I have a big fundraiser tonight (wish me luck) and so I don't get to go home an eat dinner. So, I set out for some supper. I exit the front door of this building and a guy is sitting on the street.
Well, five minutes into the worst "Brother can ya spare a dime" shtick I have ever heard I tell the guy I don't have any money but I can get him some yogurt and a juice box. I walk into the building again, made the guy a sandwich, grabbed two juice boxes and go back out.
Gone. Not to be seen.
No matter, he probably got shooed away. So I go get my dinner to go and on my way back to the office I pass a woman. She smiles a huge smile at me and says "thanks for the lunch".
Was I just scammed? If so, I did not lose any money or sandwiches. It seems like a poor scam. Perhaps this is some sort of homeless witchcraft and soon I will dance uncontrollably for not having prompter service.
I will keep you abreast of my condition.
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/15/2008 16:34 #46129
Was I just scammed?10/15/2008 12:58 #46125
IncredibleFrom Ben Smith's blog. One voter said
people who actually believe Obama was involved in a terrorist organization are voting for him.
Well, at least McCain still has Ricky
"Well, I don't know much about this terrorist group Barack used to be in with that Weather guy but I'm sick of paying for health insurance at work and that's why I'm supporting Barack."
people who actually believe Obama was involved in a terrorist organization are voting for him.
Well, at least McCain still has Ricky
"He's neither-nor," said Ricky Thompson, a pipe fitter who works at a factory north of Mobile, while standing in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart store just north of here. "He's other. It's in the Bible. Come as one. Don't create other breeds."
tinypliny - 10/15/08 17:04
I read an interesting article about this whole incredible irrationality recently -> :::link:::
I read an interesting article about this whole incredible irrationality recently -> :::link:::
tinypliny - 10/15/08 13:02
And don't forget the fact that Palin is "feisty". Apparently, that is a commendation in Perry, NY.
And don't forget the fact that Palin is "feisty". Apparently, that is a commendation in Perry, NY.
10/14/2008 19:35 #46117
Recycling a JokeDMILF

har har har

har har har
james - 10/15/08 12:00
come on Jason. Look at those dark, bedroom eyes, those eyebrows you could just latch onto. This man is the very personification of sex.
come on Jason. Look at those dark, bedroom eyes, those eyebrows you could just latch onto. This man is the very personification of sex.
jason - 10/15/08 11:57
Haha. Okay, this is one of those ironic jokes, right? I hope? Heh heh?
Haha. Okay, this is one of those ironic jokes, right? I hope? Heh heh?
james - 10/14/08 23:26
Dungeon Master.
The other one... well, I'm just not ready to talk about it yet.
Dungeon Master.
The other one... well, I'm just not ready to talk about it yet.
drew - 10/14/08 19:54
Does DM stand for "Dead Man?" or "dungeon Master?"
Does DM stand for "Dead Man?" or "dungeon Master?"
10/13/2008 12:45 #46089
This concludes my journal.
ajay - 10/14/08 12:32
In Soviet Russia, the food plays with you.
In Soviet Russia, the food plays with you.
metalpeter - 10/13/08 19:06
Tiger Cubs are about the cutest cubs around. I just hope that monkey if he does that continues to do so over time because if that connection is lost he might become dinner to even that cub as a young tiger.
Tiger Cubs are about the cutest cubs around. I just hope that monkey if he does that continues to do so over time because if that connection is lost he might become dinner to even that cub as a young tiger.
jim - 10/13/08 13:12
Needs to be holding a wolf pup in the other arm...
Needs to be holding a wolf pup in the other arm...
10/13/2008 11:43 #46085
HELL YA!It is a post-apocalyptic world down here. None of the businesses in this building are open and I think I am the only one here, at least the only one on this floor.
So I am doing work with music blasting, doing little dances as I get up to get a stapler or something. And life is just grand.
Of corse, being that upbeat about the plague killing everyone else in the building is odd when you have large windows looking out to a normally busy street (which is also dead during the lunch hour). Yup big fat lady, I know you saw me shaking my thang while putting letters into the folding machine. You can stare, but you aren't going to have nearly as much fun as me.
I hope everyone else got the plague and is home enjoying themselves.
So I am doing work with music blasting, doing little dances as I get up to get a stapler or something. And life is just grand.
Of corse, being that upbeat about the plague killing everyone else in the building is odd when you have large windows looking out to a normally busy street (which is also dead during the lunch hour). Yup big fat lady, I know you saw me shaking my thang while putting letters into the folding machine. You can stare, but you aren't going to have nearly as much fun as me.
I hope everyone else got the plague and is home enjoying themselves.
Ya, thats totally strange.
Oh no. You are in twilight zone!!!!
Hhhhmmmm... very strange indeed!
Let me reiterate.
Some guy asked me for food.
I went to get him a sandwich.
He was gone when I came back.
So no one got the sandwich.
Later, walking down the street some woman, who I have never seen before, says "Thanks for the lunch".
Maybe it is unrelated and just a coincidence, maybe it is part of a scam which scammed me out of nothing.
ok, i totally dont get what you just said here.
Hold on. Did you give the sandwiches to the woman? I thought the bloke was gone when you came back out with the sandwich and things... Whom did you give them to? I am confused.