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12/14/2008 15:50 #47060
Zen12/12/2008 10:51 #47043
They're Coming for you BarbaraI just crapped my pants
jim - 12/14/08 22:08
I turned this into my ringtone :)
I turned this into my ringtone :)
metalpeter - 12/12/08 17:03
That thing is creepy as in like old Horror movie or as in like a movie that would have given Rob Zombie nightmare, but what adds to the effects is that the girls in the add look like the doll. It reminds of some movie or story with these dolls and the dolls used to be little girls and some how they got turned into the dolls (yes those where kinda like barbie dolls but still)
That thing is creepy as in like old Horror movie or as in like a movie that would have given Rob Zombie nightmare, but what adds to the effects is that the girls in the add look like the doll. It reminds of some movie or story with these dolls and the dolls used to be little girls and some how they got turned into the dolls (yes those where kinda like barbie dolls but still)
mike - 12/12/08 12:38
that is the scariest doll ever possibly second scariest after this doll i bought for a toy drive one time and i was home alone and i swear it just started going off and tlaking and laughing all alone in the corner. I had to call (e:mk) and made her stay on the phone cuz it was absolute terrifiyingness
that is the scariest doll ever possibly second scariest after this doll i bought for a toy drive one time and i was home alone and i swear it just started going off and tlaking and laughing all alone in the corner. I had to call (e:mk) and made her stay on the phone cuz it was absolute terrifiyingness
matthew - 12/12/08 11:27
Ahhhhh!!!!! That's the scariest doll ever! That's the scariest commercial ever! Thanks (e:James), that laugh is now burned into my memory forever!!
Ahhhhh!!!!! That's the scariest doll ever! That's the scariest commercial ever! Thanks (e:James), that laugh is now burned into my memory forever!!
paul - 12/12/08 11:20
I think I would probably have o burn that if I had it. Then again I guess that did not work for chucky.
I think I would probably have o burn that if I had it. Then again I guess that did not work for chucky.
12/11/2008 21:50 #47034
Happy Holidays. Love Chad.
metalpeter - 12/12/08 17:06
He kinda looks like a character Jack Black would play, HA. When I see that picture I think gay 70's porn not that I have ever seen any but that is what comes to mind.
He kinda looks like a character Jack Black would play, HA. When I see that picture I think gay 70's porn not that I have ever seen any but that is what comes to mind.
janelle - 12/12/08 12:27
@Jason: rofl
@Jason: rofl
james - 12/12/08 10:42
Felly: dirty sanchez mustache. Table for two.
Jason: they don't make cakes that can hold that much man!
Lauren: "a quality mullet". I will have to meditate on what this line means.
Felly: dirty sanchez mustache. Table for two.
Jason: they don't make cakes that can hold that much man!
Lauren: "a quality mullet". I will have to meditate on what this line means.
lauren - 12/12/08 10:29
there is just something so irresistible about a quality mullet coupled with nipple hair and stalker mustachio.
there is just something so irresistible about a quality mullet coupled with nipple hair and stalker mustachio.
jason - 12/12/08 09:35
I tried to hire Chad to jump out of a cake for Janelle but he wasn't available. *pout*
I tried to hire Chad to jump out of a cake for Janelle but he wasn't available. *pout*
fellyconnelly - 12/12/08 00:26
Omg. That may have just made me straight again.
Omg. That may have just made me straight again.
12/03/2008 23:00 #46944
Read a BookI am fairly certain this is not meant to be racist. It was written and produced by a black man, but that is all I know. He could be a front for some hip hop white supremacist. And with that awkward introduction out of the way, I whole heartedly encourage you to enjoy the following hilarious PSA.
jenks - 12/05/08 08:55
that is awesome.
that is awesome.
matthew - 12/04/08 13:00
heidi - 12/04/08 00:33
Too funny! Thanks for posting it!
Too funny! Thanks for posting it!
gardenmama - 12/03/08 23:58
My daughter showed this to me a while back - I think the message is great. And you're right, it's not meant to be racist; it's satirical.
Wikipedia info on the artist:
Artist's offical web page:
My daughter showed this to me a while back - I think the message is great. And you're right, it's not meant to be racist; it's satirical.
Wikipedia info on the artist:
Artist's offical web page:
12/03/2008 19:04 #46939
Learn How To DanceLack rhythm?
No problem. Just hook electrodes to your face and dance the night away.
No problem. Just hook electrodes to your face and dance the night away.
theli - 12/04/08 10:17
Heh. EVERYTHING causes cancer. :p
Saw this a while back. I'm also reminded of this one performance artist who hooked up a bunch of electrodes all over his body and let the audience control them as he tried to perform... Hmm... Was it this guy...? :::link::: Can't recall...
Heh. EVERYTHING causes cancer. :p
Saw this a while back. I'm also reminded of this one performance artist who hooked up a bunch of electrodes all over his body and let the audience control them as he tried to perform... Hmm... Was it this guy...? :::link::: Can't recall...
paul - 12/03/08 22:46
That makes me want to throw up. Ibet it causes cancer.
That makes me want to throw up. Ibet it causes cancer.
heidi - 12/03/08 21:29
ouch!!!!! that is so weird!!!!
ouch!!!!! that is so weird!!!!
gardenmama - 12/03/08 20:35
This was strangly sort of uncomfortable to watch.
This was strangly sort of uncomfortable to watch.
Just thought you folks might want to try it for yourselves. <a href="http://www.sockandawe.com">Sock and Awe Flash Game</a>
Joshua: How did this become a liberal thing? The man has been one hell of a fuck up as a president and we can't take a little joy at this? Lighten up.
Actually, I'm sure 2/3 of America is laughing at this video and quite frankly, after the last eight years, America needs it. The guy had a shoe thrown at him for gods sake, he wasn't assasinated. You need to lighten up (e:Joshua), you're starting to sound like a bigot with all this "liberals this" and "lefties that".
If President Bush is scorned by the country then what is there to say for Congress, which is significantly LESS popular?
I find no joy in a President of the United States getting embarrassed like this. I think those people who are laughing at him are sick, sick puppies. Post-partisan my ass... meaningful lives are apparently still in short supply these days. Stay classy, lefties. =/ And these are the people beckoning everyone to come together "for the good of the country?" Not under your umbrella, trust me! The shoe-throwing guy is a star among liberals and anti-American Arabs - you are judged by the company you keep - 'nuff said.
In my native land, throwing a shoe at someone is a sign of great respect!
On a good chunk of the Earth's surface is pretty offensive to throw a shoe at someone.
What a way to go out of power. Completely scorned by not only your country but also by the country you destroyed. A sad zen indeed.