You would be suprised how much goes down on the corner of Tremont and Wilber outside my computer room window. Seriusly there is always either some crazy little kids playing crazy games that involve lots of screming on my front lawn. BUt more than anything else there is a lot of relationshiop drama that always goes down there. I seriously have seen hundreds ok maybe tens of couples break up or get in major fights on this corner. Since we got the central air and the windows aren't open as much it isn't as exciting cuz I don't get to hear the argument , just ee it. Sometimes it is better because I tihnk I can make up better stories. For instance this couple that are fighting outside my window now, I am pretty sure that he cheated on her with a one-legged dwarf centaur and so she is udnerstandably angry because she just found out she was pregnant. So she just ripped the stop sign out of th ground and started beating her own stomach while he screams "stop killing my babY" and she says "listen yo, this baby aint yos no mo". Thats what I see. IN real life they are fighting about something and she did just spit on him twice walk away and came back and spit on him again. It is quite entertaing. It won't be over til the police come or my crazy dad wakes up and chases them down.
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/14/2008 23:53 #44650
My Crazy Corner06/12/2008 00:01 #44624
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!!Let's all join this bunny in giving Dave a standing ovation for his 28th birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! YOU'RE AMAZING! THANKS FOR BEING THERE FOR ME AND FOR BEING YOU!

metalpeter - 06/13/08 16:57
To Dave a Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To Dave a Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maureen - 06/13/08 13:59
Happy Birthday Dave!! I hope you the most wonderful day and a year to match!
Happy Birthday Dave!! I hope you the most wonderful day and a year to match!
jenks - 06/13/08 13:19
haaaaaappy bday!!!
haaaaaappy bday!!!
chico - 06/13/08 12:18
Dave, happy belated birthday!
Dave, happy belated birthday!
fellyconnelly - 06/13/08 07:15
oh my goodness happy birthday dave!
oh my goodness happy birthday dave!
boxerboi - 06/12/08 20:03
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!! Hope you have a great one.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!! Hope you have a great one.
lauren - 06/12/08 19:34
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!
mrmike - 06/12/08 13:56
Happy Day, Dave
Happy Day, Dave
libertad - 06/12/08 13:26
That bunny is so cute! Thanks Mike and everyone for the birthday wishes! BTW, I am not 29 yet!
That bunny is so cute! Thanks Mike and everyone for the birthday wishes! BTW, I am not 29 yet!
matthew - 06/12/08 10:50
Awww. What a cute bunny! Happy Birthday Dave!
Awww. What a cute bunny! Happy Birthday Dave!
hodown - 06/12/08 09:35
Standing ovation from a bunny? You know thats love. Happy Birthday!!
Standing ovation from a bunny? You know thats love. Happy Birthday!!
terry - 06/12/08 09:30
Happy B-day man!!
Happy B-day man!!
ladycroft - 06/12/08 09:29
happy happy birthday!!
happy happy birthday!!
jim - 06/12/08 09:10
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
paul - 06/12/08 09:09
happy birthday dave!
happy birthday dave!
joshua - 06/12/08 08:52
Happy B-day!
Happy B-day!
tinypliny - 06/12/08 06:47
Cheers to a EVEN MORE WONDERFUL 29!!
PS: You are a 1980 baby!!??!! So am I!!
\m/ Rock on 1980!! \m/
Cheers to a EVEN MORE WONDERFUL 29!!
PS: You are a 1980 baby!!??!! So am I!!
\m/ Rock on 1980!! \m/
06/05/2008 11:10 #44553
CelebritastadociousFirst off all good job jesse on noting the Aunt Becky had twins in my last journal. NOw on to more pressing news:
I don't tihnk I mentioned this or anyone has, but the ultimate creep master himself Clay "fat/thin/creepy/crazy/would be freaked out if he walked by me" Aiken is becoming a father. How you ask? He for sure wants no part of a vagina , except maybe to wear for himself, well here is the answer my friends. He is artificially inseminating like his 50 year old music producer/best friend named Jayme but who is a girl. How weird? Who does that? Clay Aiken thats who. He was prolly just thinking you know , what can I do that is extra ridiculous and creepy, "oh i got it artificially inseminate my 50 year old employee basically". Don't worry folks he will be integral in raising the child they said, or actually maybe that is cause for worry.
Did you know the Today show is extended by an hour and hosted by Hoda and Kathie Lee Gifford. I loved Kathie Lee back in the day and frankly I still do, she is so classless and bad and just horrid at intervciewing cuz she just wants to talk so i was of course intrigued. The first time I saw it it was horrible. They just talk to each other and have all these inside jokes and it is really not good but now I can't stop watching whenever I am home at 10 am which is only once a week at most. I keep hoping it will be as good as Good Day Live that used to be on Fox , now that was a good show! Crap crap crap but a good show! With Dorothy and Jillian Barberie and that guy who hated his life cuz he thought he was a real journalist at one point but now was stuck like chatting about Clay AIken with Jillian Barberie, i wish that was still on!>!>!
Oh anyway on the Today show today they had a triva contest and the winner got money and the losers got Kathie Lee Giffords cd. It was amazing!
ok thats all for now. Oh last night at work this lady is a soothsayer , wiccan, propeht or something and she knows things about Obama, but stay tuned that is for another post...
I don't tihnk I mentioned this or anyone has, but the ultimate creep master himself Clay "fat/thin/creepy/crazy/would be freaked out if he walked by me" Aiken is becoming a father. How you ask? He for sure wants no part of a vagina , except maybe to wear for himself, well here is the answer my friends. He is artificially inseminating like his 50 year old music producer/best friend named Jayme but who is a girl. How weird? Who does that? Clay Aiken thats who. He was prolly just thinking you know , what can I do that is extra ridiculous and creepy, "oh i got it artificially inseminate my 50 year old employee basically". Don't worry folks he will be integral in raising the child they said, or actually maybe that is cause for worry.
Did you know the Today show is extended by an hour and hosted by Hoda and Kathie Lee Gifford. I loved Kathie Lee back in the day and frankly I still do, she is so classless and bad and just horrid at intervciewing cuz she just wants to talk so i was of course intrigued. The first time I saw it it was horrible. They just talk to each other and have all these inside jokes and it is really not good but now I can't stop watching whenever I am home at 10 am which is only once a week at most. I keep hoping it will be as good as Good Day Live that used to be on Fox , now that was a good show! Crap crap crap but a good show! With Dorothy and Jillian Barberie and that guy who hated his life cuz he thought he was a real journalist at one point but now was stuck like chatting about Clay AIken with Jillian Barberie, i wish that was still on!>!>!
Oh anyway on the Today show today they had a triva contest and the winner got money and the losers got Kathie Lee Giffords cd. It was amazing!
ok thats all for now. Oh last night at work this lady is a soothsayer , wiccan, propeht or something and she knows things about Obama, but stay tuned that is for another post...
mike - 02/05/11 14:44
i know MK, when did we have nothing to do at noon everyday? That sounds glorious!
i know MK, when did we have nothing to do at noon everyday? That sounds glorious!
tinypliny - 06/06/08 11:15
Okay, is it just me or what??? He is standing in front of a UNICEF promotion wall-banner. WHAT on earth is creepy about that?? Is it so creepy for people to want to have kids via artificial insemination? I mean, the technology exists. So why not use it? If he is not coercing his manager into doing this, and more importantly, if *she* doesn't feel its coercion and is willing to be the surrogate mom, what is wrong with the scenario? You could argue that he could adopt a child and I would not have any answers to that argument. I do believe that adoption is the way to go in this day and age of overpopulation and general resource-dwindling. However, the basic urge to procreate will still exist and will continue to be a cornerstone of what it means to be human.
Okay, is it just me or what??? He is standing in front of a UNICEF promotion wall-banner. WHAT on earth is creepy about that?? Is it so creepy for people to want to have kids via artificial insemination? I mean, the technology exists. So why not use it? If he is not coercing his manager into doing this, and more importantly, if *she* doesn't feel its coercion and is willing to be the surrogate mom, what is wrong with the scenario? You could argue that he could adopt a child and I would not have any answers to that argument. I do believe that adoption is the way to go in this day and age of overpopulation and general resource-dwindling. However, the basic urge to procreate will still exist and will continue to be a cornerstone of what it means to be human.
tinypliny - 06/06/08 02:26
!!! You mean this bloke? The UNICEF ambassador?
What is creepy about him? Seems pretty kind!
!!! You mean this bloke? The UNICEF ambassador?
What is creepy about him? Seems pretty kind!
mk - 06/05/08 22:44
omg good day live was the best news show ever. when did we watch that? like when did i not have anything to do everyday at noon???
omg good day live was the best news show ever. when did we watch that? like when did i not have anything to do everyday at noon???
paul - 06/05/08 21:27
I think Clay Aiken is a demon.
I think Clay Aiken is a demon.
fellyconnelly - 06/05/08 14:26
clay aiken IS creepy! thanks for saying what we were all thinkin!
clay aiken IS creepy! thanks for saying what we were all thinkin!
06/03/2008 21:02 #44532
Becky Had TwinsThe date is November 13,1991 and my third grade journal that I just found says .."... after dinner I called all the kids on the block but not one of them could play. I watched tv. Becky had twins" does anyone know who becky was?
I love this journal day I went to school, went to my friends house, came home, listened to my brother make noise (whatever that means) and went to bed.
on then the mysterious May 18,1992
On saturday my family worked in my grandmother's garden. When we got home I took a bath. Then we drove to the end of the thru way, there was nothing there. Then we walked through a forest. Then we went home.
What end of what thruway and waht forest? We were not natury by any stretch oft he imagination> There is one time I remember walking through a forest but that was with my aunt and uncle from australia and that is chronicled earlier in the journal> any idea paul?
I love this journal day I went to school, went to my friends house, came home, listened to my brother make noise (whatever that means) and went to bed.
on then the mysterious May 18,1992
On saturday my family worked in my grandmother's garden. When we got home I took a bath. Then we drove to the end of the thru way, there was nothing there. Then we walked through a forest. Then we went home.
What end of what thruway and waht forest? We were not natury by any stretch oft he imagination> There is one time I remember walking through a forest but that was with my aunt and uncle from australia and that is chronicled earlier in the journal> any idea paul?
mk - 06/04/08 19:14
Darn it Jesse beat me. I was all pumped because I INSTANTLY knew it was Full House! Remember that we couldn't remember the difference between the Family Matters and Full House song, and everytime we started singing one of them it just always turned into Family Matters?
Darn it Jesse beat me. I was all pumped because I INSTANTLY knew it was Full House! Remember that we couldn't remember the difference between the Family Matters and Full House song, and everytime we started singing one of them it just always turned into Family Matters?
tinypliny - 06/03/08 23:32
Do you think the last one might be an advanced metaphor?
Do you think the last one might be an advanced metaphor?
drew - 06/03/08 22:18
Good call on the Becky thing, Jessbob.
Good call on the Becky thing, Jessbob.
hodown - 06/03/08 21:30
my brother made noise- um its paul. he was doing his somewhere over the rainbow recording- duh
my brother made noise- um its paul. he was doing his somewhere over the rainbow recording- duh
jessbob - 06/03/08 21:26
Becky had twins - that is easy. Full House. Uncle Jesse was one cool guy.
Becky had twins - that is easy. Full House. Uncle Jesse was one cool guy.
05/31/2008 14:11 #44499
Supercalifragisexy!Last night we went to see Sex and the City and oh boy it was insane. We were at the Regal on elmwood and had to park way out like the far part of the Office Depot lot but the time we left even the whole office depot lot was full. I have never ever seen it like that and I have went to many movies at the Regal and on opening nights. It was all crazy ladies all dressed up and in heels. There were even quite a few people who came in limos. I was not a super fan of the show and I think sarah jessica parker kinda looks like a not so attractive horse but I really liked it. You know I am a sucker for any movie that has more than one scene of all different outfits a person comes out in to music. I love those scenes in movies! They are the best! It was insane it was playing like every 20 minutes and serioulsy every show was sold out, at 7 when we got there they announced all the shows through 945 were sold out already! INSANE! supercalifragisexy indeed!
P.S. I just read it is beating all expectations. They figured since it was aimed just at women mainly and had an older cast it would get like maybe 40 million ,if they were really lucky then 50 million at most for the entire opening weekend which is a lot for a movie like that....BUT just on Friday alone they estimate it made over 70 million!!! insanity!
P.S. I just read it is beating all expectations. They figured since it was aimed just at women mainly and had an older cast it would get like maybe 40 million ,if they were really lucky then 50 million at most for the entire opening weekend which is a lot for a movie like that....BUT just on Friday alone they estimate it made over 70 million!!! insanity!
tinypliny - 06/02/08 22:08
HEY!! Did you see 27 dresses. It has one of those scenes as well. I L<3VE those scenes as well. I knew it. I knew there was a reason I am your #1 fan... err. stalker!! :^E
HEY!! Did you see 27 dresses. It has one of those scenes as well. I L<3VE those scenes as well. I knew it. I knew there was a reason I am your #1 fan... err. stalker!! :^E
here you go: :::link::: I will now use it tens of times a month.
how come people never say tens of like you would say i've seen that hundreds of times but what if you saw it like60 or 70 times, why wouldn't you say I've seen it tens of time. I mean I say it but I don't think it is really catching on as this journal was from 2008 and I still have never heard another person say it.
What did happen to your soap opera?!?
With theater like that who needs Studio Arena.
Don't mess with the pregnant woman. They can get crazy.
AH HA!!! EAT DIRT ALL YOU NON BELIEVERS!! BEHOLD ***hard and concrete*** EVIDENCE that that one-legged dwarf centaur EXISTS!
Can pregnant women uproot STOP signs??? You need to copyright/patent that idea soon. So that the next movie studio that reads your blog and uses the concept in their movie is forced to pay you rights-money!!