The Chinese food was pretty good. I think I had like two plates but it was worth it. The food and company was good The people who went where (e:Imk2) and Faben (sorry if I misspelled that), (e:Jenks) and Dan, (e:Tiburon), (e:Paul) and myself. It was nice to meet (e:Tiburon) I hope you liked everyone you meet and had a good time it seemed like you did. I have to thank (e:Imk2) that was a great idea. When I first heard about it I wanted to go the movie but got the date wrong and thought it was next month. To Dan and Paul thanks for getting me home. I really did have a good time and I hope everyone else did also here are pictures from the Buffet.

From inside the Theartre here is one original pictures of (e:imk2) and then two that where updated on my Camera. So I hope you enjoy them.

So now onto the movie at last. I have never read any of the Manga but I watch or record DeathNote on Adult Swim after Bleach on Cartoon Network. It isn't my favorite show that they have had on but it is still pretty good. The Shirgami was so cool looking and the voice was spot on that was really cool. I thought they got L perfect. That would include all the little movements like the feet and how he holds the phone. I'm not sure if it was all the same Voice Talent from the cartoon but if not it sure sounded just like them. You might not think it but those little touches make a movie so much better. I didn't really know how they where going to tell the story or how far they would go into it. I thought the story was told pretty well. I guess the ended the movie at a pretty good point in the story. I don't really do the stars or thumbs up but it has 2 thumbs up and enough stars to be good. Oh yeah the special features where pretty good also. The only thing that I thought could have made the movie better is that there was stuff in Japanese that they could have translated on screen but I think not doing that is kinda a common thing, but other then that it was pretty cool. There where people who dressed up and screamed when there favorites where introduced. That I wasn't used to but you gotta like the passion that people have. Part 2 looks like it will be very good, not sure if they will have another screening for that anytime soon or if it is better to see if it is on DVD anywhere. I think it would be cool to see it in the large screen. They did have an ad for a Bleach Movie they will be showing in June, but that is animated not live action. Bleach is a pretty good Show also, I should go see that also.
Picture wise it isn't you really, it is that it is dark in there and my camera flash is weird, plus they are not posed in terms of looking like your mother don't really know what she looks like.
I should explain that adult swim is on everyday of the week. Death Note is on Saturday night/Sunday Mornings not sure if the time is all ways the same but around 12:30 right after bleach. To say that their lineup is all ways changing isn't really true. But every so often their shows do change.
it's on adult swim? i didn't know that....
ack. i look old and like my mother in all those pix. barf!