YES. I am obsessed with this bloke. Apologies to all you 3 readers. You are unfortunately going to get a disproportionate amount of Emanuel on this channel, now that I have this insane urge to news-stalk for Rahmbonics. Consider yourself warned. :)
tinypliny - 11/18/08 17:32 @(e:theecarey): YEAH! I knew it. Someone would get it completely and agree!! Isn't this Rahmbo person so totally obsess-worthy?!!
@(e:jason): Haha. yes. But I am fascinated for different reasons. I am just surprised daily at the number of facets that surface, his approach to diplomacy and the sheer self-confidence he seems to have through it all. I don't think you meet a man who is just as comfortable ballet-dancing as he is locking horns with crusty old politicians, everyday. Too many public figures nowadays are stuffy, black and white and far too boring to be obsess-worthy. :)
@(e:joshua): Yep. I think its photoshopped, but it may well be true.
@(e:gardenmama): I kept thinking of whom this photo reminded me of. I just couldn't figure it out! Clooney! Yeah. No doubt.
gardenmama - 11/18/08 15:35 He kind of looks a little like George Cloony in this pic.
joshua - 11/18/08 12:35 And for those of you who may be wondering if this is a Photoshopped picture. It very well may be, but it is true that he is/was a trained ballet dancer.
jason - 11/18/08 11:36 I'm not obsessed by Rahmbo but I am fascinated and I do understand the pull of the anti-hero. He is a bona fide asshole, no doubt about it, and I find his antics amusing. I like Joe Biden for the same reason.
theecarey - 11/18/08 11:26 Please obsess away- I will be your number one fan, haha.
I totally get it.
libertad - 11/18/08 00:11 As soon as I saw that picture I thought yes you are obsessed! Seriously, you are.
11/14/2008 19:05 #46693
Rahm Emanuel {His finger, to be precise} Category: {dodo}
I admit it. This man is immensely entertaining!
He once said {on the subject of losing his right middle finger}:
Of all the fingers to lose! I could not express myself for months. I had to learn to talk with my left hand.
Stephen Colbert latched on to this missing finger and what follows is a hysterical blackmail begging for a position at the White House.
PS: (e:paul) just posted in the chatter: tiny when you are posting a comment, make sure it says the right user and comment id at the top of the add comment window e.g. Post a comment to imk2's journal #46680
PPS: Thanks for that information. I will be sure to check in the future but how about the comments which have been posted without verifying this detail - is there any way to recover them?
PPPS: I am so addicted to this font-sizing thing. :)
jason - 11/14/08 14:01 My previous problems with it occurred when I would start the comment, then move over to another Firefox tab and then submit the comment.
Paul, thanks for the tool. I've been meaning to read something (e:DCoffee) had posted a while back.
tinypliny - 11/14/08 13:27 The test is working now. :) It's the murphy's law. I will keep a hawk's eyeout for the next time I get signs of a lost comment. The comment that got lost today was the first one I made after being inactive for around 7 hours.
paul - 11/14/08 13:19 Test it and see what happens.
tinypliny - 11/14/08 13:18 If I think back to my comments in the graveyard, I think they do have a definite pattern. (E:strip) reuses pop-up windows. If you click on the comment bubble to comment on someone's blog, the earlier pop-up from (e:strip) is replaced by the comment form pop-up. I am guessing lost comments mostly happen when you have a log-out event between 2 pop-up sessions. When you login again and initiate a pop-up from (e:strip), the replacement pop-up comment goes to the graveyard.
tinypliny - 11/14/08 12:20 THAT IS SO COOL!!! THANK YOU!!
Now we can all go rescue out lost and bewildered comments!!! GO COMMENT RESCUE!!! Dig them out of those coffins!!!
paul - 11/14/08 12:10 Okay, its there is a comment graveyard now :::link::: where you can get to the list of all 40/40,000 comments with no home
You can also get there by clicking on the graveyard link on the more comments page. They are in reverse chronological order. If you know which ones they belong on, click the report link at the bottom of any comment.
Also, in the more list itself, it a comment is ever not associated with a journal, there is a "report this" link instead of a >>more link so that you can easily report it.
paul - 11/14/08 11:18 Yes, they are all alive and well. I am just holding them hostage No the truth is there are ~40 out of 40,333 comments that have no journal associated with them. They are still in the database. I have the author, the comments, the timestamp and the ip but somehow those ones never passed the journal id. I cannot figure out the exact combination of problem that causes it. Everytime I try it it works.
That is why I added that line at the top that says what journal id and user you are posting to. If that ever says nothing, that is an indicator that there is a problem and I would really like to know under what condition that happens.
I should just make a lost comment graveyard where you can go to claim them. This problem won't happen in the new system as it works very differently. Unfortunately, I have been very busy with work and other things and it keeps delaying the new version. If only this was my paid job.
11/10/2008 21:45 #46637
Milva... the extraordinary. Category: music
The last post reminded me of how much I love this awesome Goddess of voice and passion.
So instead of just listening to me jabbering on and on, I strongly recommend that you take the time machine back to the 60s for 10 golden minutes. :)
From 1968:
From 1966:
This is more recent, but showcases her incredible range and the life she brings to Piazzolla's works. This time, in French!
J'Oublie (Oblivion) (Piazzolla/McNeal)
11/10/2008 20:15 #46635
Astor Piazzolla - Maria de Buenos Aires Category: music
I got to my department today morning and someone had left this on the general "help-yourself" table at the entrance.
I still can't believe it. Someone actually gave away one of the coolest tango-operas! And not just any tango-opera. A LIVE production* of the oratorio penned in 1968 by none other than the divinity of tango - Astor Piazzolla!
To give you an idea of what Piazzola's operatic works sound like, here's a very dramatic piece "Preludio para el año 3001 - Rinasceró" sung by the awesome Milva. The drama and emotion is sometimes so intense, that even not getting a word of Spanish, I find myself getting the story. That is the brilliance and magic of Piazzolla.
(Orchestra: Astor Quartet, Per Arne Glorvigen (Bandoneon), Gidon Kremer (Violin), Milva (Voice), Vadim Sakharov (Piano), Alois Posch (Double Bass))
Needless to say, I snatched it away in one wild spasmodic movement before anyone could say, Piazzolla. It's now playing full blast and I am virtually dancing on the streets of Buenos Aires.
Okay, Okay, the Gidon Kremer version of this Opera is more mind-blowing, if only for the technical precision of his playing as well as the orchestra's. However, as far as live productions go, this one is spot on with all the passion, if not the precision and sound.
tinypliny - 11/10/08 23:42 hahaha... I guess my grasp of "Spanish" is even worse than I thought. But I am determined to learn it some day... :)
Thanks for the linking the real Spanish version! Actually, it makes sense that Milva would sing in Italian. She is originally Italian. Isn't she the awesomest???!?? They sometimes play her albums at Guercio's and then I recklessly waste time just wandering down the aisles listening to song after song.
Her voice drives me to distraction. hmmmm.. so does MarÃa Dolores Pradera's voice. Together, they are the super-melodious representation in my mind of 40s-70s Spain and Italy. Someday, when I go to Barcelona to see Gaudi's work, Dolores Pradera and Milva will be my soundtrack. :D
libertad - 11/10/08 22:50 Your a true renaissance woman Tiny! I believe this version of the song is Italian. Here is a Spanish version....
gardenmama - 11/10/08 21:25 Well - it must just be your lucky day. How nice of someone to leave that for you.
@(e:theecarey): YEAH! I knew it. Someone would get it completely and agree!! Isn't this Rahmbo person so totally obsess-worthy?!!
@(e:jason): Haha. yes. But I am fascinated for different reasons. I am just surprised daily at the number of facets that surface, his approach to diplomacy and the sheer self-confidence he seems to have through it all. I don't think you meet a man who is just as comfortable ballet-dancing as he is locking horns with crusty old politicians, everyday. Too many public figures nowadays are stuffy, black and white and far too boring to be obsess-worthy. :)
@(e:joshua): Yep. I think its photoshopped, but it may well be true.
@(e:gardenmama): I kept thinking of whom this photo reminded me of. I just couldn't figure it out! Clooney! Yeah. No doubt.
He kind of looks a little like George Cloony in this pic.
And for those of you who may be wondering if this is a Photoshopped picture. It very well may be, but it is true that he is/was a trained ballet dancer.
I'm not obsessed by Rahmbo but I am fascinated and I do understand the pull of the anti-hero. He is a bona fide asshole, no doubt about it, and I find his antics amusing. I like Joe Biden for the same reason.
Please obsess away- I will be your number one fan, haha.
I totally get it.
As soon as I saw that picture I thought yes you are obsessed! Seriously, you are.