at least from what I saw at the party. But that's just me :)
01/02/2009 18:05 #47256
Random NYE PicsCategory: photos

heidi - 01/04/09 20:19
Retarded? you look glamorous!!!
Retarded? you look glamorous!!!
imk2 - 01/03/09 08:28
god, why do i look so retarded in every single picture that was taken that night?
god, why do i look so retarded in every single picture that was taken that night?
metalpeter - 01/02/09 20:13
interesting pictures I didn't even see you take any.
interesting pictures I didn't even see you take any.
01/02/2009 00:51 #47245
NYECategory: reflections
What a really good time last night. Too bad that I had no idea that my friend Steve just would be blown away by the level of how (e:strip) parties. Although I failed in providing him a good description of what we were going to be doing along with the type of friends that he was going to encounter of mine it was great to see his surprise after he felt out the place. Initially when we pulled up to the 24 he thought that he was going to have a boring night at a stuffy, stuck up and listless group of professional people. This impression of his was due to the "size" of the mansion & me bringing a shrimp plate. Boy, was his initial "size up" off the night WAY OFF...
The party was a good time and pretty wild, but I just had no clue that there are still people that get even more crazier than we do
Reading (e:jenks) post about not having the night go so well for her it made me think of how many bad NYE's I've had in the past. The one's that stick out were the one's that I had to work or go in early in the am the next day. Where at that point in time my life was just stagnant and emotionally I felt the same way as in this video.
The party was a good time and pretty wild, but I just had no clue that there are still people that get even more crazier than we do

Reading (e:jenks) post about not having the night go so well for her it made me think of how many bad NYE's I've had in the past. The one's that stick out were the one's that I had to work or go in early in the am the next day. Where at that point in time my life was just stagnant and emotionally I felt the same way as in this video.
paul - 01/02/09 10:52
I was wondering who brought the shrimp plate. The cocktail sauce was so yummy.
I was wondering who brought the shrimp plate. The cocktail sauce was so yummy.
12/30/2008 10:25 #47218
Vegas VidsCategory: music
Yea, these aren't all that great, but I did take them during my weekend in Vegas earlier this month. So here's a couple of song's from Oasis when I saw them @ the Pearl in the Palms.
Morning Glory
Morning Glory
tinypliny - 12/31/08 13:26
I like wonderwall. :)
I like wonderwall. :)
Artificial tanning = Not a good idea.
Loh AY. Mich Law Rev. 2008 Nov;107(2):365-90. Are artificial tans the new cigarette? How plaintiffs can use the lessons of tobacco litigation in bringing claims against the indoor tanning industry. :::link:::
you can always come visit :)
but...there are also sunlight lights you can buy, which is not tanning, just a light. it acts the same as sunshine for your psyche.
What I will say is just be careful I don't trust those machines. It is to bad you don't have a way to feel that same with out the machine like by going skiing granted you won't get a tan all over you body but I do know people who have gotten a good burn from skiing (light hits you than it also hits the snow and reflects onto you, sorry I don't know what that is called). I wonder if that spray on tan stuff would give you the same feeling or not, it might be a little safer not sure (not the store bought kind the kind at the tanning places).
I used to tan for short periods occasionally and then I realized that I really don't like the way I feel after getting out. It really isn't the same as the sun to me. I was lucky enough to have caught some rays in FL over Xmas so I assume you must be dying for the sun. I really hate the way I would smell too after getting out of them. Doctors do say that this area has a vitamin D deficiency so you could take D supplements if necessary. The DR can determine if you need it by a blood test.
Wait...we are?!?
Did I miss a memo?
You need just a few minutes in the sun to get all the vitamin D you need. Tanning beds do horrible, nasty things to your skin. Just watching women who have been going for years (it is always women, men are allowed to be as pasty and slovenly as we like in this strange sexual empire). They have Crypt Keeper skin. If you go occasionally, and it does you a world of emotional good, then tan away my friend. Just don't bake your skin into a pepperoni pizza.