I understand that we are all human beings and that we make mistakes. There are just some mistakes that are too convenient, too wildly unbelievable to make them authentic.

Hundreds of absentee balots went out for voters in Rensselaer county near Albany. The democratic candidate for president, Barack Osama.
I have seen people make this mistake countless times. It is never someone saying "I rather enjoy the policies of Osama". Rather, it is always someone with an axe to grind about Obama and it is unacceptable.
me angry
that's such bullshit. I hope that person lost their job.
and i don't say that lightly...
Yeah, very unfortunate that a difference of heaven and hell is separated by a mere alphabet. :/
I bet this was a deliberate mistake by a nasty idiot from a zealot county who think Palindronics are "feisty". **Shudder**