I'm sure I have said this In a blog before but I find it odd (maybe it just that I have a lot of interests not sure) that there is either nothing on TV I'm into or there is a bunch of stuff. A good example of that is Sunday night. 8-10pm on Fox is Animation Domination (The Simpsons and Family Guy are the best two of all four). Then at 9pm you have Desperate Housewives (I have no idea why I like that show) Also at 9pm (to graphic for me) is Dexter followed by Californacation [awesome show haven't seen the new season yet] then on HBO is Trueblood. That is followed by 3 new shows and then repeats after them it is Entourage (good), Little Britten USA (passed out on) couple minutes I saw was good and some animated show The Life of Tim or something like that. The way these shows line up they over lap with this show on just blanked if it is IFC or Sundance I think IFC called Z rock. It is a funny show about this rock band who because they haven't made it is also a kids band and does kids songs, it is a pretty good show. This is why I'm glad Time Warner has the Indemand stations that way you can try and catch stuff you missed once it get added to the station. What bothers me about Time Warner (maybe this has changed) is they and WIVB can't get along and it looks like they might lose them. I'll be honest I never watch channel 4 except For Football. I hope Time Warner knows that if people lose football games they will turn Cable off, I hope WIVB isn't trying to rip off Time Warner based on this fact. I have no idea who is in the right but they need to work it out so I can watch football. OH yeah and I forgot on Sunday Nights there is football to watch also if it is teams I'm into.
Metalpeter's Journal
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09/29/2008 19:34 #45848
So much sunday sometimes nothing....Category: tv
09/28/2008 10:38 #45822
Chris Rock SNLCategory: comedy
So not sure if this is going to work, I didn't But that is ok here is some Chris Rock Comedy from Bill Maher that kinda has to do with some of his Comedy Special that was on Last Night.
I thought Chris Rock was pretty Funny. It was kinda interesting since it was taped from 3 or four locations and mid joke he would switch outfits. I still found it funny though. The reason for the switch was that it was the same joke from a different location I found most of it funny, political, dick, race and all kinds of stuff was covered.
What I was trying to post of Video of was Tina Fey (i love you rape me with Polar so I can have your babies, she is hot) As Palin from SNL last night, it wasn't on You Tube yet, oh yeah did I also Mention I love Anna Faris (rape me please and make me your sex slave). It isn't just that she is hot I have seen her in a bunch of those goofy parody movies. Last nights episode was pretty good top to bottom. So here is a link to the page of the video
I thought Chris Rock was pretty Funny. It was kinda interesting since it was taped from 3 or four locations and mid joke he would switch outfits. I still found it funny though. The reason for the switch was that it was the same joke from a different location I found most of it funny, political, dick, race and all kinds of stuff was covered.
What I was trying to post of Video of was Tina Fey (i love you rape me with Polar so I can have your babies, she is hot) As Palin from SNL last night, it wasn't on You Tube yet, oh yeah did I also Mention I love Anna Faris (rape me please and make me your sex slave). It isn't just that she is hot I have seen her in a bunch of those goofy parody movies. Last nights episode was pretty good top to bottom. So here is a link to the page of the video

09/27/2008 15:54 #45807
Lots of stuff going on?Category: events.
So today on my way down Elmwood I saw a few things:
-Pano's is open and lots of people where there
-A bunch of bikers (bikes not motorcycles) in front of campus wheel works
-scion set up near globe market
-Setting up for Rockn at the Knox (B52 and other perform)
Then today there is a hip hop show on Tonawanda St. not sure where exactly if I new how to get there I might go. My cousin band sometimes performs with another band and they sound pretty good together Dali's Climax .
Around 5 today they are having this red carpet event for the Sabres to Play The Maple Leafs, that sounds pretty interesting. I didn't see the game listed on TV any where I have to maybe check out the buffalo news and see if they have any info about that.
Last night I tried to be all Political and watch the Debate then go right to Bill Maher. Sorry I couldn't stay awake for it, but at least I saw Maher this morning. One of his Guests (not a panel guest though) was Chris Rock, he is pretty funny. Rock has an HBO Special on at 9pm tonight. I hope it is really good and really funny. Not sure if it is live or taped. The reason I say Hope is because some of his stuff is funny and some of it isn't. That isn't just true of him but of everyone I have seen do comedy.
I'm sure there is other stuff that Is going on that I don't know about hope everyone has a great rest of there weekend.
-Pano's is open and lots of people where there
-A bunch of bikers (bikes not motorcycles) in front of campus wheel works
-scion set up near globe market
-Setting up for Rockn at the Knox (B52 and other perform)
Then today there is a hip hop show on Tonawanda St. not sure where exactly if I new how to get there I might go. My cousin band sometimes performs with another band and they sound pretty good together Dali's Climax .
Around 5 today they are having this red carpet event for the Sabres to Play The Maple Leafs, that sounds pretty interesting. I didn't see the game listed on TV any where I have to maybe check out the buffalo news and see if they have any info about that.
Last night I tried to be all Political and watch the Debate then go right to Bill Maher. Sorry I couldn't stay awake for it, but at least I saw Maher this morning. One of his Guests (not a panel guest though) was Chris Rock, he is pretty funny. Rock has an HBO Special on at 9pm tonight. I hope it is really good and really funny. Not sure if it is live or taped. The reason I say Hope is because some of his stuff is funny and some of it isn't. That isn't just true of him but of everyone I have seen do comedy.
I'm sure there is other stuff that Is going on that I don't know about hope everyone has a great rest of there weekend.
09/23/2008 19:59 #45777
Sabres Puck dropCategory: photos
So On Saturday with about 2 hours of sleep I went to get Hockey Tickets at the Sabres Puck drop and watched the Scrimmage. It was a pretty good time. I hope they have a great season and Hope they win or at least play very good at the 4 games I'm going to. On a side note before I put pictures up I hope those who looked at my previous post liked it. If for some reason you didn't see enough pictures they can all be seen on my webshots page.

The Revealing of the 3rd Jerseys was pretty cool. If I come across some extra cash I would like to get one, that would be cool get in nice and comfy I geuss, we shall see kinda hurting for cash right now though.

The Revealing of the 3rd Jerseys was pretty cool. If I come across some extra cash I would like to get one, that would be cool get in nice and comfy I geuss, we shall see kinda hurting for cash right now though.
metalpeter - 09/27/08 18:04
(e:Paul) thanks it helped that I was close and in an isle seat so I didn't have to shoot over heads or between shoulders. I'm not sure why someone would sit one seat in from the isle as opposed to on the isle but it lucked out for me.
(e:tinypliny) with out seeing the background I'm guessing it is field hockey. I think in America only girls play it. But in the olympics it is a men's and women's sport. I know the sticks are different and I think it is not considered a contact sport but not sure. During the sabres stuff inside they had street hockey games out side. In terms of Hockey there used to be maybe there still is a Roller Hockey league team in buffalo I think they where called the Raptors and the used to play at HSBC/Aud maybe and then the team moved to Buffstate. In Roller hockey they use roller blades not skates that was pretty cool to watch.
(e:Paul) thanks it helped that I was close and in an isle seat so I didn't have to shoot over heads or between shoulders. I'm not sure why someone would sit one seat in from the isle as opposed to on the isle but it lucked out for me.
(e:tinypliny) with out seeing the background I'm guessing it is field hockey. I think in America only girls play it. But in the olympics it is a men's and women's sport. I know the sticks are different and I think it is not considered a contact sport but not sure. During the sabres stuff inside they had street hockey games out side. In terms of Hockey there used to be maybe there still is a Roller Hockey league team in buffalo I think they where called the Raptors and the used to play at HSBC/Aud maybe and then the team moved to Buffstate. In Roller hockey they use roller blades not skates that was pretty cool to watch.
paul - 09/27/08 16:05
Great picture peter. (e:tinypliny) - that looks liek field hockey. In america, I think it is only played by women. There was a team at my high school.
Great picture peter. (e:tinypliny) - that looks liek field hockey. In america, I think it is only played by women. There was a team at my high school.
09/22/2008 19:38 #45761
Diablo PurgatoryCategory: photos
So I don't know really how to describe it other then to say that There where these leather type crop things that looked kinda like pomp pomps that the girls would hit guys on stage with and the other way around. Through the entire show there where DJ's spinning (and I liked the music) then they had a few what they called acts mixed in between other stage stuff. This guy brings this girl out with a dog chain and a ball gag in her mouth and a bitch shirt. So he throwers her around and whips her and stuff and then she turns the tables on him and gets to whip him. There was a nurse and a surgeon the surgoen puts the nurse in the chair and binds her there and puts tape on her mouth then cuts he leg with a small blade and licks the blood. She also rips her top off her nipples are taped and she pulls the tape off her mouth and puts this metal thing in her mouth to keep it open and gets this huge Surenge (NO Needle) and pumps what looks like blood in her mouth closes her mouth and swooshes it around later she spits it out all over her self. I have to admit that was kinda hot. Between acts they also used this plug in thing that had an attachment that looked like a hook and another one that looked like a rake of some kind, not sure if they were hot or virbrated or gave off shocks All I could tell is they glowed in color. The final act Looked pretty painful. this chick put these long needles in this guys skin some of the pictures you will be able to tell. Some of the stuff was pretty cool but some of it wasn't my thing.
I think I need to mention the lady factor. The ladies on stage looked pretty hot. The bartenders where pretty hot also. Jen Parker is amazing she really is. She had on Chaps and sort of like a thong on so you could see this giant tattoo. then she wore not shirt and had her nipples covered in some kind of paint it looked like. There where a lot of hot ladies there also of all kids one girl looked just like Tina Fey then there where some with the small kinda fetishy clothes. And that brings me to something interesting that happened. I think this one girl came with a guy (yeah I checked her out that is how I noticed) and there was this other girl who was really into the show. Some people in the crowd where dancing and having fun with each and smacking asses. So I didn't know it at the time but all the acts where over and the DJ was spinning and I look over and this one hot chick has her shinny top pulled off her shoulders and the other girl is eating her it was so nice to see, I have heard of that but never seen it in a bar before then they kissed oh yeah that was hot (now somewhere in this process I'm not sure where I heard whats your name) Then the girl in black with the pretty like brown boobs kinda lifted up the other girl (school girl) up on the bar and went down on her. It was hot but kinda surprising so I wasn't even able to get my camera. But see when you see two people who are just having fun and into it it isn't the same as Porn.
Do to the time factor of me having so much to do and so little time a few pictures. It is tough when I have so many places to go on line like (e:strip), myspace, fubar, Webshots (picture site), e-mail to read and then other stuff to. Next post hockey Pictures

Oh yeah my trip home was interesting I got to see some dude get thrown to the ground in front of Jim's Steak out for stealing the tips. The weird part was they didn't yell to the cops he just kinda walked away.
I think I need to mention the lady factor. The ladies on stage looked pretty hot. The bartenders where pretty hot also. Jen Parker is amazing she really is. She had on Chaps and sort of like a thong on so you could see this giant tattoo. then she wore not shirt and had her nipples covered in some kind of paint it looked like. There where a lot of hot ladies there also of all kids one girl looked just like Tina Fey then there where some with the small kinda fetishy clothes. And that brings me to something interesting that happened. I think this one girl came with a guy (yeah I checked her out that is how I noticed) and there was this other girl who was really into the show. Some people in the crowd where dancing and having fun with each and smacking asses. So I didn't know it at the time but all the acts where over and the DJ was spinning and I look over and this one hot chick has her shinny top pulled off her shoulders and the other girl is eating her it was so nice to see, I have heard of that but never seen it in a bar before then they kissed oh yeah that was hot (now somewhere in this process I'm not sure where I heard whats your name) Then the girl in black with the pretty like brown boobs kinda lifted up the other girl (school girl) up on the bar and went down on her. It was hot but kinda surprising so I wasn't even able to get my camera. But see when you see two people who are just having fun and into it it isn't the same as Porn.
Do to the time factor of me having so much to do and so little time a few pictures. It is tough when I have so many places to go on line like (e:strip), myspace, fubar, Webshots (picture site), e-mail to read and then other stuff to. Next post hockey Pictures

Oh yeah my trip home was interesting I got to see some dude get thrown to the ground in front of Jim's Steak out for stealing the tips. The weird part was they didn't yell to the cops he just kinda walked away.
metalpeter - 09/23/08 19:13
One thing I should add is that I think there is a difference between watching it, performing or doings some of these kinds of things at home. I myself would never do blood play (way to dangerous) but yet somehow on stage it was hot. I like the idea of role reversal (let me finish so you get the right meaning, some of you know what I'm talking about not that I have ever done it) where the guy is the dom and has the power and then later he becomes the submissive. Hey a little bit of pain is fun but there is a fine line there that is easy to cross from fun to, to much pain. I had a good time. Every so often you need to see something that might not be your thing just to open your mind up a little bit. On a side note a lot of the pleather and leather and out fits people can wear are pretty hot sometimes not sure if they really make any good outfits like that for guys or not though.
(e:vincent) on club dialbo's my space page they some some good pictures up one of them is of Jen and it is pretty nice.
One thing I should add is that I think there is a difference between watching it, performing or doings some of these kinds of things at home. I myself would never do blood play (way to dangerous) but yet somehow on stage it was hot. I like the idea of role reversal (let me finish so you get the right meaning, some of you know what I'm talking about not that I have ever done it) where the guy is the dom and has the power and then later he becomes the submissive. Hey a little bit of pain is fun but there is a fine line there that is easy to cross from fun to, to much pain. I had a good time. Every so often you need to see something that might not be your thing just to open your mind up a little bit. On a side note a lot of the pleather and leather and out fits people can wear are pretty hot sometimes not sure if they really make any good outfits like that for guys or not though.
(e:vincent) on club dialbo's my space page they some some good pictures up one of them is of Jen and it is pretty nice.
vincent - 09/22/08 21:35
It looks like it was an interesting time. Good to see that they still are keeping the electrical tape + thong tradition alive & Well ;-)
It looks like it was an interesting time. Good to see that they still are keeping the electrical tape + thong tradition alive & Well ;-)
tinypliny - 09/22/08 20:43
Weird indeed. Very weird. I am all weirded out.
Weird indeed. Very weird. I am all weirded out.
It seems to happen like that with movies at the theatre too - it's kind of an all or nothing. They usually release a whole bunch of stuff I'd like to see around the same time, or everything is a whole bunch of crap at the same time.