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06/01/2008 13:44 #44508

MMA & Narnia
Category: entertainment
So last night I started to Watch the Penguins game and it was good for the hour I watched but then, I had a decision to make and I went with Fighting on TV. Here is a good link that can explain it much better then I can
(I don't remember if it says what ones where on TV and what ones were not). I know I enjoyed it. One problem though with MMA is that you never know how a fight will be. Sometimes you can have a quick short fight or one where they wrestle and try to get submissions. If you don't understand the submissions it looks very dull and the action is hard to see. I admit I was a little mixed up as why they stopped the fights. I do think it not being on a pay channel may have factored it in, and that a lot of people would be new to it. I really liked the girls who fight that Carano girl is pretty hot and looks like she can fight pretty good. I think last Night was QCRG's Championship Bout and then there was Art & Models Hope those that went to either had a great time. June is all ready going to get kinda busy. Next week is pride, weekend after that is Allentown (hope I can get something this year, money is kinda tight, ok more then kinda), Towards the end of the month I have two Concerts Deathklok (with supporting acts) and Hatebreed. I have a trip at the end of the month. Plus I want to see that Bleach Movie. I thought (e:ladycroft) said she was coming to town in June also.

Tonight is the MTV Movie Awards (live they claim but not sure). I all ways like those because I think the fans vote on most of the awards. Plus they have things like best Kiss and I think they should come up with some new cleaver ones like one year it was Best Summer movie that hasn't come out yet, but I don't remember what one. I won't be watching it live though I'll be Watching Wrestling PPV.

Oh yeah the reason I wrote in the first place was to say I saw the New Narnia movie. With out giving anything away there are a couple spots where things are mentioned that if you read the books you would know about. Disney Decided not to make all the books into movies they are only doing the ones that have all 4 kids in them. So those who have read all the books would know what books those are. To be honest not knowing what they were talking about wasn't a big deal really but to know would have made it better. There is a part where it sounds as if they grew older in Narnia and left but that they had no control over leaving and now when they are back they are younger, but maybe I misread the meaning. I thought that the movie was very good. Story wise it is a little bit darker and there is some more conflict to go along with the action. Not sure if the story is entirely true to the book but the story is pretty good. Oh yeah and the action is pretty good to. I have heard some where that there is Religious meaning in the Narnia Stories and I myself have never noticed it. But that being said I'm sure if you go in deciding to try and find it I'm sure one could, there is one part where it is right out there and you can't mis it. I also do like how the one army looks like something out of the 300 and even the leader of the army looks like the same guy. I thought it was very good.
ladycroft - 06/02/08 10:20
yes, she is coming!
vincent - 06/01/08 22:04
From reading about that show last night I realized that New York State still has a ban on "Ultimate Fighting." It was actually from that guy's article a day before :::link:::
it just reminds me how I had tickets for one of the early UFC's that was to scheduled at the then Niagara Falls Convention Center, years before it became the Casino.

It's just another example of how our politicians totally in their own world. Yea, banning it in NY really slowed down the explosion of the sport. Just think how much money they would of made if the CBS show was @ MSG instead of the Meadowlands Arena or whatever the call that place across the water.

05/31/2008 19:25 #44501

Gay is Ok
Category: issues
I thought now would be a good time to talk about the fact that I have no problems with Homosexuals, bisexuals, or heterosexuals. This was going to be one of the issues I knew I would touch on. The reason for it now is because gay rights and people who disagree with them have been in the news lately oh yeah and Isn't Buffalo's pride parade like next weekend. Two quick side notes the tittle to the blog is stupid and I did update my post on the square and added some photos.

I will admit that the way I look at things in general is that people should be able to do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, unless they want to be hurt but that is a completely different conversation itself. This is true in sex, love, and Marriage also. Hey if people love each other that is all that matters. Their love or sometimes lust doesn't hurt anyone and no one makes you watch so just leave people alone. I use this same belief for drugs and other things also. If you want to get high and stay at home all day or party it up as long as you keep your needle to your self and your dependancy doesn't fuck up any other persons life fine then.

I know that I'm not as open to things as I should be. When I was growing up you all ways hear the "hey fag" and things along those lines as a way of bashing someone (who isn't gay) by calling them gay. I will admit that some of that still sticks with me. I try not to do it but it is tough sometimes. I never really mean it in way that is hurt full it is just a way to mess around with someone else and it gets them upset because they find homosexuality wrong. I will admit I am trying to stop it. When someone says it to me I'm not offended since I don't think there is anything wrong about being gay.

Some people say that being gay in unnatural. I say that isn't true there are gay animals. I also think that there is a chance that being gay could be very natural. The best example I can think of is in china where they have the one child clause. Yes I know that there are ways for gays to have kids like invitro and adoption. But from a physical sense two people who with out help wouldn't have a child would be a way to cause population control.

Most people who spout that homosexuality is evil and a sin do believe it. I know there are things that use as examples to back up there point. But what I don't get is I thought you weren't supposed to judge people you know that "he who is without sin cast the first stone" story. I also think that the line that goes something like "a man shouldn't lie with another man" could have other meanigs other then gay sex is wrong. I think that line was put in as a way to put down the Greeks since they where known for gay sex, I have even heard gay sex called greek style. I'm not saying that people who think gay sex is wrong are wrong I just don't agree with how they get there ideas from there religion. I also think it is what they have been taught and then once they believe that they use their bible as a way to back it up.

I do think gays should be treated as equals. I think that one reason why there still is so much hate by some for them is that you don't know who is gay so unless there is a clue you assume someone isn't. For example Asians, Blacks, Women, and other minorities there is something physical that sets them apart. So you might not like blacks but then you know this black guy who is great with computers so you go "hey he isn't like the ones I see on TV, this guy is pretty fucking cool". So by meeting people you learn that all the sterotypes aren't true. But you could work with someone who is gay and go work out with him and be in a shower with 4 gay guys and never know. If you knew they where you might shower by yourself. I do think that they do have the right to be treated as equals and to march and have parades and stuff. I'm sorry but there is a however coming sorry, I don't think they should expect peoples ideas to really change. If someone thinks that homosexuality is a sin you can't expect them to change there religious ideas. Here comes another however, however I think it is fair to be asked not be be harassed by people who think homosexuality is wrong. There is for some people a strong feeling that gays try to push there beliefs that there life style is ok onto others. I don't believe that to be true. But I do see why someone who does think homosexuality is wrong would think that.

I think things like pride weeks, gay groups, and other things along those lines are a good idea. Let face it even rebels want to fit in even if it is just with other rebels a little bit. That is why I think those clubs are good. I also think that it is good to have pride in who you are (as long as it doesn't put you in danger).

I feel as if I have left something out other then Marriage. I do understand why people believe gay marriage is wrong. If you believe being gay is wrong or at least not natural how could you approve of marriage. I think that there are rights that you can only get from marriage and that in every state people both stright and gay should be able to get them and once you get one in one state it would be national. This could even cover Hetero Life mates (movie wise think Jay and Silent Bob, is that a good or bad example), this way you are considered family. There is a difference between getting Married in a church and by the state. I think gays should be allowed to get married by the state and currently it is a state issue. NYS looks like it will recongnize gay marriages in other states now. But currently it is a state issue and not a federal one. I think that it should become a federal issue and gay marriage should be allowed. The reason I say that is right now we are in a real gray area. What happens if say in CA it does become legal to get Married and then you have to move someplace else and that state doesn't give you the rights you just had in that other state. Polygomy is illegal, I think it should be but that is for another time. What if you are a family man living in say South Carolina and you have a gay lover out of state and you then get married if it was to a women you would go to jail but since your state doesn't know about it, there is no pollygomy. See there is so much gray area that I think the feds need to make it legal in every state. That being said Marriage is also a religious mater also. That is why I think that no church or priest should have to Marry anyone they don't want to. I also think they should have the right not to be sued for not doing so. If there religious belief is that it is wrong they can't be held resposneible for doing what they think is right. I don't mean they agree to do it then the day before the event go, oh I changed my mind sorry, that just wouldn't be right.

Hopefully I covered everything I wanted to and congratulations to anyone who made it all the way to the bottom and understood what I was talking about. I almost forgot don't ask don't tell makes no sense. If it was used correctly and stright guys couldn't talk about the girl they fucked then it would be ok. But when you have to fit in you can't go "oh after i fucked becky I walked out to the kitchen naked and saw her mom eating a strawberry so I got out the whip cream and fucked her to" with out lying. But if you tell the truth that you and the boyfriend went dancing and then fucked all day you can get kicked out. If you lie about that stuff what else will that cause people to lie about. Ok I think that is really it, and if anyone didn't see last years Pride Pictures they should be up on my webshots page now.
libertad - 06/03/08 21:32
It's nice to have your support metalpeter. You make so many valid points. Gay pride is so important because so many gays are self-hating rather than proud. I would say that many of us gays have had suffered from self hate at one point or another in our lives. If you hate yourself for being gay how could you expect that others accept it? The progress that gays have made in this country could never have been achieved if gays did not learn to love themselves first.
metalpeter - 06/01/08 12:01
I think you make a very good point that most people haven't really seen gays persecuted. I know it does happen and that when it does you might not hear about it, unless someone is killed and it is known that they where killed because they are gay. I know that it still happens in other countries. I heard someone who was Some kind of Arab say that we don't have Gays (think he mentioned child molesters also) in our country, the response was along the lines of "because you kill them all". I don't know if they really do, but there are still (bible belt states [downtown buffalo] and Boston) lots of places where publicly being gay can be dangerous. The reason I said Boston is That it seems every year there is some big thing about how gays can't be in the St. Patrick's day Parade. I don't know if it is because it is a gay organisation or just people who are gay. I think that often people take Pride in things that they have no control over and so they shouldn't really be proud. But with being gay it is a little bit different because there is often shame asocilated with it. You are also correct about the insane asylums I saw an interview with someone (famous I think) who didn't come out to there parents because they didn't want to go to an asylum, that wasn't really very long ago.

I like your point that there was never a hetero persecution day. I will admit I have heard this same argument on race but not for Pride (I'm sure they are the same). It comes down to them thinking that if they had a Hetero (white pride march) then they would be called Haters or racist or what ever but when the Minority does it, that is fine. They are getting at Hypocry and from there side they have a good point but in terms of gays I disagree with them. That being said I have to give anyone who does the gay pride Parade credit. I know there is no way that I could do it. The fear that someone who knows me but doesn't get that I'm gay and then sees me on the news or something that all of a sudden goes from friend to hating me would freak me out. Stuff like that really does happen. That might be part of the reason why I wasn't so sure about going to the parade the first time and why I took so few pictures. I don't really care what people think of me. But at the same time I don't want to make any enemies out of people who where friends because I was at a parade.

I do think that there is one other reason why people don't like there being Pride and a Parade. Some people think that there is A gay Agenda and that they want people to accept them and think that there lifestyle is ok. From this perspective it is like gays are throwing there life style in there face. I can completely understand how people would think that, but don't agree with it my self.

I'm sure I left something out of response but if so that is ok.
paul - 05/31/08 19:52
Thanks peter. By the way I don't think anyone is demanding that churches recognize gay marriage. I am pretty sure that gay people wanting to get married are mostly concerned about the state version of marriage or belong to some church that already supports them or to no church at all. Maybe I am wrong but I have never heard a of say a gay catholic demanding the catholic church recognize their gay marriage.

I think the reason people think pride is weird is because most people have not seen gays really persecuted, only harassed. Say in the example where you were talking about how some people use the word fag in a harassing way. However, not that long ago and still in many place gay people were seriously abused and even killed or brutalized in insane asylums and concentration camps. People just forget about that part.

It really makes me insane when people complain abou their is a gay pride day but no hetero pride day. I think that lies in the fact that there was never a hetero persecution day. I bet that would change things a bit, lol.

05/30/2008 19:54 #44492

Category: music
So went to the Square last night and had a great time "The New Deal" and Gelatic (can't spell sorry) where both really good. Oh yeah and all the fine ladies where nice and distracting also. Oh yeah then all the contact high or that lovely smell of it was nice. There is a pretty good review of the bands in the gusto I don't know how to explain there music really. The bandit rally between bands was pretty cool. Hopefully when I more time I will post some pictures we shall see.


I have heard it called Thursday at the square mostly and have never seen it in print in short form on any thing official, but on everything written it is at and not "in". I wasn't an English Major or anything so I don't know how to explain it but often people use the word at for in and vice versa incorrectly. Unofficially I have heard it both as "at the square and in the square". I can't give any real credit to the first person who I heard or say call it TiTs but I do know must recently it was (e:Chico) I believe when he wrote about how it was crappy this year. So for that reason I went with what is not really correct and called it TiTs. What it should at least be called if I'm doing it that way is T.i.T.S or for those who use the proper name T.a.T.S . In any event I had a great time and like the i version for the simple reason that a lot of people don't really go for who is playing but to eat drink check people out dance and maybe look at some boobies shaking or something.

Here is the link to the gusto article where there are some professional pictures. The one that made the paper I did see in person of the girl with the bag crowd surfing.

I learned from above that Galactic used to have a lead singer who left the band. I thought they where very good and Mr Liff (not sure on spelling) aka the hip hop guy was pretty good. I remember him so I must have seen them before and "The New Deal" where pretty good.






Bandits Celebration:
(not in order really)

















































In terms of a Bandits Rally I guess that was a good place to have it. The problem is that for a 15 minute thing it would be tough to do it where there was not something else all ready going on. Who knows maybe some music fans will become Bandit fans. I'm not sure but I thought I heard a lot of people boo the Mayor or was it Chris Collins or was it both. Or maybe they wanted to just hear the players speak. I'm not sure really but Had a nice time.








I wish that I had some pictures with some hot ladies. Hey does anyone know if goes to the square that would be a good place for them to hook up with. I think it would be fun and funny to post pictures with the caption of some hot lady who's name I don't even know or who is this? or something along those lines. Or even to caption them fake number 1 and 2 and 3 and so on that could really be funny. But take my word for it there where some cutie pies and not all of them where tall and blond I did see a guy and a girl trade a hit for a drink of beer that was pretty awesome then there where these girls who it was taking them for ever to roll up there stuff so some guy gave them the rest of his as they waited to roll theirs up, it was a pretty interesting time. I myself didn't smoke up but for those that chose to have fun that way good for them, unless they are that one dude who looked like Adam Sandler and kept falling down and being moshed around.

Long story short went for the Bandits and had a great time. I'm glad they where there because if they weren't I would have stayed home so "Lets Go Bandits".
lilho - 05/30/08 21:15
we are calling it tits now????
museumchick - 05/30/08 20:42
wow... TITS has already started?! Well, I'm glad you had a great time!
paul - 05/30/08 20:42
I wanted to go. I can't believed I forgot about it.
jenks - 05/30/08 20:08
galactic was last night?

That was like the only one I even sort of wanted to go to.

Ugh. But they were good?

05/28/2008 17:45 #44476

Family & Religion
Category: issues
Well I'll admit not sure if what I want to say Really falls into the topic of Issues or not, but since this post is more for me than to let others know stuff then I guess Issues isn't a bad place for it to be, since I may speak on religion and faith some. So today I went to a wake and service for my friends mother. It is of course to bad that she is gone, but the other view is that she is onto a better place. Of course if you aren't religious that doesn't help deal with it. But if you know that they had faith then you can think that maybe they are. I'm not saying that I don't have faith, but some people don't (I do have some issues with some faiths or maybe it is some churches and things that they do). I had a friend from work who used to say the Baptists are going to hell, of course he was joking around (but I'm sure he believed it at least some) . That is one thing that bothers me about some faiths they think that if you read "the word" in a way you do that, that means you are going to hell. I'm not saying that is true of everyone. I think often people look at how they think differently instead of the same. The basic ideas are the same why fight over how the bible causes you to worship or live The reason I say this is that the Service was at a Baptist Church on High St. To me it was all very stressful, that being said the Preacher (sorry forget his name) was very good. I didn't know ahead of time but I was a Paul Barer. I felt very welcome there like I wasn't being judged but at a Funeral it is about the person moving on to the afterlife so maybe that is why. Leaving the church wasn't bad as a Paul Barer but doing it at Forest lawn was a little tougher with uneven ground. It was sad but a good send off.

It isn't weird to have a second family really. But what is weird is how you see them about as often as your 1st family. But what is crazier to think about is that you see people at work more and they are like (even if you hate them all) a 2nd family also. You most of the time don't bond with them like a family, your there to work after all. The reason they are like a 2nd family is there are some people who drive you crazy who you can't escape just like family. But it is more about the fact that you are there with them for 40hrs a week and maybe more if you count a lunch or Overtime. Not to mention some times someone might come in before work to drink coffee and talk politics as they read the paper. If you can't start till 7 and the bus gets you there at 6:15 as an example that is another 45 minutes (not true where I work but true some places). Maybe it is because I'm Irish (Irish vs. Irish American is a debate for a later time) or maybe not, but it seems that most of my family (and in this case my 2nd family) we only see at wakes and Funerals. The part that is kinda scary is I'm going on a little vacation to a wedding in Carolina this month so that will be like a family reunion. In the both today and in June then it shows that families often don't see each other enough. The thing is that is how it is. For example it was great to see a lot of people I haven't seen In a long time. But it is to bad this is what it took for me to see them and vise versa. I'm not saying all families are like this I see my mother about everyday (computer is at her house, not mine) and my sis (as annoying as she can sometimes be, but that is one family dynamic I really can't get into here) sometimes and we will do things and go places together.

I lost my train of thought above. It was weird to take pictures but I did take some. I'm used to taking pictures of fun things and not funerals (they won't be posted on line, or at least not by me). It is good for the people to have pictures, I don't think pictures should just be of the good times. That being said when you are concentrating on the camera and taking a picture it takes away a little bit from what ever you are doing. Hey someplace you are having fun not a big deal cause taking the pictures can be part of the fun (an (e:strip) party is a good example of that) , but with things that are Sacred or Personal taking pictures feels odd or like a privacy violation a little bit. That being said I'm glad I took pictures but wish I took a few more. But at the same time you don't want it to be about just taking the pictures either. I don't know if what I wrote makes any sense to anyone else or not but maybe it does, well I feel a little bit better.
metalpeter - 05/28/08 19:27
Thanks, maybe I should say more then just thanks but that is all that comes to mind so again; Thanks.
ladycroft - 05/28/08 18:16
i'm glad you feel better. i'm sorry to hear about your friend's mother. (hug)

05/24/2008 17:25 #44441

1000th Indy Potpurri
Category: e:strip
Well Based on what that Number up there says I have 999 posts so that makes this one my .....................................
1000th Post

Well I was hoping it would be about some huge event like being on a white sand beach or Mountain or something along those lines. Then I meet a couple people and they have a bunch of girls and there is some event like a bonfire or being pushed over a waterfall and swimming in the Lagune (the thing at the bottom of the falls that is some how deep and calm and the water doesn't move.) Then of course every one would do some type of drug that bonds us all together and there is some kind of group or multi partner sex. After wards everyone gets the same tattoo that binds us all to that moment for life and to each other so we never forget it.

But nothing like that ever happens to me and even if it where to the timing isn't right so I'll just write about today and the movie I saw.
But before I do that I do want to add that I have been slowing down on how much a post, and not sure why that is. Who knows maybe it is because I don't do so much during the winter other then wake up early and trek out to work trek home go on line and watch TV. then there are also sports events but no Taste of Buffalo or anything like that. It is odd to think of that many posts I guess I'm a big mouth sometimes the fact that I have 2,853 comments currently that I've posted would agree with that, but other times I'm very keep to my self type of person. I did have the idea to video myself typing a blog then down load it then upload it to youtube but I don't really know how to video on my camera and I have no idea how to do you tube here. I also thought about putting links to other journals I had written on here but kinda forgot how to do that plus that would mean a lot of re reading. It is to bad I couldn't find 1000 hot ladies or neat Tattoo pictures that was another idea for a 1000th post. I didn't want to get into an issue on my about 100th post. So onto indy.

I can't compare the new Indiana Jones to the old ones because I don't remember much about them. Yeah I know I liked them and that at some theme park they had an Indiana Jones show that was pretty cool with huge flames and tricks, my guess is Epcott Center but not sure. One thing I have heard from a few places is Harrison Ford is old and then they break on the movie. Well I got some bad news for the people I have heard say this he is in Better shape then you are, and I'm guessing he is in better shape now then your where 5 years ago and maybe 10 years ago, if that is true then you need to shut up.

Some people say that they did this as a way to just make money. I do see there point because there are a lot of product tie ins, ceral multiple ones, and Burger King come to mind quickly. I tried the indy burger I think it is a new kind of Whopper and it was pretty tasty. I don't think it is all about the money. I could be wrong here But I think with the success of Movies like National Treasure and Tomb Raider it shows that people still like this kind of movie. I think this will not be the only new Indiana Jones Movie. I could Ford doing one more and there is another thing they could do and I think they might but to say it here would give away a part of the movie.

Ok onto the movie itself. How can you not like a movie that starts out with music by Elvis, It is background music and doesn't really have anything to do with the story. Story wise I liked it, again that is all I will say don't want to give anything away. Even though she was evil it was nice to see a strong women as being the evil lead charachter, I wonder if they will do a Sci-Fi spinoff (again if you saw how it ended you know where I'm going) that would be funny. Of course there is a lot of action including fighting and that is all ways good. I like that Indy wasn't perfect. I'm sure if you anyone has seen the previews the show the scene where he swings and doesn't make his target there is another scene kinda like that. It was a lot of fun and think anyone would like it. It is also good family viewing. You don't have to know about the cold war and that the (not nazi's here) nazi supposidly tried to find occult powers to take over the world. You don't have to worry about cursing or sex scenes or all kinds of blood. Yes that is good stuff but it doesn't fit in this movie and it wouldn't have seemed right if it would have been I don't do the star system but I'll say 3 out of 4 or 4 out of 5 and two thumbs up.

One thing I do need to mention before the movie though, and I don't mean the preview for the new Hell Boy movie that really looks amazing. I mean the coke ads. The most recent is two people debating on some show they say the same thing one buys one a coke and they tour washington, great ad it really is. I admit I'm a Perpsi Guy myself. That being said Coke has way better ads. There is one with santa who gives out coke bottles to this little girl over the ages untill she is old and then gives it to her graduaghter or something like that. There have been a bunch of great ones But here is the part where I need Help in all there ads (maybe they are all made in other countries) they always have tall glass coke bottles, hey maybe it is just me but where I live they don't even sell those anymore. Do they sell them in America anymore? Also it got me thinking is glass or plastic better for the enviroment. Granted I know glass breaks and is heavy but if you droped a bottle of (owned by pepsi) Sobe they land on there bottom and bounce into your shin or at least when I have done that, that is what happens.

Hope everyone gets to have a great long Holiday weekend, even if that means you have to do more at work on tuesday.