(I don't remember if it says what ones where on TV and what ones were not). I know I enjoyed it. One problem though with MMA is that you never know how a fight will be. Sometimes you can have a quick short fight or one where they wrestle and try to get submissions. If you don't understand the submissions it looks very dull and the action is hard to see. I admit I was a little mixed up as why they stopped the fights. I do think it not being on a pay channel may have factored it in, and that a lot of people would be new to it. I really liked the girls who fight that Carano girl is pretty hot and looks like she can fight pretty good. I think last Night was QCRG's Championship Bout and then there was Art & Models Hope those that went to either had a great time. June is all ready going to get kinda busy. Next week is pride, weekend after that is Allentown (hope I can get something this year, money is kinda tight, ok more then kinda), Towards the end of the month I have two Concerts Deathklok (with supporting acts) and Hatebreed. I have a trip at the end of the month. Plus I want to see that Bleach Movie. I thought (e:ladycroft) said she was coming to town in June also.
Tonight is the MTV Movie Awards (live they claim but not sure). I all ways like those because I think the fans vote on most of the awards. Plus they have things like best Kiss and I think they should come up with some new cleaver ones like one year it was Best Summer movie that hasn't come out yet, but I don't remember what one. I won't be watching it live though I'll be Watching Wrestling PPV.
Oh yeah the reason I wrote in the first place was to say I saw the New Narnia movie. With out giving anything away there are a couple spots where things are mentioned that if you read the books you would know about. Disney Decided not to make all the books into movies they are only doing the ones that have all 4 kids in them. So those who have read all the books would know what books those are. To be honest not knowing what they were talking about wasn't a big deal really but to know would have made it better. There is a part where it sounds as if they grew older in Narnia and left but that they had no control over leaving and now when they are back they are younger, but maybe I misread the meaning. I thought that the movie was very good. Story wise it is a little bit darker and there is some more conflict to go along with the action. Not sure if the story is entirely true to the book but the story is pretty good. Oh yeah and the action is pretty good to. I have heard some where that there is Religious meaning in the Narnia Stories and I myself have never noticed it. But that being said I'm sure if you go in deciding to try and find it I'm sure one could, there is one part where it is right out there and you can't mis it. I also do like how the one army looks like something out of the 300 and even the leader of the army looks like the same guy. I thought it was very good.
yes, she is coming!
From reading about that show last night I realized that New York State still has a ban on "Ultimate Fighting." It was actually from that guy's article a day before :::link:::
it just reminds me how I had tickets for one of the early UFC's that was to scheduled at the then Niagara Falls Convention Center, years before it became the Casino.
It's just another example of how our politicians totally in their own world. Yea, banning it in NY really slowed down the explosion of the sport. Just think how much money they would of made if the CBS show was @ MSG instead of the Meadowlands Arena or whatever the call that place across the water.