Come the November Elections I know Have a conflict. I think Barrack is the man for the job. I admit I don't like McCain. But see here is where the conflict comes in. Both parties are saying they will change things hence "Mavricks" . But see I don't think either one of them can change that much. In this great country of ours we have 3 branches of Government and they are supposed to to balanced. So I think that even though the president Is the leader any change he wants he has to have a others who agree with him. Hey he is the new guy who says the people in power will really let him run the show. That is why I may vote for McCain. Not because I like him but because I like Tina Fey. Hey if Palin is VP or even if she becomes the Commander and Chief then Tina Fey will Be on SNL every week playing the role of Palin, well or at least she will be on as a guest star every so often. That reminds me SNL goes live on Thursday this week, I'm guessing most of it will be based on what ever happens on the debate on Tuesday. Back in the old days I was a big Dana Carvey fan. Yes he did a lot of sketches like "The Church Lady" But what I think got him the most fame was playing George Bush, and if I remember once the Real George Bush Joined him in a skit. But to Tina Fey for a minute. I think she does a better Job doing Palin (who doesn't talk that weird just think about that movie Fargo) then anyone else doing any of the Political people on the show. So I may just wind up voting for Tina Fey.
On a side note last nights MMA was pretty good. My quick take on it was that it is odd that Shamrock Got hurt before the fight (cut with sutures) So Kimbo Slice fought someone who was going to be on the Undercard and the dude won very quickly by the way. Oh yeah and Gina Carano won her fight also. All in all it was fun to watch.
Metalpeter's Journal
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10/05/2008 10:50 #45942
I'm voting for Tina Fey?Category: politics
10/04/2008 15:43 #45931
EliteXC and BillsCategory: tv
So I have lots of interests and one of them is MMA. Showtime has a league called EliteXC and that is on CBS live tonight.
So since I have Rabbit Ears that work (time warner and CBS you both still piss me off, ass holes, I think if cable companies also did al le carte service it would be a way to work around this) I can watch that at 9 PM tonight. The link is about weigh ins. I guess the quick report is that Kimbo Slice and Shamrock got into it, don't know if that will make there fight any better (I think she is pretty hot) That Gina Carano got naked so she could make weight. I hope the fights tonight are good you never know.
At least I'll be able to watch the Bills on sunday. I think it could be a very good game vs. the cardinals. I think it is a big test for the Bills. Yes I am happy and surprised they haven't lost a game yet, but they also haven't played anyone in the AFC East yet so we shall see what happens when they do. I also wonder what the 1PM game will be. Both things on CBS (rat bastards along with time warner, who I think should give people money back on there bills based on how long CBS is off of cable for) I'll be watching on my small TV in my bed room. Even though it is smaller the set up puts me closers to the TV so sometimes the picture seems bigger, well not bigger but I can see it better. On a side note I wonder if Tina Fey will be on SNL doing a debate Sketch tonight that would be pretty cool.

At least I'll be able to watch the Bills on sunday. I think it could be a very good game vs. the cardinals. I think it is a big test for the Bills. Yes I am happy and surprised they haven't lost a game yet, but they also haven't played anyone in the AFC East yet so we shall see what happens when they do. I also wonder what the 1PM game will be. Both things on CBS (rat bastards along with time warner, who I think should give people money back on there bills based on how long CBS is off of cable for) I'll be watching on my small TV in my bed room. Even though it is smaller the set up puts me closers to the TV so sometimes the picture seems bigger, well not bigger but I can see it better. On a side note I wonder if Tina Fey will be on SNL doing a debate Sketch tonight that would be pretty cool.
10/03/2008 20:04 #45922
Arhhh Time Warner and CBSCategory: tv
What to do, who is really the greedy company, will they really work something out?????? ARGGGGGGGGGGGh the entire thing makes me crazy. Should I cancel cable and get a dish so I can Watch Football. But I like my indemand stuff. Are both side greedy? I'm not an expert but I think if Cable had the al le carte system this wouldn't be a problem. If CBS wanted more money then it would cost more money to have it as a station. Well I guess some time tonight I have to call them. Oh yeah they give us some college sports station that I don't care about and an HBO I allready have. I think both sides should have thought about the viewers and the NFL 1st. But who knows maybe they will work something out. Hey if there is no game then do we get two Fox games instead of One? I wonder if MMA can we watched live online? I want to fucking scream, I need my AFC Football games.
metalpeter - 10/04/08 11:52
(e:mrmike) I'm glad for you that you don't work for cable anymore. I hope they settle the problem soon. What up sets me is that it seems like they don't care about the viewer at all. I wonder what the NFL"s view on this would become if they didn't fix the problem. Granted I don't think they would lose much money since most fans would find a way to watch the games any ways, and they won't lose much ad money. But time Warner has had problems with the two networks who carry the NFL.
(e:Paul) Rabbit ears being free at time warner is nice and all or I guess If you buy them they will pay you back or give your bill credit. But see I got cable so that I would get a good strong pretty picture and I think I shouldn't have to use them because two companies can't play nice.
UPDATE: Yes at work I'm a hard worker and A Man but often at hope I'm a lazy pussy so my place was a mess. If it wasn't I think I would have just given up and called Direct TV and got the NFL Package. But I remembered something that My little tv Has Rabbit ears and I set it up and I can get 4 and 29 and that seems about it and that seems like it is enough I even have a little switch in the back that goes from antenna to cable. So tonight I'll watch MMA and then sunday the Bills and if there is a 1pm game that also. I forgot how fun rabbit ears are and then once you find the station you have to tune it also. I wish my TV picked up the stations from Canada that would be nice. Now to go get food for the game.
(e:mrmike) I'm glad for you that you don't work for cable anymore. I hope they settle the problem soon. What up sets me is that it seems like they don't care about the viewer at all. I wonder what the NFL"s view on this would become if they didn't fix the problem. Granted I don't think they would lose much money since most fans would find a way to watch the games any ways, and they won't lose much ad money. But time Warner has had problems with the two networks who carry the NFL.
(e:Paul) Rabbit ears being free at time warner is nice and all or I guess If you buy them they will pay you back or give your bill credit. But see I got cable so that I would get a good strong pretty picture and I think I shouldn't have to use them because two companies can't play nice.
UPDATE: Yes at work I'm a hard worker and A Man but often at hope I'm a lazy pussy so my place was a mess. If it wasn't I think I would have just given up and called Direct TV and got the NFL Package. But I remembered something that My little tv Has Rabbit ears and I set it up and I can get 4 and 29 and that seems about it and that seems like it is enough I even have a little switch in the back that goes from antenna to cable. So tonight I'll watch MMA and then sunday the Bills and if there is a 1pm game that also. I forgot how fun rabbit ears are and then once you find the station you have to tune it also. I wish my TV picked up the stations from Canada that would be nice. Now to go get food for the game.
paul - 10/03/08 23:11
it's free with an antenae
it's free with an antenae
mrmike - 10/03/08 20:44
The way this works, both sides are pretty greedy and have a valid point, but neither wants to be the first to budge. This is exactly the same thing that happened the year before last with Fox. The agreement between Time Warner and Ch.4's parent company expired. Ch 4 gets valued exposure via Time Warner's system. Time Warner gets valued programming. TW argues that they shouldn't have to pay more since it is an over the air signal. Lin Broadcasting argues that since they are helping Time Warner make money, they should "get some." They need each other badly. It wouldn't suprise me to see this settled before kickoff on Sunday. Oh, yeah, neither gives a rat's ass about us poor viewers. But it's days like today that make me doubly glad I don't work in cable anymore.
The way this works, both sides are pretty greedy and have a valid point, but neither wants to be the first to budge. This is exactly the same thing that happened the year before last with Fox. The agreement between Time Warner and Ch.4's parent company expired. Ch 4 gets valued exposure via Time Warner's system. Time Warner gets valued programming. TW argues that they shouldn't have to pay more since it is an over the air signal. Lin Broadcasting argues that since they are helping Time Warner make money, they should "get some." They need each other badly. It wouldn't suprise me to see this settled before kickoff on Sunday. Oh, yeah, neither gives a rat's ass about us poor viewers. But it's days like today that make me doubly glad I don't work in cable anymore.
10/02/2008 19:46 #45902
I don't do photography............Category: photography
The point that I want to make is yes I do take pictures. I have taken them at parties, sports events, things out side, my place and other things like concerts or events. But I think it is important to note that is different to aim a Camera and figure out what setting something looks like how you think it should look and doing photography. The camera does the photography for you, you just have to find out what setting does it the best for your needs. For example when I'm at a Bandits game and I'm on the glass I have to turn the flash off. If I don't it hits the glass and makes a crazy picture. At some events if you use a flash it will hit the people in or stuff in front of you and then make what you want to see look dark. So to capture the light you turn the flash off but then to much movement and they blur or sometimes the people look fuzzy. Dark lighting can be very tricky. For example last year at (e:theecarey)'s if you use a flash then it gets very bright and you lose the fire effect but you see the people but if you do it the other way then you get the brightness of the moving fire and not the people. There are all kinds of different settings or most digital cameras that will cause the picture to look different. Some of them (mine I think there is a way to) you can cause the shutter to stay open longer and let in more light, Hope you have a tripod or a really steady hand. The point I'm trying to make is that yes one can get very good at using there camera but it is important to remember that what makes photography photography is being done by the camera and not the person doing when taking pictures (like I do). For those photographers here On (e:strip) I do respect you for your skills (even if I'm not to sure of what they all are). I myself have heard some of the basics but hearing what some of them are and being able to do them isn't even close to the same. Who knows maybe some day I'll take a class. I'm not saying I would ever be good enough to take pictures of runway models or Hockey Games where they catch the puck passing the goalie or weddings as an example. I hope what I wrote was clear.
metalpeter - 10/03/08 19:05
You make a very good point, sometimes that is true often messing around can mess things up. But someones you have to based on how you where shooting. I'm hoping my little Nikon is better at (e:pmt)'s then the kodak. I don't know how to get pictures of people on one side of the room with the lights hanging down, often the camera takes lights as the light source and then makes everything behind them dark. That reminds me of the Bubble Machine at the Pajama Party for some reason.
You make a very good point, sometimes that is true often messing around can mess things up. But someones you have to based on how you where shooting. I'm hoping my little Nikon is better at (e:pmt)'s then the kodak. I don't know how to get pictures of people on one side of the room with the lights hanging down, often the camera takes lights as the light source and then makes everything behind them dark. That reminds me of the Bubble Machine at the Pajama Party for some reason.
tinypliny - 10/02/08 21:21
I find it stressful to adjust the camera till I get that perfect shot so I just point and click and more often than not, the results are better than when I resort to endless fiddling.
As for (e:Matthew), none of us have his magic dust. ;-) Yeah, he certainly has magic.
I find it stressful to adjust the camera till I get that perfect shot so I just point and click and more often than not, the results are better than when I resort to endless fiddling.
As for (e:Matthew), none of us have his magic dust. ;-) Yeah, he certainly has magic.
10/01/2008 18:31 #45883
Not so exciting times of PeterazziCategory: peterazzi
So I see that Pushing Daises Returns tonight (should burn it as I watch bones)
Well Yes The Peterazzi Does Have Some Exciting Times. That being said he isn't all about glitter glam and Photos. That is right often times his life is very dull in fact. A typical day:
-wake up around 4:30 am (sometimes 5:30) and some how get out of the house within that half hour. Hop on a bus going downtown. Then catch a second bus that goes to work (West Seneca or Cheektowaga area). Then start working well most of the time at least. Work isn't all ways over at the same time. So then it is time to head home. Sometimes if someone is going in the same direction a drop off near home happens. If not then the two bus thing again. Then it is off to go online or do other computer things for a couple hours. Then time to find some TV or a movie maybe if nothing is on or something that was taped or missed by something else being on at the same time. Sometime in there Dinner and Bed. And wake up the next day. After long days sometimes by Thurs. and Friday there is a nice tiredness worked in there also. Oh yeah on a side note happy Hump Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well Yes The Peterazzi Does Have Some Exciting Times. That being said he isn't all about glitter glam and Photos. That is right often times his life is very dull in fact. A typical day:
-wake up around 4:30 am (sometimes 5:30) and some how get out of the house within that half hour. Hop on a bus going downtown. Then catch a second bus that goes to work (West Seneca or Cheektowaga area). Then start working well most of the time at least. Work isn't all ways over at the same time. So then it is time to head home. Sometimes if someone is going in the same direction a drop off near home happens. If not then the two bus thing again. Then it is off to go online or do other computer things for a couple hours. Then time to find some TV or a movie maybe if nothing is on or something that was taped or missed by something else being on at the same time. Sometime in there Dinner and Bed. And wake up the next day. After long days sometimes by Thurs. and Friday there is a nice tiredness worked in there also. Oh yeah on a side note happy Hump Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
theecarey - 10/02/08 19:04
a day in the life of the Peterazzi! ouch, I feel bad that you get up so early. Thats not a busy schedule I could ever get used to. I'd sleep all weekend just to make up for it all!
a day in the life of the Peterazzi! ouch, I feel bad that you get up so early. Thats not a busy schedule I could ever get used to. I'd sleep all weekend just to make up for it all!
metalpeter - 10/02/08 18:36
I think I have found the setting that will make the pictures come out the best. In terms of costume I don't think what I want to do will really work (but if i get drunk enough [tough for me to do the way I process alcohol] then you might get me to change into that costume, ha) but I'm still looking into it so who knows. Yeah the waking up early if the alarms go off isn't to to bad sometimes. Lost my train of thought so I'll end it here.
I think I have found the setting that will make the pictures come out the best. In terms of costume I don't think what I want to do will really work (but if i get drunk enough [tough for me to do the way I process alcohol] then you might get me to change into that costume, ha) but I'm still looking into it so who knows. Yeah the waking up early if the alarms go off isn't to to bad sometimes. Lost my train of thought so I'll end it here.
paul - 10/02/08 10:17
Ya, I think it is the feeling that comes with the end of summer ;(
Ya, I think it is the feeling that comes with the end of summer ;(
imk2 - 10/02/08 10:16
you better grease up that camera of yours for the party.
you better grease up that camera of yours for the party.
gardenmama - 10/01/08 22:32
Wow - there must be something in the air, or maybe it's the way the stars are aligned, or some other crap, but I was thinking earlier this evening how I'm tired of the mundane (i.e. laundry, dishes, paying bills, job, fighting with my kid about her messy room, etc.), everyday stuff. Then there's Paul's recent post "Having Fun in the Sun," that is kind of along the same line. Maybe we're all just suffering from Seasonal Adjustment Disorder.
Wow - there must be something in the air, or maybe it's the way the stars are aligned, or some other crap, but I was thinking earlier this evening how I'm tired of the mundane (i.e. laundry, dishes, paying bills, job, fighting with my kid about her messy room, etc.), everyday stuff. Then there's Paul's recent post "Having Fun in the Sun," that is kind of along the same line. Maybe we're all just suffering from Seasonal Adjustment Disorder.
libertad - 10/01/08 22:06
routine sucks! You have to get up so early.
routine sucks! You have to get up so early.
If McCain dies in presidency and Palin becomes president and Tina Fey continues to hone her satire skills at the expense of Palin, chances are, Palin will try and use her power get her sacked from SNL just like she is forcing her teenage daughter to wed, and fired her brother-in-law who was critical about her family. Hahaha
MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts. Thee are multiple leagues. The one from last night. :::link:::
In the end I will really vote for Barrack. But for SNL and Tina Fey it is really better if McCain wins and then dies like after being president for about a month, ha. That being said for anyone who really loves Tina and wants her to have a longer shot at fame you might want to reconsider who you where going. Hey why not for so many people it is a personality contest anyways. I'm not really saying to vote for McCain but it would be good for the show.
What is MMA - Multi Media Action?
And gee, that kind of twisted thinking is scary. LOL I wonder how many votes the moron-camp will get because people like their parodies on TV.
I think if Tina Fey knew her skit may have contributed to you possibly wanting to vote for Palin, she would kill herself.