I have heard it called Thursday at the square mostly and have never seen it in print in short form on any thing official, but on everything written it is at and not "in". I wasn't an English Major or anything so I don't know how to explain it but often people use the word at for in and vice versa incorrectly. Unofficially I have heard it both as "at the square and in the square". I can't give any real credit to the first person who I heard or say call it TiTs but I do know must recently it was (e:Chico) I believe when he wrote about how it was crappy this year. So for that reason I went with what is not really correct and called it TiTs. What it should at least be called if I'm doing it that way is T.i.T.S or for those who use the proper name T.a.T.S . In any event I had a great time and like the i version for the simple reason that a lot of people don't really go for who is playing but to eat drink check people out dance and maybe look at some boobies shaking or something.
Here is the link to the gusto article where there are some professional pictures. The one that made the paper I did see in person of the girl with the bag crowd surfing.

I learned from above that Galactic used to have a lead singer who left the band. I thought they where very good and Mr Liff (not sure on spelling) aka the hip hop guy was pretty good. I remember him so I must have seen them before and "The New Deal" where pretty good.

Bandits Celebration:
(not in order really)

In terms of a Bandits Rally I guess that was a good place to have it. The problem is that for a 15 minute thing it would be tough to do it where there was not something else all ready going on. Who knows maybe some music fans will become Bandit fans. I'm not sure but I thought I heard a lot of people boo the Mayor or was it Chris Collins or was it both. Or maybe they wanted to just hear the players speak. I'm not sure really but Had a nice time.

I wish that I had some pictures with some hot ladies. Hey does anyone know if Buffalobarfly.com goes to the square that would be a good place for them to hook up with. I think it would be fun and funny to post pictures with the caption of some hot lady who's name I don't even know or who is this? or something along those lines. Or even to caption them fake number 1 and 2 and 3 and so on that could really be funny. But take my word for it there where some cutie pies and not all of them where tall and blond I did see a guy and a girl trade a hit for a drink of beer that was pretty awesome then there where these girls who it was taking them for ever to roll up there stuff so some guy gave them the rest of his as they waited to roll theirs up, it was a pretty interesting time. I myself didn't smoke up but for those that chose to have fun that way good for them, unless they are that one dude who looked like Adam Sandler and kept falling down and being moshed around.
Long story short went for the Bandits and had a great time. I'm glad they where there because if they weren't I would have stayed home so "Lets Go Bandits".
we are calling it tits now????
wow... TITS has already started?! Well, I'm glad you had a great time!
I wanted to go. I can't believed I forgot about it.
galactic was last night?
That was like the only one I even sort of wanted to go to.
Ugh. But they were good?