Buffalonian and Meet the Press host Tim Russert died today of a heart attack:
And so, just once I will say: Go Bills!
iriesara - 06/13/08 18:16 Dude, I heard today while I was on lunch (california time, that is). I am seriously devastated....terrible news, and, yes indeed, go Bills!
06/12/2008 09:17 #44626
Gummi Lighthouse
Lighthouse, or Phallus? You be the judge.
tinypliny - 06/14/08 12:49 Surely, phalluses. There can be no way you can be happy eating lighthouses. Not everyone is capable of godzillonics.
metalpeter - 06/13/08 18:03 The thing that is odd is that you can go out and buy Gummy Penises and Boobs so you would think that the company would make sure that their product didn't look like those, I have had them both and they are very tasty.
fellyconnelly - 06/13/08 07:14 cock and balls!
there i said it.
lilho - 06/13/08 01:46 phallus for sure, but then again, you know me...
james - 06/12/08 20:31 A lighthouse? I am feeling very inadequate at the moment...
mrmike - 06/12/08 14:12 The Yellow lighthouse might want to go for a checkup
06/08/2008 15:05 #44588
Sometimes I Cry If You Don't Write Blogs
I had fun at the party last night, sorry I got tired there at the end.
I think I'll be skipping the festivities today, have some other stuff to attend to. Hope you all have fun!
metalpeter - 06/08/08 15:33 I went to the parade but not the stuff after it, it was a good time. I should have gone to the stuff after it but I didn't have any money really to buy food or anything, oh yeah I'm an idiot I just remembered HSBC has an ATM right by Bidwel hope everyone is having a great time and documenting it.
06/03/2008 21:06 #44533
Sam Hoyt T-Shirts
If you see one of these around this weekend, I made it for his campaign :) Kinda lame but it was short notice.
Happy Pride!
metalpeter - 06/09/08 17:54 I just wanted to add that I did see the shirt after Pride on the news. He was talking about the merger thing with the hospital in the shirt with the pride flag behind him, it looked pretty nice.
paul - 06/04/08 23:43 I was just reading my comment and realized it could be read as bitchy but I meant gay as in gayerific.
james - 06/04/08 23:37 Thank you so much for doing that for me. Everyone loves it.
You are the bestestest.
metalpeter - 06/04/08 17:14 If he walks in the Parade He should give them out. See people will wear them for pride but then also for him it looks like you support both but you might only really support one. Plus it has stars so any girl could wear it.
paul - 06/03/08 21:31 That's so freakin' gay, lol.
mike - 06/03/08 21:16 i know some sam hoyt dirt, we'll have to chat
06/02/2008 20:11 #44523
enknot - 06/03/08 10:25 And now that is that dudes lucky green biking spandex shirt!
tinypliny - 06/02/08 21:39 That is so sad. I feel so sick. :(
libertad - 06/02/08 21:21 That is really horrible.
paul - 06/02/08 20:14 That is so crazy, I feel so bad for them.
Dude, I heard today while I was on lunch (california time, that is). I am seriously devastated....terrible news, and, yes indeed, go Bills!