Two representatives in the congress have written a letter to the Idiot-W urging him to bail-out the makers of the oil-guzzling SUVs and inefficient cars.
Pelosi and Reid:
"A healthy automobile manufacturing sector is essential to the restoration of financial market stability, the overall health of our economy and the livelihood of the automobile sector's workforce."
How can you perpetrate such constant fraud on the public? Can this get anymore outrageous? WHY should more money go into energy inefficient cars and SUVs while bus and metro prices are going up all over the place? For once, can't you just bail out the average population's livelihood by investing a fraction of that $700bn in a healthy PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION system??
Pelosi and Reid also said:
"It is our hope that the actions that Congress has taken, and that the administration may take, will restore the pre-eminence of our domestic manufacturing industry so that it can emerge as a global, competitive leader in fuel efficiency and in new and path-breaking energy-efficient technologies that protect our environment."
Yeah. Right. Fat chance of that ever happening - seeing as how the US goverment, the domestic automobile manufacturers, the oil industry, and the Californian government played key roles in very skillfully murdering the concept of the energy-efficient electric car back in the day.

This is a barefaced effort at siphoning of public money to the oil industry for immediate gains, and it makes me sick.
I am NOT happy with these bailouts. Here we are getting F'd again because of fear.
Why should we give these lousy companies any money? It wasn't a big secret that gas is a limited resource. Fuel efficiency standards should have become more stringent, however, Biden and others rejected raising fuel efficiency standards.
I know that these jobs are necessary but maybe these people (auto workers) should be given opportunities in new sectors of a greener economy. This would include the building of a new infrastructure that focused on public transport.
We are in big trouble and it has been made that much worse by the bailout of the banks. The auto industry will be no different. My hope is that Obama will choose the right Treasure Secretary that can properly advise him. This is a very crucial moment.
That's actually a good suggestion. But when AIG executives could easily blow the bail-out money and go to a collective spa treatment, you can't really expect any better of any other industry; especially the auto industry.
The US auto industry has been actively blocking all the efforts to improve the public transport infrastructure for the past so many decades and is dead against developing alternative-fuel vehicles because its hand in glove with the oil industry. The idea is to make inefficient oil-guzzlers so that people would keep on buying oil no matter what the price.
But it on the side of the people who want the bailout it gets more complicated (wow double comments I feel like (e:tinypliny)). I know that chevy is working on and has some cars that are highly fuel efficent and I think a sports car then runs on all batery power. If they don't have money to stay open how will these cars ever come into being. What I suggest is not a bail out but to put money to these companies that would be ear marked or to be used for Gas Alternatives. Maybe that would be a fair compromise.
I see this a little bit differently. Most automakers because of the unions pay their workers pretty well. Some who has a family and a house and a car or maybe 2 lives off how much money they make. That person can't all of a sudden then live off $4 less an hour. Did the unions get greedy over the years, yeah sure but cutting peoples pay isn't an option for them. It isn't only the unions though the big bosses want there money also, so they will fire workers to keep there bonuses and stock pay outs. I do understand where the car companies are coming from though. They think hey it isn't our fault the banks screwed everything up and now no one can pay for cars. But see that isn't true really. The bottom line is that the Japanese can make cars generaly cheeper, better, and more gas efficant. It is true that there is no such thing as an American car any more. None of the electonics are made in america and some other parts are also. Then You have Toyota who has some models (trucks I think ) built in the united states. I think it is crazy to bail out the automakers, I also think it isn't fair why only GM and not everyone who sells cars in America.
The conservative perils of the American far left agenda...