Second of all Today's Bills game has enforced a feeling I've had before that the NFL needs a Rule change. NO WHITES!!!!! I don't mean players I mean shoes and shoe tape. There was a play where San Diago jumped off the goal line and knocked the ball back and downed it like at the 1 yard line. On the replay to me it looked like he stepped on the goal line, it is hard to tell though. You can see where the white line is and where the white shoe/sneaker is but there is a point where they meet that all you see is white. This isn't the first time I have seen this happen where you can't tell if the shoe hit the line. If you changed it so no shoes could have any white in them and all tape on shoes couldn't be white I think it would make the videos more clear.
Two things I found Ironic about today's game
1) There was a power failure ok more then one and the chargers where one of the teams
2) CBS and Time Warner are still in the middle of there huge battle, but yet on one of the stadium shots you saw a huge Time Warner sign on the inside of the stadium
So I'm watching the game and then they lose power and CBS goes to the Steelers Game. That was cool seeing some of that. But here is where things get odd. They update us the Buffalo scored. Wait how could they score with no power. So I turn on the radio and the game is on. The radio guys are broadcasting using cell phones how awesome is that listening as I watch the Bengals losing. My first thought was if the power stays off all game I can't wait to see what the news says about the game. Now once the power came back on they showed a field goal that happened with out power. Wait if there was no power how did the Cameras work. So later they lose power again so back to the Radio this time I thought I heard the Radio guys say they where using a princess phone that was a land line, how crazy. It was a crazy day of football but the Bills won a great game. One added thing I liked was that Greg Gumble (the dude who has a brother who does news) was calling the game. I have allways liked him, back from when he and Albert called Basketball games, they made a great combo back then. My point is now that the Bills have a good record maybe we will get people who aren't only locals or the lower ranked announce crews. That being said I know the Bills have a long way to go. Yes 1st in the AFC EAST but the teams below them coming into today where 1-1 in the divission and we haven't played any one in ours yet so once we get into those and see how we stack up then we shall see how good we really are. Go Bills!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I forgot this story I found on Yahoo kinda different about the NFL and Barrack

Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:39 am EDT
Could Mike Ditka have derailed Barack Obama's ascendancy?
By Chris Chase
Barack Obama's easy win in the 2004 Illinois Senate race catapulted him to national fame and set him on his current path toward the White House. It was a convincing victory that is now but a footnote in the career of the Democratic presidential nominee. But that victory wasn't as assured as it appears in retrospect. For a few days in the summer of '04 there was the very real possibility that the Republican opponent in Obama's first major election battle race would be Chicago Bears coaching legend Mike Ditka.
Jack Ryan had won the Republican primary that year, but dropped out of the race after the release of embarrassing papers from his high-profile divorce with actress Jeri Ryan. The vacancy left GOP leaders in the state scrambling to find a replacement. With fears that the election was all but lost, Republicans wanted a major name to turn the tide. Ditka was that name.
For days the press played up the "will he or won't he" stories about Ditka's possible candidacy. The Drudge Report even said that Ditka would declare his entry into the race. But, in the end, Ditka rebuffed the offer, saying he didn't want to go through the rigors of a campaign or give up his lucrative jobs as an NFL analyst at ESPN or as an endorser of a casino and car dealership.
There's no way to know whether Ditka would have won but, remember, Obama was still a virtual unknown in Illinois in June of '04. Had Ditka run and won, Obama most-assuredly wouldn't be running for president today. Either way, the Hall of Famer almost certainly would have received more than the 27% of votes that eventual nominee Alan Keyes garnered in November. And you know he'd have locked up the endorsements of these three potential voters.
I'm not sure how I feel about it but check out the link. It is kinda a well what would have happened if, so I don't give it a lot of credit but it is something to think about. Ok off to watch football.
If I were Ditka I wouldn't bother. Who would give up an NFL Analyst position at ESPN for a political campaign? Less money, more stress, having your anus examined by the shadiest people possible, no thanks. NFL Analyst is my dream job. Screw being a politician if you have that kind of a gig.
Good idea about the No Whites. Some white in the shoe is okay, but parts of the shoe should be a different color.
The big sign is that Time Warner has a deal with the Bills so they sponsor one of the big clubs at the Stadium