ajay - 10/14/08 12:32 In Soviet Russia, the food plays with you.
metalpeter - 10/13/08 19:06 Tiger Cubs are about the cutest cubs around. I just hope that monkey if he does that continues to do so over time because if that connection is lost he might become dinner to even that cub as a young tiger.
jim - 10/13/08 13:12 Needs to be holding a wolf pup in the other arm...
10/13/2008 11:43 #46085
It is a post-apocalyptic world down here. None of the businesses in this building are open and I think I am the only one here, at least the only one on this floor.
So I am doing work with music blasting, doing little dances as I get up to get a stapler or something. And life is just grand.
Of corse, being that upbeat about the plague killing everyone else in the building is odd when you have large windows looking out to a normally busy street (which is also dead during the lunch hour). Yup big fat lady, I know you saw me shaking my thang while putting letters into the folding machine. You can stare, but you aren't going to have nearly as much fun as me.
I hope everyone else got the plague and is home enjoying themselves.
10/12/2008 20:12 #46078
Lazy Sunday
Jim hates some of my favorite foods. So occasionally I make something so delicious he can only throw up at the mentioning of it. Today, for example, I made stuffed eggplant.
You peel the hard skin of an eggplant, cut it in half length wise and hollow it out.
Take the eggplant meat and put it in a food proceccor with a whole spicey as you can stand it pepper some egg whites. I ground some oats up in a coffee grinder because wheat sucks and added that in too.
Put the mixture inside the eggplant, put in a pan with a dolop of olive oil. 350 degrees for an hour.
It should be golden brown on the top. Prinkle some minced parsley and lemon juice on top.
I went for a long bike ride through Delaware Park on account of the fantastic weather. First, there was a bunch of boy scout troops camping out. Troops from Kenmore and Eden drove into the city to camp. Sounds like a waste of good camping to me. But also in the middle of it all was a rugby game. I have never seen rugby played before but it looks like so much fun. But, I have no idea how it is actually played. One moment there is a circle of guys huddled around a mass of human and somewhere in that mess is a ball. Then the next that ball is kicked and people go scrambling for it.
But they were all very hot and it looked like fun.
theecarey - 10/12/08 16:53 Oh yes!!! Rugby is way too fun to watch. Very primal- little to no protective gear. I know a little bit about how it is played, but honestly, I'm enamored over simply watching the men with their "hot rugby man thighs". The parks, especially Delaware park will regular have games/practices. The girls play/practice there too. I'm too chicken to play even though it looks fun and my female friends who play, absolutely love it.
next (e:strip) field trip? ogle the rugby guys is my suggestion :)
fellyconnelly - 10/12/08 09:47 rugby is awesome. I played one game, but was too blind to see anything at the time, so i quit.... had lots of fun in practice though.
tinypliny - 10/11/08 18:42 Rugby is such an awesome game! I didn't know they have a league here?? It looks a LOT LIKE American "football" - except its fun enough that you don't wear guards all across your body everywhere and end up looking like a cartoon action figure. ;-)
In Soviet Russia, the food plays with you.
Tiger Cubs are about the cutest cubs around. I just hope that monkey if he does that continues to do so over time because if that connection is lost he might become dinner to even that cub as a young tiger.
Needs to be holding a wolf pup in the other arm...