Whatever happened to this group?! I had an audio cassette of this album back... back... really back in the day and I remember the magnetic tape kind of disintegrated because I rewound it so many times the first month I had it on my Sony Walkman.
And YIKES. What a freakishly scary video. I had no idea. Thankfully, I never saw this abomination of a video before now! I might have been brain damaged forever. I think the most ghastly bits are when they come to "walk in the park" and "laughing child" bits.
Tinypliny's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/08/2008 22:15 #46608
Nostalgia: Its a Beautiful Life [Or Not]Category: music
11/07/2008 21:22 #46596
Complexity AtomizedCategory: science
Artist Linda Nye captures the incredible gradient of complexity of circulation in a human being. As you start your trace from your heart and venture deeper and deeper into your vessels and bloodstream, you see the red blood cells, the vessel walls, the members of the immune system - the body's dedicated mafia, down to the biochemistry of Haemoglobin - the oxygen carrying complex with its little oxygen atom.

Here is the same balance of complexity destroyed by unwieldy chunks of flaky lard from those countless beers, triple servings of pasta, humongous bagels for breakfast, random potato fries and all those burgers of abandonment.

Science 26 September 2008: Vol. 321. no. 5897, p. 1768 DOI: 10.1126/science.321.5897.1768

Here is the same balance of complexity destroyed by unwieldy chunks of flaky lard from those countless beers, triple servings of pasta, humongous bagels for breakfast, random potato fries and all those burgers of abandonment.

Science 26 September 2008: Vol. 321. no. 5897, p. 1768 DOI: 10.1126/science.321.5897.1768
tinypliny - 11/08/08 22:36
"low-level system call for spawning a process" - LOL. Couldn't ask for a more accurate description of reproduction.
"low-level system call for spawning a process" - LOL. Couldn't ask for a more accurate description of reproduction.
zobar - 11/08/08 22:20
1. The sperm is labeled fork(); which is the low-level system call for spawning a process. I guess it's as good an excuse as any.
2. Brian Greene is the world's preeminent string theorist. I had to look that up.
- Z
1. The sperm is labeled fork(); which is the low-level system call for spawning a process. I guess it's as good an excuse as any.
2. Brian Greene is the world's preeminent string theorist. I had to look that up.
- Z
tinypliny - 11/08/08 09:38
THAT is AWESOME (e:zobar). I especially <3 the "Brian Greene knitting furiously. Clink Clink" right at the bottom of the complex hierarchy below the DUST and the RUST mites and quite curiously, what appears to be a sperm.
And I don't have the faintest idea who Brian Greene is. Hahaha
THAT is AWESOME (e:zobar). I especially <3 the "Brian Greene knitting furiously. Clink Clink" right at the bottom of the complex hierarchy below the DUST and the RUST mites and quite curiously, what appears to be a sperm.
And I don't have the faintest idea who Brian Greene is. Hahaha
zobar - 11/08/08 08:57
Only stylistically related: Randall Munroe of XKCD put together some vertical-log illustrations of the known universe :::link::: and a computer :::link::: that I thought were pretty keen.
- Z
Only stylistically related: Randall Munroe of XKCD put together some vertical-log illustrations of the known universe :::link::: and a computer :::link::: that I thought were pretty keen.
- Z
tinypliny - 11/07/08 22:13
Varied fonts were exactly what I wanted for this post. :)
Varied fonts were exactly what I wanted for this post. :)
paul - 11/07/08 22:01
Once again, fantastic use of font size and happy 40k comments!
Once again, fantastic use of font size and happy 40k comments!
11/06/2008 20:04 #46578
Mr. Super-ColourfulCategory: {dodo}
-- He once sent a 2.5 feet long dead rotting fish to a pollster whom he disliked.

-- He is a classically trained ballet dancer.

-- His brother is a Hollywood agent and he has had movies made about him.

-- His other brother is the head of bioethics unit at the NIH and an oncologist.

-- He once stabbed a steak knife through the table to make a point.

Meet Rahm Emanuel. He is the future chief-of-staff of Obama's White House Team!

Whoever said only Palin could make SNL's life easy??!! Exciting times ahead for the Republicans. LOL :D

-- He is a classically trained ballet dancer.

-- His brother is a Hollywood agent and he has had movies made about him.

-- His other brother is the head of bioethics unit at the NIH and an oncologist.

-- He once stabbed a steak knife through the table to make a point.

Meet Rahm Emanuel. He is the future chief-of-staff of Obama's White House Team!

Whoever said only Palin could make SNL's life easy??!! Exciting times ahead for the Republicans. LOL :D
11/05/2008 23:18 #46567
Antonio Lauro - Maria CarolinaCategory: music
The new user sound is an awesome rendition of Maria Carolina - a famous Venezuelan waltz written for the Guitar by the pitch perfect Antonio Lauro.

Its played by the awesome John Williams as part of his perfect,
El Diablo Suelto.

What are you waiting for?? Check it out! Load and play my usersound! :)

Its played by the awesome John Williams as part of his perfect,
El Diablo Suelto.

What are you waiting for?? Check it out! Load and play my usersound! :)
libertad - 11/06/08 15:36
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing!
11/05/2008 19:23 #46564
Proposition 8 drama. WAKE UP MORONS.Category: science
I need to keep this short and sweet. This is a message to people who voted against gay marriage in those loony states.
Sexuality is, to a large extent, GENETICALLY determined. There is scientific proof to this effect. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT? Thus, by voting against rights for people whose sexual leanings are different from yours, not only do you show that you are unscientific, but you are also heartless, discriminating and "racist". Would you deny people rights and dignity because they happen to have a different eye colour or because they had a metabolism that processed fats differently or hmmm.. let's see, lived to a 110 years because their ageing genes kicked in slower?
I am sure many of you wouldn't. And why? Not because these traits are *any* different from sexuality, but because these traits are not linked to a flawed artificially created nonsense "definition" of "marriage" (and by proxy cultural, social, financial and legal rights).
THIS is precisely why science needs to be the new culture of people. THIS is why we need to dissect the flaws of a religion-politics liaison and burn them forever. THIS is why we need forward thinking and tolerant education in schools. THIS is why we need a better appreciation of human evolution, myths and culture. THIS is why we need open-minds and take our mistaken and demented prejudices apart. THIS is why we need to re-learn what respect to our fellow-humans means. THIS is why we need change - at its most basic and pure level. Not an "ad-lib" top-heavy lip-service "change" but CHANGE from the grassroots on how we think about our roles in our society and how we think about others who live in it.
And you know what? Even without the scientific argument, would you deny rights to a person who wore a white shirt to work when a majority of the employees were wearing blue just because the person wearing a different colour happened to have a sense of style different from you???? It's about respect of choice. The bottomline is, scientifically backed up or not, by voting against rights for everyone, you just cast a cloud of doubt over the fact that you even have some of the most human of traits - a sense of justice, equality and tolerance. Additionally, you also proved that you can let others think for you (another herd-like non-human trait, by the way). If you had taken the time to weigh the matter and form your own opinion, instead of letting your rational brain go off into the recesses of unconsciousness, you might have realized how unfortunate this decision has been. :/
Sexuality is, to a large extent, GENETICALLY determined. There is scientific proof to this effect. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT? Thus, by voting against rights for people whose sexual leanings are different from yours, not only do you show that you are unscientific, but you are also heartless, discriminating and "racist". Would you deny people rights and dignity because they happen to have a different eye colour or because they had a metabolism that processed fats differently or hmmm.. let's see, lived to a 110 years because their ageing genes kicked in slower?
I am sure many of you wouldn't. And why? Not because these traits are *any* different from sexuality, but because these traits are not linked to a flawed artificially created nonsense "definition" of "marriage" (and by proxy cultural, social, financial and legal rights).
THIS is precisely why science needs to be the new culture of people. THIS is why we need to dissect the flaws of a religion-politics liaison and burn them forever. THIS is why we need forward thinking and tolerant education in schools. THIS is why we need a better appreciation of human evolution, myths and culture. THIS is why we need open-minds and take our mistaken and demented prejudices apart. THIS is why we need to re-learn what respect to our fellow-humans means. THIS is why we need change - at its most basic and pure level. Not an "ad-lib" top-heavy lip-service "change" but CHANGE from the grassroots on how we think about our roles in our society and how we think about others who live in it.
And you know what? Even without the scientific argument, would you deny rights to a person who wore a white shirt to work when a majority of the employees were wearing blue just because the person wearing a different colour happened to have a sense of style different from you???? It's about respect of choice. The bottomline is, scientifically backed up or not, by voting against rights for everyone, you just cast a cloud of doubt over the fact that you even have some of the most human of traits - a sense of justice, equality and tolerance. Additionally, you also proved that you can let others think for you (another herd-like non-human trait, by the way). If you had taken the time to weigh the matter and form your own opinion, instead of letting your rational brain go off into the recesses of unconsciousness, you might have realized how unfortunate this decision has been. :/
^the (Today is the typo/mispost day. Arrrrgh)
To tell you truth, I just grabbed the first video I could lay my hand on from youtube. I had no idea about Much Music! You learn something new everyday!
This might give you the answers you seek.
I liked ace of base and never saw this video. I like that you got it from much music. I don't know if it is still true but it used to be that videos on there would be different versions then when I band blew up and got on MTV. Just as a point of interest there where two Much Musics and the American one got Bought got renamed Fuse and Moved to Times Square in NYC.
To be honest I can't stand Ace of Bass and did not make it more than forty seconds through that video in deference to your impeccable character. I couldn't tell you what happened to the forth member, but I am sure it is a fate far kinder than death.
Since you are divulging secrets... did the fourth die because one of the others ate him (as suggested in the video)?
I do believe they just put out a new album and are living fine with only 3 f the 4 original members... and thus concludes my post-"The Sign" knowledge of Ace of Bass