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09/22/2008 19:38 #45761

Diablo Purgatory
Category: photos
So I don't know really how to describe it other then to say that There where these leather type crop things that looked kinda like pomp pomps that the girls would hit guys on stage with and the other way around. Through the entire show there where DJ's spinning (and I liked the music) then they had a few what they called acts mixed in between other stage stuff. This guy brings this girl out with a dog chain and a ball gag in her mouth and a bitch shirt. So he throwers her around and whips her and stuff and then she turns the tables on him and gets to whip him. There was a nurse and a surgeon the surgoen puts the nurse in the chair and binds her there and puts tape on her mouth then cuts he leg with a small blade and licks the blood. She also rips her top off her nipples are taped and she pulls the tape off her mouth and puts this metal thing in her mouth to keep it open and gets this huge Surenge (NO Needle) and pumps what looks like blood in her mouth closes her mouth and swooshes it around later she spits it out all over her self. I have to admit that was kinda hot. Between acts they also used this plug in thing that had an attachment that looked like a hook and another one that looked like a rake of some kind, not sure if they were hot or virbrated or gave off shocks All I could tell is they glowed in color. The final act Looked pretty painful. this chick put these long needles in this guys skin some of the pictures you will be able to tell. Some of the stuff was pretty cool but some of it wasn't my thing.

I think I need to mention the lady factor. The ladies on stage looked pretty hot. The bartenders where pretty hot also. Jen Parker is amazing she really is. She had on Chaps and sort of like a thong on so you could see this giant tattoo. then she wore not shirt and had her nipples covered in some kind of paint it looked like. There where a lot of hot ladies there also of all kids one girl looked just like Tina Fey then there where some with the small kinda fetishy clothes. And that brings me to something interesting that happened. I think this one girl came with a guy (yeah I checked her out that is how I noticed) and there was this other girl who was really into the show. Some people in the crowd where dancing and having fun with each and smacking asses. So I didn't know it at the time but all the acts where over and the DJ was spinning and I look over and this one hot chick has her shinny top pulled off her shoulders and the other girl is eating her it was so nice to see, I have heard of that but never seen it in a bar before then they kissed oh yeah that was hot (now somewhere in this process I'm not sure where I heard whats your name) Then the girl in black with the pretty like brown boobs kinda lifted up the other girl (school girl) up on the bar and went down on her. It was hot but kinda surprising so I wasn't even able to get my camera. But see when you see two people who are just having fun and into it it isn't the same as Porn.

Do to the time factor of me having so much to do and so little time a few pictures. It is tough when I have so many places to go on line like (e:strip), myspace, fubar, Webshots (picture site), e-mail to read and then other stuff to. Next post hockey Pictures



















Oh yeah my trip home was interesting I got to see some dude get thrown to the ground in front of Jim's Steak out for stealing the tips. The weird part was they didn't yell to the cops he just kinda walked away.
metalpeter - 09/23/08 19:13
One thing I should add is that I think there is a difference between watching it, performing or doings some of these kinds of things at home. I myself would never do blood play (way to dangerous) but yet somehow on stage it was hot. I like the idea of role reversal (let me finish so you get the right meaning, some of you know what I'm talking about not that I have ever done it) where the guy is the dom and has the power and then later he becomes the submissive. Hey a little bit of pain is fun but there is a fine line there that is easy to cross from fun to, to much pain. I had a good time. Every so often you need to see something that might not be your thing just to open your mind up a little bit. On a side note a lot of the pleather and leather and out fits people can wear are pretty hot sometimes not sure if they really make any good outfits like that for guys or not though.

(e:vincent) on club dialbo's my space page they some some good pictures up one of them is of Jen and it is pretty nice.
vincent - 09/22/08 21:35
It looks like it was an interesting time. Good to see that they still are keeping the electrical tape + thong tradition alive & Well ;-)

tinypliny - 09/22/08 20:43
Weird indeed. Very weird. I am all weirded out.

09/19/2008 19:25 #45733

Prof that I'm out of my mind......
Category: events
Here is what I'm trying to do. Shortly I'm heading downtown to go to Club Diablo. They are having some Fetish Performers who hit the stage around 10 there might even be Multiple stages but don't think Diablo is big enough for that. Then I want to go down to HSBC Arena for the open Practice that starts at 10am and Sabres tickets go on sale at 9am. If the arena was open tonight I would just wear a Hoodie and sleep there, but it isn't. I will be amazed if this works. I wish I had enough money to go to 5 games I think I have enough to get tickets to 3 of them: The Penguins on December 22nd, the Ducks in Late Feb. and in Nov. the Columbus blue Jackets I would also like to see the kings game and there is another team that I saw that I won't get tickets for. I guess they are having a Hockey Games out side and then inside they will Reveal the 3rd Jersey and will be taking pre orders. Not sure If I'll be able to get that but I'll think about if it looks pretty cool. I wish I could stay at Diablo till 4am and then find something to do from 4 till 9 but I have no idea what I could do down there, wish there was something than after the practice I could sleep but it looks like I'll head home and turn on the alarm and get my bank stuff together so I can figure out a way to deposit my check to, it is already a crazy weekend.
metalpeter - 09/20/08 14:30
Once I Download the pictures I'll do a proper post and update what happened (my cousin and his GF and there baby are coming over here later and I'm supposed to document it) but for now this Is a little update.

(e:vincent) : since I never saw the stuff at The Cont. I can't really compare. This was a group called Purgatory. I think they are from some place in on of the Carolinas but not positive. They did this thing where they turned this guy into a Human Pin Cushin that looked really pain full. There was one where one lady cut another lady with a Razor blade as she was tied up and liked the blood and some other stuff along that line. there was a girl who came out with a mouth gag and a bitch shirt and a dog chain and then somehow it gets turned around and she beats on the guy. I'm sure there is something I'm forgetting but there where DJ's constintaly spinning. It was a good time.

(e:Paul) I have thought about maybe moving downtown a couple of times. But those places are out of my Budget. ON a side note there where a lot of ladies that I would have loved to go back to there place. I wound up walking home at 4am and nodding off as I watched something then going back to the Sabres Put Drop thing to watch the Scrimage there still might be other things going on there right now.

(e:tinypliny) that was three weeks ago it seems more recent then that, oh yeah your awesome (Awesome is held and over stated in the tone of the actor Jack black in this case).

Yes there where a lot of hot ladies there and that includes the performers, bartenders and watchers, I don't know as I saw any chicks I wouldn't do near by where I was (well assuming they where single) and most of them looked not to be. I think maybe if I would have worn a Hoodie I could have gone and crashed by HSBC and the hockey tickets I got might have been closer to the ice but they seem like good seats. Hopes everyone has a great rest of the weekend Go Bills!!!!!!!!!!!!
paul - 09/20/08 09:37
You need to make a friend that lives in one of those loft apartments downtown.
vincent - 09/19/08 21:05
I'm not sure if they are as good @ Diablo as they were @ the old Cont. I remember the demonstrations @ the cont were something else to say the least. Downstairs they had that "vacuum" bondage device that would just suck out all of the air in a sleeping bag type of thing that made the person in it look like the carbonate Hans Solo from Star Wars.

Then upstairs there was that spanking/whipping post booth. You would get some fat ugly dudes in just their underwear go up there for the most part. The thing is though ever once in a while you would get some hot chick sign up and go in there that would be wearing only a thong & electrical tape on her nipples so for the most part almost naked! Then you couldn't get close enough to see since people would come out from God knows where in that place to take a peek. Those were the days ;-)

tinypliny - 09/19/08 21:05
Oh.My. God. Three weeks have gone by.

  • minor freakout**
tinypliny - 09/19/08 21:04
Whee. That does sound crazy. BTW, tomorrow is exactly three weeks since I saw you and its time to renew the library books :)

Have a good weekend!

09/17/2008 19:38 #45711

MIA Part 2
Category: photos
I don't think I really have much to say about Music is Art other then that it is a fun time and that I hope it stays in Buffalo and that next year it is on a nice Weekend where it doesn't rain. Here are some more Random Pictures from the event.




























































The stuff that looks streaky is fire dancing. There are different kinds of it this one looked like baton shaped things with fire on the end of it. If you want to see the fire you can't use a flash so you get the movement as streaks. I also enjoyed Amungus but getting pictures is tough with it being dark and blue lighting then there are effects on the screen and then you had the dancers and they have different light on them. It is also trying to learn what settings work or look the best. Sometimes the ones where the people come out brighter they also wind up blurry so it was kinda nerve racking.

When I first posted I mentioned that I didn't have time to post more pictures and that is true. It seems that it is tough or at least for me who has a lot of interests (sports, internet, tv shows, porn [need to get some new ones], music, concerts) to transition from summer to fall. All at once you have stories you like and Football on Sunday and soon Hockey. Plus there is that wake up early for work thing also so it feels like I have no time. On Monday as an example there will be a football game and wrestling on (not sure what game) and at the same time Prison Break and Terminator are on But Heroes starts up again and I'm really into that, we shall see how this season goes. But see during the summer with a few exceptions there are not to many sports and all the shows are repeats well most at least. The jump isn't a subtable one either. Hope everyone had an Ok Humph day or is that Hump Day and has a good rest of the week and weekend.

tinypliny - 09/18/08 21:47
Very interesting pictures, as always. You could almost spin up a virtual story out of those weird looking snippets of dances. :) Thanks for sharing!
ladycroft - 09/18/08 02:48
oh how i miss these kinds of events....

09/14/2008 11:54 #45676

MIA 2008
Category: photos
I did enjoy myself at MIA yesterday and I did buy some art. There where all kinds of art there on display and some where you could watch the art over time. There was some dancing I didn't see because I wasn't quick enough to the stage. You have to give the dancers a lot of credit. Some of them where all over that wet nasty grass. I still think that it was Better when it was in allentown but I get that is not a reality anymore. So the Albright Knox was a pretty good spot. I admit the rain really started getting to me. Oh yeah (e:jim) and (e:james) it was nice to see you two there I think I saw another (e:peep) but I wasn't sure if it was them but the person looked like someone but I wasn't sure.
































Missing Image ;(

Missing Image ;(

One really cool part was When a couple member of Klear played a song with Ryan Miller and Drew Stafford on drums. I wish they had more then one song to Play with Roby but that is ok it was still pretty interesting.



















Well time wise that is about all I can post I did have a good time and hope that anyone else who went did also.
metalpeter - 09/15/08 19:32
I'm Very glad it is back in the city, I'm guessing it will stay at this venue for some time, not sure if it will always be this time of the year or not be we shall see next summer. I just wanted to add that when I have more time there will be a part 2. And for those that don't want the highlights and want to see every picture they are up on my page.
mrmike - 09/14/08 15:20
Awesome pictures, glad to have this back in the city.
tinypliny - 09/14/08 13:09
Nice pictures~. The belly dancers look like Giant golder butterflies! Strangely, they also remind of Egyptian wall paintings. It might be the scaled Gold wings.

Thanks for sharing! :)

09/11/2008 19:32 #45646

9/11 and freedom
Category: issues
I thought with today being 9/11 I would get into some of my thoughts about it and have no idea where this post/rant is going to go.
-9/11 wasn't the first Terrorist attack on America they tried to blow those buildings up once before oh yeah and there was the Oklahoma City bombing. But it was the most dramatic.
-I think it is sad that all those people died. But what has happened since has been even sadder. We used it as an excuse to go into Iraq. Every plane in America was downed but yet we flew the Bin Laden family around. The part that sucks so much about the war is that we have lost more people in the war then in the attack. So I think that the terrorists got what they wanted. Not to mention all the deaths of people in Iraq. Then the groups that where somewhat forced by Saddam to get now kill each other. If you really think about it and let it sink in it really is pretty sad.
-Terrorism and 9/11 has been the excuse used to take away some of our freedoms with things like wire taping and other things. I think those first one where a test to see if they work and then see what else can be taken from us.
-I'm not just bashing Bush here. It is our Middle East policy that most likely got us attacked. Anyone remember that Iraq used to be our buddy and then once they went into Queit they became evil and we went to war with them Desert Shield then became desert storm.
-I was going to search on line and find all those nice pictures of firefighters with angels and all that stuff. But the problem is those are often used in the Remember September 11th movement. That is often used as a way like put the attack in the wrong light and say that going into Iraq and giving up our rights so we can feel free is a good thing. I don't think it is. I think when we remember Sept. 11th we should understand that it happened because there are people in the world who hate us, and then try to figure out why they hate us. Then if we can figure that out see if they might have a good point. I suspect that between us being friends with "the jews" and sticking our noses into places that we aren't wanted that could be enough to piss anyone off.

-Hey if we stop making enemies then we won't have to worry about being attacked and there won't be another 9/11. I guess my main point is that as sad as what happened is what has happened post 9/11 is worse. I know if I hated America For there freedom I would be so happy to see us lose our freedoms and Liberties like how we are. I hope I'm wrong but I have a feeling that it is only going to get worse and then McCain Or Barack won't really make anything better.