I thought Chris Rock was pretty Funny. It was kinda interesting since it was taped from 3 or four locations and mid joke he would switch outfits. I still found it funny though. The reason for the switch was that it was the same joke from a different location I found most of it funny, political, dick, race and all kinds of stuff was covered.
What I was trying to post of Video of was Tina Fey (i love you rape me with Polar so I can have your babies, she is hot) As Palin from SNL last night, it wasn't on You Tube yet, oh yeah did I also Mention I love Anna Faris (rape me please and make me your sex slave). It isn't just that she is hot I have seen her in a bunch of those goofy parody movies. Last nights episode was pretty good top to bottom. So here is a link to the page of the video

(e:Paul) thanks it helped that I was close and in an isle seat so I didn't have to shoot over heads or between shoulders. I'm not sure why someone would sit one seat in from the isle as opposed to on the isle but it lucked out for me.
(e:tinypliny) with out seeing the background I'm guessing it is field hockey. I think in America only girls play it. But in the olympics it is a men's and women's sport. I know the sticks are different and I think it is not considered a contact sport but not sure. During the sabres stuff inside they had street hockey games out side. In terms of Hockey there used to be maybe there still is a Roller Hockey league team in buffalo I think they where called the Raptors and the used to play at HSBC/Aud maybe and then the team moved to Buffstate. In Roller hockey they use roller blades not skates that was pretty cool to watch.
Great picture peter. (e:tinypliny) - that looks liek field hockey. In america, I think it is only played by women. There was a team at my high school.
So very different from the kind of hockey I am used to... :::link:::