So I came to
(e:strip) today and saw that on the front page there is a Picture from Halloween and one of the people is the Lovely
(e:imk2). I just wanted to add that she isn't the only Lovely e;peepette and I'll leave it at that. I'm not saying that the lovely
(e:peepettes) that is the only good thing about them, in fact it is not the only good thing about all of them. But that got me thinking about a couple of things like that last night was another example of how multiple things I like overlap. I taped Heroes and Boston Legal as I watched Prison Break then watched the end of WWE Monday Night Raw. Yes I did have a good night I guess. But there is this other part of me that thinks it would be cool if I had some little cutie pie who was hot or cute (as much so a few of the
(e:peepettes) or some other people who have been to them in the past like I don't know her name but Perfect Boob Girl we will call her from last years party) of course the looks are not at all the most important part of a chic. But to be honest in most cases looks are often what start the conversation. It could just be that lover multi colored hair or a shirt that says go fuck your self or some aspect that causes the people to talk to each other. My point is as much as I do like stories (house and fringe tonight, then Bones, 90210 and Sons of Anarchy on Wends) There is also the side of me that thinks it would be so nice be so busy with someone that what was on TV wouldn't even be known. I don't know why I put this under the category of sex. Well maybe because if you where with someone that much sex and great sex would hopefully become a part of it. By the way I'm not going to list all the (bad wording) cute
(e:peepettes) by name, that would be kinda creepy or at least it would be to me, I will say this though I'm sure it would be a tough list to do with not knowing what some people look like and the fact that some people are members but don't really post. On a side note I'm still trying to figure out if my Halloween costume will work, if it does and I go through with it, it will be a different side of me that I don't think anyone on this site has seen, so if I do it I hope you all take lots of pictures and post them.
(e:mrmike) I'm glad for you that you don't work for cable anymore. I hope they settle the problem soon. What up sets me is that it seems like they don't care about the viewer at all. I wonder what the NFL"s view on this would become if they didn't fix the problem. Granted I don't think they would lose much money since most fans would find a way to watch the games any ways, and they won't lose much ad money. But time Warner has had problems with the two networks who carry the NFL.
(e:Paul) Rabbit ears being free at time warner is nice and all or I guess If you buy them they will pay you back or give your bill credit. But see I got cable so that I would get a good strong pretty picture and I think I shouldn't have to use them because two companies can't play nice.
UPDATE: Yes at work I'm a hard worker and A Man but often at hope I'm a lazy pussy so my place was a mess. If it wasn't I think I would have just given up and called Direct TV and got the NFL Package. But I remembered something that My little tv Has Rabbit ears and I set it up and I can get 4 and 29 and that seems about it and that seems like it is enough I even have a little switch in the back that goes from antenna to cable. So tonight I'll watch MMA and then sunday the Bills and if there is a 1pm game that also. I forgot how fun rabbit ears are and then once you find the station you have to tune it also. I wish my TV picked up the stations from Canada that would be nice. Now to go get food for the game.
it's free with an antenae
The way this works, both sides are pretty greedy and have a valid point, but neither wants to be the first to budge. This is exactly the same thing that happened the year before last with Fox. The agreement between Time Warner and Ch.4's parent company expired. Ch 4 gets valued exposure via Time Warner's system. Time Warner gets valued programming. TW argues that they shouldn't have to pay more since it is an over the air signal. Lin Broadcasting argues that since they are helping Time Warner make money, they should "get some." They need each other badly. It wouldn't suprise me to see this settled before kickoff on Sunday. Oh, yeah, neither gives a rat's ass about us poor viewers. But it's days like today that make me doubly glad I don't work in cable anymore.