So on Saturday it was the pharmacist at work Rachel's wedding. The reception was at Kloks in West Seneca which was pretty nice. I had never been there before. The food was really good! Anywho, only four people from work were there, one being Rachelle and then the two pharmacists patty and nancy. You guys might have met Rachelle (don' tconfuse her with the bride Rachel) at a party at the 24. We kinda happen to get a little know how at weddings they close the bar during dinner well we were done with dinner and saw there was another wedding outside next door (rachel's wedding was indoor/outdoor) so we decided to just go there and pretend we were at that wedding to get some drinks while we waited for people to finish dinner. Well we walk over and order and our downfall I think was ordering a Michelob cuz the bartended was like "um that is what they are serving at the other wedding, are you from the other wedding?" and were like no of course not, michelob is our favorite so we always ask for it. So thye made our four drinks but gave us really mean looks and so then we deicded we needed to pretend we belonged so we like sat down and went up to the dance floor BUT LOOKMED AROUND AND REALIZED there were only like 40 guests at this wedding so we definitely stuck out! So then we tried to make a run for it through the parking lot and around back to our wedding. Thinking phew we were so smooth and made it out we go to go back into Rachel's wedding and the manager comes out and starts screaming at us "YOU LIARS, SHE ASKED YOU SPECIFICALLY WHAT WEDDING YOU WERE FROM, NEVER DO THAT AGAIN...blah,blah,blah". Now this would have been only slightly embarassing had rachel's weddin gnot been indoor/outdoor so tons of peopole from her wedding were outside watching as we got reamed out. SO EMBARASSING! Luckily rachel found it funny and not terrible as we imagined. We had to text patty an dhave her come out and save us and now the lady who yelled at us was the bartender at Rachel's wedding so we had to be slick and make sure we got the other bartender or send people to get our drinks.
WE were at a table with some of rachel's dad's cousins who were older and I guess our drunken dancing cuz quite a few commetns, like they were saying "they are gonna regret that on monday" (ha! Our work parties are 10 times less classy than anything we did at the wedding including being yelled at) and stuff like "i hope they sell condoms at rite aid , they are gonna need them". Oh we always keep it classy!
P.S. They had a baloon artist who was like 5 and awesome and made baloon hats. I will post pictures later.
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/24/2008 19:28 #44774
Reprimanded at a Wedding Crash06/20/2008 19:31 #44734
Anyone Want......a Canisius College yearbook for the year 2001. For some reason (well the reason is I am an out of control pack rat who just collects anything he comes in contact with) while going through my school papers that I have saved I found the Canisius yearbook from 2001 and was flipping through it and then realized I didn't even go there that year, so why do i a.) have the yearbook and b) have kept it for like 7 years. It prolly involved seeing it somewhere in the school and being like i watn those memories even if they aren't mine. Who knows what good they will be in the future. Well anyway I want to get rid of it but feel weird throwing it out? ANyone want it?
tinypliny - 06/21/08 10:42
Wow. I wiah I had graduated from Canisius in 2001 just to get that yearbook. Sadly, I graduated much much later, from a different college, in a different city, in a different climate, in a different country and in a different continent. Don't they print just the right number of yearbooks every graduation year? Whose yearbook do you have? You might never know! Man... now someone's memories from 2001 won't be revived.
Wow. I wiah I had graduated from Canisius in 2001 just to get that yearbook. Sadly, I graduated much much later, from a different college, in a different city, in a different climate, in a different country and in a different continent. Don't they print just the right number of yearbooks every graduation year? Whose yearbook do you have? You might never know! Man... now someone's memories from 2001 won't be revived.
06/18/2008 22:39 #44712
So Today I Said...If i saw my coworker on the side of the road on fire, and i was walking by with a fire extinguished, I wouldn't put them out....I didn't say it to their face but i wanted to. I am so sick of people being so lazy and like just standing around and eating and having to tell them eveyr freakinn two seconds "TO REMEMBE RYOU ARE WORKING< HOW ABOUT YOU DO SOMETHING AND SNACK AND STAND AROUND WHEN YOU GET HOME" THAT I REALLY COULDN'T HANDLE IT ANYMORE!!!1 ugh new job is necessary, i say that a lot, i need to do something about it
joshua - 06/21/08 01:57
Damn Mike!
Damn Mike!
fellyconnelly - 06/20/08 07:57
snacking and chatting isn't no bad thing if you have gotten your work done. If you are blowing off your duties and gettin all snackieface then you can burn!!
snacking and chatting isn't no bad thing if you have gotten your work done. If you are blowing off your duties and gettin all snackieface then you can burn!!
boxerboi - 06/19/08 20:14
i'm with tinypliny. hence why we've snacked together!
you just need a job where you can sit and eat and no one is coming up and interrupting you. that's the trick.
i'm with tinypliny. hence why we've snacked together!
you just need a job where you can sit and eat and no one is coming up and interrupting you. that's the trick.
mk - 06/19/08 17:09
are you implying that YOU don't stand around and snack? ;) oh i miss hearing about the zillions of things you used to eat on a daily basis at eckerd. i remember the day you drove out to tully's to get lunch, and then i think somewhere on main street in amherst too. but maybe those days are gone?
are you implying that YOU don't stand around and snack? ;) oh i miss hearing about the zillions of things you used to eat on a daily basis at eckerd. i remember the day you drove out to tully's to get lunch, and then i think somewhere on main street in amherst too. but maybe those days are gone?
suburbancrime - 06/19/08 09:39
ROFL, I can think of some coworkers that I would just keep walking on by if I saw them on fire!
I find with bad co-workers, fate usually catches up with them, so, don't sweat it and keep on doing your thing.
ROFL, I can think of some coworkers that I would just keep walking on by if I saw them on fire!
I find with bad co-workers, fate usually catches up with them, so, don't sweat it and keep on doing your thing.
jon - 06/19/08 09:09
We didn't start the fire... It was always burning since the World was turn'n... la la la...
I agree with the premise, but vengeance and bitterness usually end up smacking you back, idk. I guess blogging as an alternative feels more liberating.
We didn't start the fire... It was always burning since the World was turn'n... la la la...
I agree with the premise, but vengeance and bitterness usually end up smacking you back, idk. I guess blogging as an alternative feels more liberating.
tinypliny - 06/19/08 02:16
I think I could have said that to a number of co-interns back home. But then I decided it wasn't worth my energy even telling them so I just went about my work. Then I decided that I didn't want to deal with losers like that at all for the rest of my life, so I switched careers. Now, I bet others around me think no-fire-putting-out thoughts for me. The moral of the tangential thought is if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
I think I could have said that to a number of co-interns back home. But then I decided it wasn't worth my energy even telling them so I just went about my work. Then I decided that I didn't want to deal with losers like that at all for the rest of my life, so I switched careers. Now, I bet others around me think no-fire-putting-out thoughts for me. The moral of the tangential thought is if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
06/14/2008 23:53 #44650
My Crazy CornerYou would be suprised how much goes down on the corner of Tremont and Wilber outside my computer room window. Seriusly there is always either some crazy little kids playing crazy games that involve lots of screming on my front lawn. BUt more than anything else there is a lot of relationshiop drama that always goes down there. I seriously have seen hundreds ok maybe tens of couples break up or get in major fights on this corner. Since we got the central air and the windows aren't open as much it isn't as exciting cuz I don't get to hear the argument , just ee it. Sometimes it is better because I tihnk I can make up better stories. For instance this couple that are fighting outside my window now, I am pretty sure that he cheated on her with a one-legged dwarf centaur and so she is udnerstandably angry because she just found out she was pregnant. So she just ripped the stop sign out of th ground and started beating her own stomach while he screams "stop killing my babY" and she says "listen yo, this baby aint yos no mo". Thats what I see. IN real life they are fighting about something and she did just spit on him twice walk away and came back and spit on him again. It is quite entertaing. It won't be over til the police come or my crazy dad wakes up and chases them down.
mike - 02/05/11 14:40
how come people never say tens of like you would say i've seen that hundreds of times but what if you saw it like60 or 70 times, why wouldn't you say I've seen it tens of time. I mean I say it but I don't think it is really catching on as this journal was from 2008 and I still have never heard another person say it.
how come people never say tens of like you would say i've seen that hundreds of times but what if you saw it like60 or 70 times, why wouldn't you say I've seen it tens of time. I mean I say it but I don't think it is really catching on as this journal was from 2008 and I still have never heard another person say it.
boxerboi - 06/15/08 17:49
What did happen to your soap opera?!?
What did happen to your soap opera?!?
james - 06/15/08 13:45
With theater like that who needs Studio Arena.
With theater like that who needs Studio Arena.
boxerboi - 06/15/08 09:54
Don't mess with the pregnant woman. They can get crazy.
Don't mess with the pregnant woman. They can get crazy.
tinypliny - 06/15/08 00:52
AH HA!!! EAT DIRT ALL YOU NON BELIEVERS!! BEHOLD ***hard and concrete*** EVIDENCE that that one-legged dwarf centaur EXISTS!
Can pregnant women uproot STOP signs??? You need to copyright/patent that idea soon. So that the next movie studio that reads your blog and uses the concept in their movie is forced to pay you rights-money!!
AH HA!!! EAT DIRT ALL YOU NON BELIEVERS!! BEHOLD ***hard and concrete*** EVIDENCE that that one-legged dwarf centaur EXISTS!
Can pregnant women uproot STOP signs??? You need to copyright/patent that idea soon. So that the next movie studio that reads your blog and uses the concept in their movie is forced to pay you rights-money!!
06/12/2008 00:01 #44624
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!!Let's all join this bunny in giving Dave a standing ovation for his 28th birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! YOU'RE AMAZING! THANKS FOR BEING THERE FOR ME AND FOR BEING YOU!

metalpeter - 06/13/08 16:57
To Dave a Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To Dave a Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maureen - 06/13/08 13:59
Happy Birthday Dave!! I hope you the most wonderful day and a year to match!
Happy Birthday Dave!! I hope you the most wonderful day and a year to match!
jenks - 06/13/08 13:19
haaaaaappy bday!!!
haaaaaappy bday!!!
chico - 06/13/08 12:18
Dave, happy belated birthday!
Dave, happy belated birthday!
fellyconnelly - 06/13/08 07:15
oh my goodness happy birthday dave!
oh my goodness happy birthday dave!
boxerboi - 06/12/08 20:03
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!! Hope you have a great one.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!! Hope you have a great one.
lauren - 06/12/08 19:34
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!
mrmike - 06/12/08 13:56
Happy Day, Dave
Happy Day, Dave
libertad - 06/12/08 13:26
That bunny is so cute! Thanks Mike and everyone for the birthday wishes! BTW, I am not 29 yet!
That bunny is so cute! Thanks Mike and everyone for the birthday wishes! BTW, I am not 29 yet!
matthew - 06/12/08 10:50
Awww. What a cute bunny! Happy Birthday Dave!
Awww. What a cute bunny! Happy Birthday Dave!
hodown - 06/12/08 09:35
Standing ovation from a bunny? You know thats love. Happy Birthday!!
Standing ovation from a bunny? You know thats love. Happy Birthday!!
terry - 06/12/08 09:30
Happy B-day man!!
Happy B-day man!!
ladycroft - 06/12/08 09:29
happy happy birthday!!
happy happy birthday!!
jim - 06/12/08 09:10
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
paul - 06/12/08 09:09
happy birthday dave!
happy birthday dave!
joshua - 06/12/08 08:52
Happy B-day!
Happy B-day!
tinypliny - 06/12/08 06:47
Cheers to a EVEN MORE WONDERFUL 29!!
PS: You are a 1980 baby!!??!! So am I!!
\m/ Rock on 1980!! \m/
Cheers to a EVEN MORE WONDERFUL 29!!
PS: You are a 1980 baby!!??!! So am I!!
\m/ Rock on 1980!! \m/
Not that I have ever crashed a wedding but I think what got you caught is that you where together. If say you walked in a started to talk to someone else then go to the bar and order something and then after you get a drink talk with someone else and then all go out on the floor together then no one would have been wiser but when you go to the bar together and then dance together and don't interact with anyone else there it kinda points out that you aren't supposed to be there.
I don't see why they had to get so pissy about it really... was it open bar? did you give a tip?
If you watched 257 dresses, you would have known that the best tactic is to change your clothes before crashing the other wedding. Wedding bartenders are so stressed out anyway, they wouldn't have realized you were the same people! At least you could have turned them inside out, they always use a slightly mismatched lining fabric in clothes.