I still can't believe it. Someone actually gave away one of the coolest tango-operas! And not just any tango-opera. A LIVE production* of the oratorio penned in 1968 by none other than the divinity of tango - Astor Piazzolla!
To give you an idea of what Piazzola's operatic works sound like, here's a very dramatic piece "Preludio para el año 3001 - Rinasceró" sung by the awesome Milva. The drama and emotion is sometimes so intense, that even not getting a word of Spanish, I find myself getting the story. That is the brilliance and magic of Piazzolla.
(Orchestra: Astor Quartet, Per Arne Glorvigen (Bandoneon), Gidon Kremer (Violin), Milva (Voice), Vadim Sakharov (Piano), Alois Posch (Double Bass))
Needless to say, I snatched it away in one wild spasmodic movement before anyone could say, Piazzolla. It's now playing full blast and I am virtually dancing on the streets of Buenos Aires.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, dear mysterious benefactor! :D
- Okay, Okay, the Gidon Kremer version of this Opera is more mind-blowing, if only for the technical precision of his playing as well as the orchestra's. However, as far as live productions go, this one is spot on with all the passion, if not the precision and sound.
hahaha... I guess my grasp of "Spanish" is even worse than I thought. But I am determined to learn it some day... :)
Thanks for the linking the real Spanish version! Actually, it makes sense that Milva would sing in Italian. She is originally Italian. Isn't she the awesomest???!?? They sometimes play her albums at Guercio's and then I recklessly waste time just wandering down the aisles listening to song after song.
Her voice drives me to distraction. hmmmm.. so does MarÃa Dolores Pradera's voice. Together, they are the super-melodious representation in my mind of 40s-70s Spain and Italy. Someday, when I go to Barcelona to see Gaudi's work, Dolores Pradera and Milva will be my soundtrack. :D
Your a true renaissance woman Tiny! I believe this version of the song is Italian. Here is a Spanish version....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZLflVp-lGc
Well - it must just be your lucky day. How nice of someone to leave that for you.