So I see that Pushing Daises Returns tonight (should burn it as I watch bones)
Well Yes The Peterazzi Does Have Some Exciting Times. That being said he isn't all about glitter glam and Photos. That is right often times his life is very dull in fact. A typical day:
-wake up around 4:30 am (sometimes 5:30) and some how get out of the house within that half hour. Hop on a bus going downtown. Then catch a second bus that goes to work (West Seneca or Cheektowaga area). Then start working well most of the time at least. Work isn't all ways over at the same time. So then it is time to head home. Sometimes if someone is going in the same direction a drop off near home happens. If not then the two bus thing again. Then it is off to go online or do other computer things for a couple hours. Then time to find some TV or a movie maybe if nothing is on or something that was taped or missed by something else being on at the same time. Sometime in there Dinner and Bed. And wake up the next day. After long days sometimes by Thurs. and Friday there is a nice tiredness worked in there also. Oh yeah on a side note happy Hump Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Metalpeter's Journal
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10/01/2008 18:31 #45883
Not so exciting times of PeterazziCategory: peterazzi
09/30/2008 19:26 #45864
The Lovely e:peepettesCategory: sex
So I came to (e:strip) today and saw that on the front page there is a Picture from Halloween and one of the people is the Lovely (e:imk2). I just wanted to add that she isn't the only Lovely e;peepette and I'll leave it at that. I'm not saying that the lovely (e:peepettes) that is the only good thing about them, in fact it is not the only good thing about all of them. But that got me thinking about a couple of things like that last night was another example of how multiple things I like overlap. I taped Heroes and Boston Legal as I watched Prison Break then watched the end of WWE Monday Night Raw. Yes I did have a good night I guess. But there is this other part of me that thinks it would be cool if I had some little cutie pie who was hot or cute (as much so a few of the (e:peepettes) or some other people who have been to them in the past like I don't know her name but Perfect Boob Girl we will call her from last years party) of course the looks are not at all the most important part of a chic. But to be honest in most cases looks are often what start the conversation. It could just be that lover multi colored hair or a shirt that says go fuck your self or some aspect that causes the people to talk to each other. My point is as much as I do like stories (house and fringe tonight, then Bones, 90210 and Sons of Anarchy on Wends) There is also the side of me that thinks it would be so nice be so busy with someone that what was on TV wouldn't even be known. I don't know why I put this under the category of sex. Well maybe because if you where with someone that much sex and great sex would hopefully become a part of it. By the way I'm not going to list all the (bad wording) cute (e:peepettes) by name, that would be kinda creepy or at least it would be to me, I will say this though I'm sure it would be a tough list to do with not knowing what some people look like and the fact that some people are members but don't really post. On a side note I'm still trying to figure out if my Halloween costume will work, if it does and I go through with it, it will be a different side of me that I don't think anyone on this site has seen, so if I do it I hope you all take lots of pictures and post them.
tinypliny - 10/01/08 18:37
"I'm still trying to figure out if my Halloween costume will work, if it does and I go through with it, it will be a different side of me that I don't think anyone on this site has seen"
If mine works out, I am pretty positive, it will be a side that no one apart from a certain mad bunch of lunatic devotees have seen.
"I'm still trying to figure out if my Halloween costume will work, if it does and I go through with it, it will be a different side of me that I don't think anyone on this site has seen"
If mine works out, I am pretty positive, it will be a side that no one apart from a certain mad bunch of lunatic devotees have seen.
09/29/2008 19:50 #45849
The Bail out and why it shouldn't happenCategory: economy
Yes I get that we are in troubled times economicly. I also know that a lot of people are saying the bailout must happen so the entire system doesn't crash. But why should the Tax payers have to pay for people making mistakes. I think the people shouldn't. Hey if you give out a loan part of the risk is someone won't pay it back, that is part of a free economy. Yes the government should help people but it isn't there job to save people who took a risk. If I go out side and trip and hit my head next time I'll learn to catch myself but if I know mom is right behind me and will catch me when I fall I won't care and I'll keep tripping. I think the same thing is true here. If the government bails out these places then they will do something else that they wouldn't normally do or take that extra chance because they know if there is a crash the government should help. I think as a nation we have to cut back on how we use credit. I know I used to live on money I didn't have and charge Christmas gifts and all kinds of things I couldn't buy. And yes I did get bailed out, and hopefully I'm wise and it doesn't happen again. But see I didn't have a house and car and I wanted to keep up with the other soccer dads. Hey maybe some great deal will get worked out and laws will get changed and great depression won't hit anytime soon. But if we don't go back to the only buy what you will have the money for after the interest is added and all the taxes the country will wind up in trouble yet again and nothing will be fixed. On a side note If I had extra with the way stocks crashed I might buy a bunch of them now. Or maybe I would wait for more panic to set in and have prices fall even more and then I could buy lots of stocks. When I was a kid (could be wrong) Banks where state wide and you couldn't have banks in multiple states, maybe that was a good idea. Hey if Key bank fell it would only Hurt People in this state. I'm not saying I'm an expert I just think that in a free economy where there is risk and rewards that someone who risks and loses everything shouldn't be saved. I'm not some huge Capitalist but if that is the system we are going to use lets stick with that system. Hey Socialism is fine but that isn't our economic system so we shouldn't use it to help the rich. I also fear that no matter what happens some how this is going to wind up making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
vincent - 09/30/08 00:09
I can see the average just plain folks not wanting their tax dollars going to go to "Douchebags" living in the city and or working on Wall St. Supposedly the faxes and calls to the people's local reps were 9 or 10 to 1 AGAINST the bailout. What I'm thinking is that they voted as they did because of the way their constituents demanded they vote and with an election 1 month away the motivation is obvious.
All I want to know is if they voted the way they did because they believed in not salvaging the credit markets or they were just afraid of losing their job?
I can see the average just plain folks not wanting their tax dollars going to go to "Douchebags" living in the city and or working on Wall St. Supposedly the faxes and calls to the people's local reps were 9 or 10 to 1 AGAINST the bailout. What I'm thinking is that they voted as they did because of the way their constituents demanded they vote and with an election 1 month away the motivation is obvious.
All I want to know is if they voted the way they did because they believed in not salvaging the credit markets or they were just afraid of losing their job?
09/29/2008 19:34 #45848
So much sunday sometimes nothing....Category: tv
I'm sure I have said this In a blog before but I find it odd (maybe it just that I have a lot of interests not sure) that there is either nothing on TV I'm into or there is a bunch of stuff. A good example of that is Sunday night. 8-10pm on Fox is Animation Domination (The Simpsons and Family Guy are the best two of all four). Then at 9pm you have Desperate Housewives (I have no idea why I like that show) Also at 9pm (to graphic for me) is Dexter followed by Californacation [awesome show haven't seen the new season yet] then on HBO is Trueblood. That is followed by 3 new shows and then repeats after them it is Entourage (good), Little Britten USA (passed out on) couple minutes I saw was good and some animated show The Life of Tim or something like that. The way these shows line up they over lap with this show on just blanked if it is IFC or Sundance I think IFC called Z rock. It is a funny show about this rock band who because they haven't made it is also a kids band and does kids songs, it is a pretty good show. This is why I'm glad Time Warner has the Indemand stations that way you can try and catch stuff you missed once it get added to the station. What bothers me about Time Warner (maybe this has changed) is they and WIVB can't get along and it looks like they might lose them. I'll be honest I never watch channel 4 except For Football. I hope Time Warner knows that if people lose football games they will turn Cable off, I hope WIVB isn't trying to rip off Time Warner based on this fact. I have no idea who is in the right but they need to work it out so I can watch football. OH yeah and I forgot on Sunday Nights there is football to watch also if it is teams I'm into.
gardenmama - 09/29/08 20:07
It seems to happen like that with movies at the theatre too - it's kind of an all or nothing. They usually release a whole bunch of stuff I'd like to see around the same time, or everything is a whole bunch of crap at the same time.
It seems to happen like that with movies at the theatre too - it's kind of an all or nothing. They usually release a whole bunch of stuff I'd like to see around the same time, or everything is a whole bunch of crap at the same time.
09/28/2008 10:38 #45822
Chris Rock SNLCategory: comedy
So not sure if this is going to work, I didn't But that is ok here is some Chris Rock Comedy from Bill Maher that kinda has to do with some of his Comedy Special that was on Last Night.
I thought Chris Rock was pretty Funny. It was kinda interesting since it was taped from 3 or four locations and mid joke he would switch outfits. I still found it funny though. The reason for the switch was that it was the same joke from a different location I found most of it funny, political, dick, race and all kinds of stuff was covered.
What I was trying to post of Video of was Tina Fey (i love you rape me with Polar so I can have your babies, she is hot) As Palin from SNL last night, it wasn't on You Tube yet, oh yeah did I also Mention I love Anna Faris (rape me please and make me your sex slave). It isn't just that she is hot I have seen her in a bunch of those goofy parody movies. Last nights episode was pretty good top to bottom. So here is a link to the page of the video
I thought Chris Rock was pretty Funny. It was kinda interesting since it was taped from 3 or four locations and mid joke he would switch outfits. I still found it funny though. The reason for the switch was that it was the same joke from a different location I found most of it funny, political, dick, race and all kinds of stuff was covered.
What I was trying to post of Video of was Tina Fey (i love you rape me with Polar so I can have your babies, she is hot) As Palin from SNL last night, it wasn't on You Tube yet, oh yeah did I also Mention I love Anna Faris (rape me please and make me your sex slave). It isn't just that she is hot I have seen her in a bunch of those goofy parody movies. Last nights episode was pretty good top to bottom. So here is a link to the page of the video

a day in the life of the Peterazzi! ouch, I feel bad that you get up so early. Thats not a busy schedule I could ever get used to. I'd sleep all weekend just to make up for it all!
I think I have found the setting that will make the pictures come out the best. In terms of costume I don't think what I want to do will really work (but if i get drunk enough [tough for me to do the way I process alcohol] then you might get me to change into that costume, ha) but I'm still looking into it so who knows. Yeah the waking up early if the alarms go off isn't to to bad sometimes. Lost my train of thought so I'll end it here.
Ya, I think it is the feeling that comes with the end of summer ;(
you better grease up that camera of yours for the party.
Wow - there must be something in the air, or maybe it's the way the stars are aligned, or some other crap, but I was thinking earlier this evening how I'm tired of the mundane (i.e. laundry, dishes, paying bills, job, fighting with my kid about her messy room, etc.), everyday stuff. Then there's Paul's recent post "Having Fun in the Sun," that is kind of along the same line. Maybe we're all just suffering from Seasonal Adjustment Disorder.
routine sucks! You have to get up so early.