Erin Pollina | Sabres.com
Oct 9, 2008, 10:02 AM EDT
Dan Paille (Photo: Buffalo Sabres)
This isn't your typical Blue and Gold gear.
But that was the idea in creating SabreStyle.
Set to debut Friday, Oct. 10 at HSBC Arena for the team's season opener, the Buffalo Sabres' new and exclusive clothing line goes beyond sports apparel.
"It looks like something you would buy at the mall," Director of Creative Services, Frank Cravotta. "Our logos are hidden within the graphics so at first glance, it doesn't look like Sabres gear."
Introducing 14 pieces - for men and women - the theme is designed for a young demographic with fashion in mind, "as opposed to the collegiate style you see in the store now," Cravotta said.
The clothes are made of premium-quality, light-weight fabrics and feature tighter fits for long and short-sleeved t-shirts, hats and hooded sweatshirts. The graphics infuse the Sabres logo with some abstract designs.
"We used all of our logos and our identity as a starting point and then just kind of went wild with the graphics," Cravotta said. "The initial reaction has been really positive, not only internally from the employees but also from the players who have been involved."
Forwards Ales Kotalik, Jochen Hecht, Patrick Kaleta and Adam Mair were among those who modeled the look, as well as defenseman Nathan Paetsch.
"I like it," Paetsch said. "It's something you would buy not only to support your team, but just to wear. It's fashionable and something you would actually get at a store.
"It's quite innovative and I'm sure a lot of young people are going to take to it. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it made for a sports team."
Prices are as low as $25 and are available exclusively in the Sabres Store at HSBC Arena . Quantities are limited and are only offered for a short time.
"We're calling it an exclusive line and a limited edition because it really is that," Cravotta said. "It's a short, run and the pieces will only be produced for this year so you're not going to come back in the store next year and get it. Each year we'll update it with the latest fashion and looks."
SabreStyle is also the first of it's kind among major sports teams.
"As far as we know... no one has tried this yet," Cravotta said. "There are some clear and popular styles out there that are not represented in our store and as far as we know, in any team store. It seemed to make sense that we have a popular brand and clear identity and if we can somehow merge the two into fashion that our younger crowd is wearing with our mark and our look, it would make a lot of sense.
"This is a whole new avenue to explore."
The Sabres Store is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. as well as during all Sabres home games. For more information, call (716) 855-4140.
But Part of the problem is I didn't have bateries for my camera so I didn't take it to work so that I could go and then hand out or eat downtown someplace. Plus I'm still waiting for my adult and some other pictures in the mail. So my plan was to just watch the game at home.
The plan started out great I had my Dortios and Bagel Bites, Yummy and some cold drink I was good. The game was tied and I even saw that when the game was over I could Watch Faulty Towers (never seen it only a best of show, John Clease before Monty Phython) then Clone Wars on cartoon network and then Bill Maher. To bad I passed out during the 2nd period but other then that it was a great plan. I did catch Bill this moring before I went to the bank.
On my way to the bank I saw something Near spot. My first thought was did someone spill coffee on them selves. My next thought was I wonder if a biker got hit didn't see a car though, so maybe it was something serious I'm guessing someone homeless needed help cause everyone was sitting around and the firetruck and ambulance where blocking what was going on. Little further down I saw (e:Jim) and (e:James) walking with I assume their dog, thiing looked huge from the bus, hope it was a fun walk. I wasn't sure what movie I was going to see there are a few of them I wanted to. I saw "Blindness" I thought it was good and weird. With out giving anything away it is an epidemic of blindness, but not being able to see but where you see all light. Then as most epidemic movies go there is like a quarentene part. I'm more of an action myself but I also do like movies like this. Yes there is some nice nudity in it, but I also like movies that deal with humanity like this. Yeah some parts of the movie where dark, some where shot normal and then some where almost all white. Sometimes it felt like a movie one would watch on Sundance or IFC. I wonder if it was based on some Asian Horror movie from years ago? If you liked either of the 28 days movies you might like it. I think I may go see that Bill Maher movie on Monday.
I was going to go get a costume at Party City but decided to wait until Monday because a preview I saw gave me an idea for a New Costume. I came home and found one place to get the costume but it was way to much going to do a little bit more searching over the weekend I hope. Here is the movie:

That is right the 2nd Death Note Movie. The previews look pretty awesome. Now I just have to decide if I should go Wens. or Thurs. I'm thinking Thurs. (I wanted to go as a Shirgomi) But it is tough because I know I'm going to be pretty tired all week because at work we will need to do 5 days of work in 4 days. Hope everyone has a great long weekend.
Waving from the bus with closed windows and doors would have been tough On my part also, hope the walk was fun, or productive if there was a reason for the walk other then just to walk.
Had we known we would have waved Peter.
I need to meet (e:Jim) and (e:James)'s Ben someday. :)