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09/14/2008 11:54 #45676

MIA 2008
Category: photos
I did enjoy myself at MIA yesterday and I did buy some art. There where all kinds of art there on display and some where you could watch the art over time. There was some dancing I didn't see because I wasn't quick enough to the stage. You have to give the dancers a lot of credit. Some of them where all over that wet nasty grass. I still think that it was Better when it was in allentown but I get that is not a reality anymore. So the Albright Knox was a pretty good spot. I admit the rain really started getting to me. Oh yeah (e:jim) and (e:james) it was nice to see you two there I think I saw another (e:peep) but I wasn't sure if it was them but the person looked like someone but I wasn't sure.
































Missing Image ;(

Missing Image ;(

One really cool part was When a couple member of Klear played a song with Ryan Miller and Drew Stafford on drums. I wish they had more then one song to Play with Roby but that is ok it was still pretty interesting.



















Well time wise that is about all I can post I did have a good time and hope that anyone else who went did also.
metalpeter - 09/15/08 19:32
I'm Very glad it is back in the city, I'm guessing it will stay at this venue for some time, not sure if it will always be this time of the year or not be we shall see next summer. I just wanted to add that when I have more time there will be a part 2. And for those that don't want the highlights and want to see every picture they are up on my page.
mrmike - 09/14/08 15:20
Awesome pictures, glad to have this back in the city.
tinypliny - 09/14/08 13:09
Nice pictures~. The belly dancers look like Giant golder butterflies! Strangely, they also remind of Egyptian wall paintings. It might be the scaled Gold wings.

Thanks for sharing! :)

09/11/2008 19:32 #45646

9/11 and freedom
Category: issues
I thought with today being 9/11 I would get into some of my thoughts about it and have no idea where this post/rant is going to go.
-9/11 wasn't the first Terrorist attack on America they tried to blow those buildings up once before oh yeah and there was the Oklahoma City bombing. But it was the most dramatic.
-I think it is sad that all those people died. But what has happened since has been even sadder. We used it as an excuse to go into Iraq. Every plane in America was downed but yet we flew the Bin Laden family around. The part that sucks so much about the war is that we have lost more people in the war then in the attack. So I think that the terrorists got what they wanted. Not to mention all the deaths of people in Iraq. Then the groups that where somewhat forced by Saddam to get now kill each other. If you really think about it and let it sink in it really is pretty sad.
-Terrorism and 9/11 has been the excuse used to take away some of our freedoms with things like wire taping and other things. I think those first one where a test to see if they work and then see what else can be taken from us.
-I'm not just bashing Bush here. It is our Middle East policy that most likely got us attacked. Anyone remember that Iraq used to be our buddy and then once they went into Queit they became evil and we went to war with them Desert Shield then became desert storm.
-I was going to search on line and find all those nice pictures of firefighters with angels and all that stuff. But the problem is those are often used in the Remember September 11th movement. That is often used as a way like put the attack in the wrong light and say that going into Iraq and giving up our rights so we can feel free is a good thing. I don't think it is. I think when we remember Sept. 11th we should understand that it happened because there are people in the world who hate us, and then try to figure out why they hate us. Then if we can figure that out see if they might have a good point. I suspect that between us being friends with "the jews" and sticking our noses into places that we aren't wanted that could be enough to piss anyone off.

-Hey if we stop making enemies then we won't have to worry about being attacked and there won't be another 9/11. I guess my main point is that as sad as what happened is what has happened post 9/11 is worse. I know if I hated America For there freedom I would be so happy to see us lose our freedoms and Liberties like how we are. I hope I'm wrong but I have a feeling that it is only going to get worse and then McCain Or Barack won't really make anything better.

09/08/2008 19:18 #45606

Recycling Idea
Category: politics
First of all for those who don't know (e:drew) was in the Buffalo News today. There was a picture of him but not any " "s in the Buffalo news article and there isn't a picture on line of the leaders but here is a link to the article.

I'm not a leader of anyone, but I get really tired of all the negative stuff. I also get tired of flyers that don't tell me anything. Tell me what you believe in not what you have done or what the other person did that was wrong. Around Election day we get tons of mail so there are two ideas that I have come up with that might work or maybe they wouldn't. Lots and lots of paper is wasted so my first idea is a law that says all fliers have to be made from recycled paper, I don't mean just state wide make it a national law, think about all the paper that could be saved just in all the Sam Hoyt stuff I have gotten. Where I live is an apartment so no recycle bins so it goes right in the trash. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this. So my next idea is that every polling place would have A huge recycling bin when you show up to vote in goes all the political trash and then it gets recycled and can be used again by someone else. Again I say why not make this a country wide thing not just a state city or county thing. On a side note every piece of paper I get I just want to throw out because they don't tell me any thing really. I think that maybe if people talked about ideas the government and who people vote for would be much better it might also inspire people not just the throw the stuff out as soon as they get it.
jbeatty - 09/10/08 19:19
I think we should also fine campaigns for every sign they leave beyond 2 days after an election. It drives me crazy to see these things littering cities afterwards.
gardenmama - 09/08/08 19:41
Maybe if we all put return to sender stickers over our addresses and sent them back to where they came from they'd get the hint. Perhaps they recycle and could recycle their own crap (they seem to be pretty good at that anyway).

09/06/2008 16:10 #45594

Internet will or should never replace TV
Category: internet
Well maybe I should have put this under the TV topic but I'll keep it here. Every so often you will hear someone say the internet is the future of TV, I say no and it shouldn't be for a bunch of reasons. Yes I think it can be great for world events live 8 where you can watch a live performance in Germany then go to another band in say Canada. With Football starting up sports makes a good example of why.

Granted I don't have a huge TV but it is medium size. Manny Computer monitors are not big like they should be for sports events. I have heard there are TV's where you can see the blades of grass, man I wish I had one of those HD 42inch bad boys. Watching football on a little screen on my computer chair just isn't the same. Not to mention no matter what any one says the video on computers isn't as good. Not to mention often times the video doesn't take up the entire screen because you need to be able to Navigate. When I watch sports that is all I want to see and I want to be distracted by other stuff.

In terms of the money side the reason there is NFL games on TV is from companies like Pepsi who pay lots of money for ads and they are not the only ones who pay a lot of money for ads. I don't see any company paying that much money for something over the internet. I Could be wrong but I just don't see that happening. I also don't think that it should.

Yes I have gone back and watched a show I missed online and it was nice. It was in chapters but the video wasn't as good and it wasn't as fun to watch it in a video window. Yes you can sometimes make it take over the entire screen. but that still isn't the same as watching in the living room. Maybe if you had one of these new (seen an add for them) non keyboard computers it might be different. Not sure how it works but I guess everything is on a touch screen it does look pretty cool. But in that case I still think it is a bad idea. I want seperation between my TV and computer what if I get a virus and now not only can I not surf the web but that is how I get all my entertainment.

I also don't think it would Happen because of there being so many channels. If you have cable or the dish look at all the chanels there are and that isn't even all of them out there. Yes I do think it would be nice if Cable gave the al le carte option so you could only get the channels you wanted but then maybe some of the lesser ones would lose money.

The Poor: I know I just bashed them in a comment in (e:imk2) post. What I was trying to say is that there are a lot of people who abuse the system as opposed to the system helping them. But there are people who don't have the money for a computer or the internet and the TV they get is with rabbit ears. With TV going digital that is why they are giving money so people can get those converters. How often that scroll goes across the screen is a very telling sign of how many people don't have cable. But this brings up another point what if you have TV, Phone, and Internet all on the same line (one company) and something happens like a snow storm, hurricane or other thing. Well ever way to communicate has just been lost and you could still have power, how are you going to know what to do, how is anyone. But wait there is that poor guy next door who gets like one channel on his little TV, but what if that wasn't an option because all TV has gone to the net?

Some could say that Computer screens will go big and go HD and they might be right. Some might say that the software or what ever it is that hurts the quality of the video will get worked out and it will be just like watching your tv, and maybe some day it will. Some might say the prices will drop and everyone will have a computer and a good connection, that I really doubt. Some might say that NBC and HBO will jump to the internet. I sure hope they don't and they would be wise not to. You have to be loyal to the Medium you are a part of. I love the indemand services and think that is a great way to go. I don't think that having episodes that you can only see online is really a good idea. I understand that the way they are made in format might fit the internet better then the station and you might not be able to fit them in. But in time if you do enough of them you will put your self out of Buisness.

I do understand that Companies see a lot of promise on the internet and do have TV show content on the web. I do get that Utube is very popular and is good to watch videos on. I do get bands putting videos up there. But it still isn't the same as sitting alone or with 10 people in your living room watching something and I hope people understand that and advertisers understand that and that the internet is only used as a way to Help out with viewership. But that being said there would be two good things that might come out of TV going to the net. 1. the ratings would be exact and you would know how many people really watched it as opposed to the Current rating system that is kinda guess work. 2. You can watch something when you have time and if two shows would have been on at the same time now you could watch them both with out conflict. But that being said I don't think those two reasons alone are enough to move it to the web. You would lose the communty feel of some people talking about a show they watched last night..

Ok end of my rant.

09/03/2008 19:35 #45554

Greatest Band Ever? Ok Favorite
Category: music
So something I don't talk about here is my love of Metallica, not in the I want to blow them all kind of way. Oh and also not in the meeting them getting them to sign my arm then going to a Tattoo shop and getting that tattooed, as cool of an idea that is, yes I have seen that. I will admit there are some thing in the past that they have done that I don't don't like. I don't care what the writer of Metalapoclyse says I know there as some Metallica bashes in it, but that is ok. What I like about Metallica.

1. Bay Area Band
2. Like there sound
3. They change there sound
4. With all the different members the core is still the same
5. Except load and Reload each CD has its own sound
6. Amazing live show
7. After James got burned they had a part of their shows when the stage explodes
8. Their fuck you attitude

That is just what comes to mind off hand. They have this new CD coming out on the 12th of this month I can't wait to go out and get it. The video below is "The day that never comes" I like that is sounds like the "Old Metallica" in some parts and new in others it is a great song. Yes I like the old and the new. I'm not one of those metal heads that only likes metal and old style and thinks all these new bands suck, I like all kinds of music and I like how their newer stuff sounds. Once Rob joined the band I was wondering what his creative views if they would change there sound. Not sure about how much impact he had but of the 3 songs I've herd I like them and think it could be a very good CD.

Maybe this will work
"The Day that Never comes"

Now the tough Part is waiting to see if the tour will come to Buffalo. I would travel to see them since I have Before. My current choices are Chicago (would be cool to go there), Boston Might be nice. Yes I think Ackron, OH might be closer but I don't want to go there, Phily might get me killed, don't want to get lost there. I would assume that if they don't come to Buffalo maybe they would do Multiple days in Toronto either would be awesome. Well we shall see what happens. Hey I have to go see them they are from my other home town and they are part of my reason for my user name a lot of places

On a side note my spelling sucks sorry about that and the NFL Football season is a day away and they are having some live kick off thing on NBC and online I guess the entire game is also on. I love Football but not really ready for it and the change in weather it brings.
tinypliny - 09/07/08 14:54
I am one of those metalheads who dislikes their "modern" "metalcore" sound. Hahaha. I like their older albums from the 80s and the very early 90s. I am afraid the Load-Reload thing didn't do much for me. I think St.Anger finally made me realize just how much I didn't enjoy listening to them anymore.

Call me elitist, but I am a total sucker for the 80s heavy metal/hair metal sound. The new supposedly "nu"-metal bands just don't come close. ;)
metalpeter - 09/04/08 18:54
I wish I could pick some favorite songs of theirs they have so many I like they even have some pretty good cover songs that they make their own Like "Turn the Page" and "Whisky in Jar" or something like that. Yes they can and have been dicks before but that is part of being a rock star I think. I really hope they come to Buffalo, so I don't have to travel.
hodown - 09/04/08 11:41
I was never really into them until I saw a documentary about them a while back. They are actually really good!
dcoffee - 09/03/08 21:03
Good band, some of my favorite songs, Master of Puppets, Disposable Heroes, Shortest Straw, Battery.