I doubt I will go but this year there is that huge Halloween Party at the Central Terminal. Not sure who's idea it was to not have it on the day of but I think it was a good idea. That way people with kids can still take them out or go to other parties. I have heard that some people get pretty creative. I guess if you know how to make stuff and have lot of money you can have some great costumes.
October 25th 2008

Some Ideas of mine:
-Nudest: that won't work for me but what if you got a bunch of people and got the bottom of a Hot air balloon and then you could be like in that car ad.
- Ryan Miller: All the clothes and Pads would cost a lot but if you all ready play hockey you might have some of it.
b) Have a buddy dress as another player trying to score
c) Have a puck in the glove and simulate playing goalie so it look like a glove save
-Dress as a Geisha but have that be the only thing you are wearing Have friends dress up as Japanese Business Men. If you have a talent do it as part of the get up.
-Roller Girls you can go as a real team or make one up the important thing is to have enough people that you can have to teams and you couldn't have a real bout but maybe chase each other around, assuming you all are good enough skaters
-Ninja and Samurai (yes often thought of as kids costumes) The key here is to practice your sword fight before hand so it looks legit.
TAKING IN UP A NOTCH: Making the out fit Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes, TAKE UP ONE HIGHER add some friends as other GI Joe Characters.
-Show up with buddies as a Rock/Metal band say maybe Metallica or DethKlok. TAKING IT UP A NOTCH. Bring a TV and Rock Band Video Game and plug in someplace and play there songs
-Vampire, lot of people can come up with great looking costumes and a great look but if you have a hot female victim that should punch it up a bit
-Comic Book group and if you have enough people the people they fight. Yeah Showing up as say The Fantastic four but where is the Silver Surfer.
-Strippers: Yeah hot naked ladies and guys with money is all ways a great time but bring a pole a little radio of some kind to play songs and take turns
-Anime Group. (I'll admit I looked for some cosplay costume on line but the ones I liked where costly, plus you need hair and make up or a mask) How cool it be to show up a L, Kira, Misa Misa, and then have some tall dude as a shiromagi or people from a show like Bleach, Trinity Blood, Outlaw Star, Cow Boy bebop or any movies or TV show Animee.
-The Slutty costumes. Not really sure how to make all those dark angels and naughty nurses better or just girls in what is basicly underwear. Maybe a group of girls could go as Fredrick's of Hollywood models. Or maybe you could cover everyone in blood and they could look dead and then a big girl could come in covered in blood and she killed all those skinny bitches.
Then of course there is all ways Star Wars or other movie Characters, I think the key here is to have Enemies and do battles with each other or show up en masse as Say Storm Troopers and take over the party then later the good guys show up.
Hey just some crazy idea that I won't do, I'll do something simple and I think I'll get a costume today. Even though it is early hope everyone has a great halloween.
Hey, its an honest mistake I can belive in. LOL
No picking on the right way to drive!!!!