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11/23/2008 13:01 #46805

What's THAT word?: Trumping Word-Blocks!
Category: tools
You are writing furiously and suddenly you come up against the dreaded WORD BLOCK! In my opinion, this is far worse than the writer's block. In contrast to the much-maligned writer's block, the word block doesn't deal with that murky uncertain ghost of your writing-future. It makes what you already wrote look like rot. The word block casts an unsatisfactory dirty shroud on the ghost of your writing-present.

To me, this is unacceptable. Thus, I declared war against word-blocks this morning. I then realized that I was poorly armed with just a Roget's Thesaurus. What I needed was a weapon to put my thoughts into pithy words. For every time I wondered, "what IS THAT word????" and for every time some miserable word dangled from the tip of my tongue but didn't quite make it to the brain, I needed a sort of white book for reverse look-up of thoughts. And lo and behold, the unknown angel of word-block rescue exists! It's called the one look reverse dictionary.

I realize it might be a bit rash to declare victory against word-blocks already, (for all I know, the word-block camp may have hidden WMDs headed for my document) but the ghost of my writing-present is nodding pretty appreciatively.

Do (e:strip) peeps have any other hidden writing-block-busters? As we all know, stockpiling is half the victory (besides being extremely handy for threatening, manipulation and such other nifty uses). :)
jacob - 11/25/08 23:26
You are a gem. All the pot rotted away my vocabulary, erasing synaptic bread crumbs and left me lost in a wood of, . .
heidi - 11/24/08 19:54
Reverse thesaurus is awesome, Tiny! Thanks!
Have you tried :::link::: ? I guess it uses the same concept as the NNDB that we talked about a while ago... hypergraphs? Love it. I need a hypergraph solution to Westlaw. Court decisions are all in databases and Westlaw & LexisNexis have oooooodles of $, why are their data models still such crap? (I know! there aren't any lawyer-mathematicians. Or lawyer-artists. Wow are lawyers boring!)

I deal with word-blocks by writing something as close as I can get, writing around it, then highlight and come back to it later. Working around it gives my brain time to process it in some remote corner and burp it up later.
gardenmama - 11/23/08 16:59
Yes, I agree, word-block sucks. My boss does not like it when a letter uses the same word too many times so she frequently challenges me to find other words to use. She also sometimes gets stuck trying to find the word she wants (word-blocked) and will come ask me for assistance. This bit of info you provided may come in handy for me at work - thanks. Unfortunately, I don't have much to offer in the way of reciprocation except you can sometimes find stuff on-line if you can think of the word that is similar to what you're looking for.

11/20/2008 12:33 #46771

Gmail Theme Mania
Category: the odes
I am so in love with the Gmail theme changing thing! I have been changing my theme once every hour for the past 6 hours. Is that excessive?


I hope not. Because I have 24 more themes to go through.


PS: I am just a Rahmbonics theme away from attaining complete self-destruction (distraction?). Thank goodness they don't have political-obsession themes... YET.

PPS: Maybe I should *design* a Rahmbonics theme! HEHEHEHE.

PPPS: Maybe I should just quit working on this ridiculous PhD and start stalking political celebrities full-time.

PPPPS: Um. Yeah. Scratch all those bad ideas,. TINY. GET BACK TO WORK!

PPPPPS: It's a sign of pure and unadulterated insanity that I am addressing myself as TINY (besides writing recursive post-scripts to myself). Ugh.
dcoffee - 11/21/08 09:00
I'm glad it brings you joy :) Molly was prety excited too, I think she tried them all.

11/19/2008 01:14 #46751

Rahm Emanuel - Positively Aware {Or Not}
Category: {dodo}
Due to the enormous amount of pubmed whoring I do on a daily basis, I have a search engine plugin for Pubmed in my Firefox quick search bar. I accidentally searched for today's quota of Rahmbonics in Pubmed. Lo and Behold, he has an indexed publication!!!

Emanuel R. Politics and HIV: statement from Representative Rahm Emanuel (IL-5). Posit Aware. 2006 Jul-Aug;17(4):49.

Of course, I simply had to go and hunt the full-text version down.


I learned about some new Rahmbonics for my D.iary O.f D.aily O.bsession, {DODO}.

Did you know that:
-- Rahmbo supports the Ryan White CARE act that funds treatment for AIDS patients when no other resources are available. (Among 402 others in the Congress).

-- He voted for the AIDS assistance bill (H.R. 1298, the U.S. Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act)

Critical Note: Though the global funding aspect is great, the Anti-Prostitution pledge in this bill is despicable and counter-productive. As a medical professional, I think this sort of a reactionary approach to AIDS prevention and control will get us NOWHERE in our fight against HIV. In my dictionary, people who drafted this pledge are prime examples of what the terms "moronic" and "insular" actually mean. Two thumbs down to Bush and other crazies who heads are firmly under six feet of religious fanatic hard-packed dirt on this issue. Emanuel talks about the funding aspect of this bill in the Posit. Aware publication but not about the anti-prostitution pledge. I am dissatisfied over this glaring omission.

-- He voted to pass H.Con.Res.30, a bill supporting the goals and ideals of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

-- Co-sponsored:
H.R. 3859, the Early Treatment for HIV Act (ETHA),
H.R. 4792, the New United States Global HIV Prevention Strategy to Address the Needs of Women and Girls Act of 2004
H.R. 1409, the Assistance for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children in Developing Countries Act of 2005
H.R. 1413, the Women and Children in Crisis and Conflict Protection Act of 2005.

On the whole, that's an excellent record against HIV except for the one major blemish-by-association -- the Anti-Prostitution pledge. I wish I knew how Rahmbonics stand on this issue. Till then, I can't believe the title of this blog without reserve.
tinypliny - 11/19/08 22:10
Yeah, though I am obsessed with his whole persona, that doesn't preclude criticism where it is due. That being said, I still don't know what his stance on the Anti-Prostitution Pledge is, so I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt -- especially looking at the quality of his sponsored bills.
jason - 11/19/08 11:47
Well, he isn't ideologically a down the line hard core like the current Congressional leaders, so I'm sure there are things he would advocate and do which you wouldn't agree with. What's interesting is when social engineering is considered "good" and when it is considered "bad" - I don't think it's ideologically defensible to cherry pick. I don't like it when governments do this.

11/17/2008 23:00 #46728

While Rome burned...
Category: {dodo}

  • YES. I am obsessed with this bloke. Apologies to all you 3 readers. You are unfortunately going to get a disproportionate amount of Emanuel on this channel, now that I have this insane urge to news-stalk for Rahmbonics. Consider yourself warned. :)

tinypliny - 11/18/08 17:32
@(e:theecarey): YEAH! I knew it. Someone would get it completely and agree!! Isn't this Rahmbo person so totally obsess-worthy?!!

@(e:jason): Haha. yes. But I am fascinated for different reasons. I am just surprised daily at the number of facets that surface, his approach to diplomacy and the sheer self-confidence he seems to have through it all. I don't think you meet a man who is just as comfortable ballet-dancing as he is locking horns with crusty old politicians, everyday. Too many public figures nowadays are stuffy, black and white and far too boring to be obsess-worthy. :)

@(e:joshua): Yep. I think its photoshopped, but it may well be true.

@(e:gardenmama): I kept thinking of whom this photo reminded me of. I just couldn't figure it out! Clooney! Yeah. No doubt.
gardenmama - 11/18/08 15:35
He kind of looks a little like George Cloony in this pic.
joshua - 11/18/08 12:35
And for those of you who may be wondering if this is a Photoshopped picture. It very well may be, but it is true that he is/was a trained ballet dancer.
jason - 11/18/08 11:36
I'm not obsessed by Rahmbo but I am fascinated and I do understand the pull of the anti-hero. He is a bona fide asshole, no doubt about it, and I find his antics amusing. I like Joe Biden for the same reason.
theecarey - 11/18/08 11:26
Please obsess away- I will be your number one fan, haha.

I totally get it.
libertad - 11/18/08 00:11
As soon as I saw that picture I thought yes you are obsessed! Seriously, you are.

11/14/2008 19:05 #46693

Rahm Emanuel {His finger, to be precise}
Category: {dodo}
I admit it. This man is immensely entertaining!

He once said {on the subject of losing his right middle finger}:


Of all the fingers to lose! I could not express myself for months. I had to learn to talk with my left hand.

Stephen Colbert latched on to this missing finger and what follows is a hysterical blackmail begging for a position at the White House.

::Download Flash Video::

Oh, and that finger is not just Colbert's favourite. Obama takes a jab at it as well... among a handful of other Rahmbonics.

Has he ever flashed that stubby little thing at you? It's appalling

theecarey - 11/17/08 09:23
This post was pure awesome!