You are writing furiously and suddenly you come up against the dreaded WORD BLOCK! In my opinion, this is far worse than the writer's block. In contrast to the much-maligned writer's block, the word block doesn't deal with that murky uncertain ghost of your writing-future. It makes what you already wrote look like rot. The word block casts an unsatisfactory dirty shroud on the ghost of your writing-present.
To me, this is unacceptable. Thus, I declared war against word-blocks this morning. I then realized that I was poorly armed with just a Roget's Thesaurus. What I needed was a weapon to put my thoughts into pithy words. For every time I wondered, "what IS THAT word????" and for every time some miserable word dangled from the tip of my tongue but didn't quite make it to the brain, I needed a sort of white book for reverse look-up of thoughts. And lo and behold, the unknown angel of word-block rescue exists! It's called the one look reverse dictionary.
I realize it might be a bit rash to declare victory against word-blocks already, (for all I know, the word-block camp may have hidden WMDs headed for my document) but the ghost of my writing-present is nodding pretty appreciatively.
(e:strip) peeps have any other hidden writing-block-busters? As we all know, stockpiling is half the victory (besides being extremely handy for threatening, manipulation and such other nifty uses). :)
There is one troubling aspect to all this though - they intentionally attacked the oldest Israeli centre in Mumbai and murdered the Rabbi and his wife. :(
I wonder whether this was a two pronged attack - one for the Kashmir conflict and one for the whole Israel/Palestine issue. I am not sure if India has any overt partisan stances when it comes to the situation and countries in the Gulf/Middle East. So the targeting of Jewish centres in the country is somewhat confusing.
For all the chatter about the Israeli/Palestinian problem and the two state solution, I sincerely wish diplomats would work a little harder on the Kashmir region to mitigate these terrorist attacks a little.
Oh colonialism, we are all living with the STI you gave us when we slept with you all those years ago.
Our first suspicion is always leveled at the oligarchy in the rogue state right next to us. The eight people they have arrested till now are Pakis and British Pakis.
Al-Queda is really not involved in all the long warring past that my country shares with its northwest neighbour.
Taking a look at the foriegn papers I see very little mentioning of Al-Queda. US papers however can't help but mentioning them. This, I find, to be infuriating.
Oh and the terrorists apparently landed on Indian soil just before the attacks started so no, they are not Indians. I also heard that the Indian Navy/Airforce identified the mothership that dropped the gunmen off and has captured it. Hopefully their intelligence is accurate this time, considering they just blew one up and were only half-right.
The whole thing is so crazy. Back in '93 the same thing happened in Mumbai -- a string of explosions and 100s dead. I guess the proverbs "once bitten twice shy" and "history repeats itself" doesn't really hold true for the RAW and CBI (equivalents of CIA here).
Yes, I think I misread your comment when I commented back the first time. Sorry about that. There's only one country around India who is capable of nurturing this sort of antipathy, jealously, downright base and hateful behaviour. I think by "foreign", our PM meant only one particular kind of foreign. In case, anyone has not guessed by now, it's most probably the handful of despots ruling the country on our northwest border. *Not* her people who are almost Indian and blameless but her dictators and tyrants who ought to be dragged out and shot one by one. :/
(e:tinypliny) let me explain. When I first saw this in the news on yahoo (before you posted about it) The article I read was about how they only targeted Britsh and Americans. Someone in a cafe was asked where they where from and when they said italy they where let live. I think at that time there where prisoners but no one had tried to get to them yet. In terms of motives I'm sure the people who did this had one, I'm not one of them so I don't know what it is. I'm not sure if they are Indian or from Pakastan of some other country but live in India. I don't have the most recent news.
all i can say to that is-
I hate people.
Tiny, I have not seen any news yet this a.m., however, last night, I believe when this story first aired they were reporting that it was primarily Americans and British who were being targeted. This is a horrendous display of terrorism and an epic tragedy for all.
I think I may have misunderstood your comment though. Accept my apologies for the sarcasm. :)
And yes, that does seem plausible as a way of sending a message to Indians as well as the Westerners who invest in India.
But still, how rotten - this is similar in style and calibre to the Sep 11 Twin tower attacks. :(
(e:metalpeter): That is a very strange comment considering common Indians on the street and in train stations and hospitals were targeted and shot to death. The death toll now stands at around 240 (out of which >95% are Indians).
Fun way to scare to tell Americans and the British we don't want to listen to them. Huh?
I will admit I don't know the politics of India nor do a know the different parts. But I have a couple guesses as to why this was done. Who ever they are they don't like the British and Americans cause that is the only people they went after. This to me implies that they don't want those kinds of people in there country. There is this sterotype (mostly of men) that people (not all of course) think that Indians are Muslem they see the head thing and don't get it or they see the skin color and cant tell them apart. I don't know if this factors in here or not but I'm sure this attack might make things here worse. I'm wondering if attacking that part of India is saying you don't want to listen to what we say so lets make it some forgeiners don't want to come here and don't want to invest. Maybe that group was some stragtegic reason to take over that part of the country. I'm not in that group so I don't know but I'm sure from their side there is a reason to hit that area.