Well I'll admit not sure if what I want to say Really falls into the topic of Issues or not, but since this post is more for me than to let others know stuff then I guess Issues isn't a bad place for it to be, since I may speak on religion and faith some. So today I went to a wake and service for my friends mother. It is of course to bad that she is gone, but the other view is that she is onto a better place. Of course if you aren't religious that doesn't help deal with it. But if you know that they had faith then you can think that maybe they are. I'm not saying that I don't have faith, but some people don't (I do have some issues with some faiths or maybe it is some churches and things that they do). I had a friend from work who used to say the Baptists are going to hell, of course he was joking around (but I'm sure he believed it at least some) . That is one thing that bothers me about some faiths they think that if you read "the word" in a way you do that, that means you are going to hell. I'm not saying that is true of everyone. I think often people look at how they think differently instead of the same. The basic ideas are the same why fight over how the bible causes you to worship or live The reason I say this is that the Service was at a Baptist Church on High St. To me it was all very stressful, that being said the Preacher (sorry forget his name) was very good. I didn't know ahead of time but I was a Paul Barer. I felt very welcome there like I wasn't being judged but at a Funeral it is about the person moving on to the afterlife so maybe that is why. Leaving the church wasn't bad as a Paul Barer but doing it at Forest lawn was a little tougher with uneven ground. It was sad but a good send off.
It isn't weird to have a second family really. But what is weird is how you see them about as often as your 1st family. But what is crazier to think about is that you see people at work more and they are like (even if you hate them all) a 2nd family also. You most of the time don't bond with them like a family, your there to work after all. The reason they are like a 2nd family is there are some people who drive you crazy who you can't escape just like family. But it is more about the fact that you are there with them for 40hrs a week and maybe more if you count a lunch or Overtime. Not to mention some times someone might come in before work to drink coffee and talk politics as they read the paper. If you can't start till 7 and the bus gets you there at 6:15 as an example that is another 45 minutes (not true where I work but true some places). Maybe it is because I'm Irish (Irish vs. Irish American is a debate for a later time) or maybe not, but it seems that most of my family (and in this case my 2nd family) we only see at wakes and Funerals. The part that is kinda scary is I'm going on a little vacation to a wedding in Carolina this month so that will be like a family reunion. In the both today and in June then it shows that families often don't see each other enough. The thing is that is how it is. For example it was great to see a lot of people I haven't seen In a long time. But it is to bad this is what it took for me to see them and vise versa. I'm not saying all families are like this I see my mother about everyday (computer is at her house, not mine) and my sis (as annoying as she can sometimes be, but that is one family dynamic I really can't get into here) sometimes and we will do things and go places together.
I lost my train of thought above. It was weird to take pictures but I did take some. I'm used to taking pictures of fun things and not funerals (they won't be posted on line, or at least not by me). It is good for the people to have pictures, I don't think pictures should just be of the good times. That being said when you are concentrating on the camera and taking a picture it takes away a little bit from what ever you are doing. Hey someplace you are having fun not a big deal cause taking the pictures can be part of the fun (an (e:strip) party is a good example of that) , but with things that are Sacred or Personal taking pictures feels odd or like a privacy violation a little bit. That being said I'm glad I took pictures but wish I took a few more. But at the same time you don't want it to be about just taking the pictures either. I don't know if what I wrote makes any sense to anyone else or not but maybe it does, well I feel a little bit better.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/28/2008 17:45 #44476
Family & ReligionCategory: issues
05/22/2008 17:58 #44422
Death NoteCategory: movies
First of all there are a few pictures to post from on my way to meet at the Chinese Buffet.

The Chinese food was pretty good. I think I had like two plates but it was worth it. The food and company was good The people who went where (e:Imk2) and Faben (sorry if I misspelled that), (e:Jenks) and Dan, (e:Tiburon), (e:Paul) and myself. It was nice to meet (e:Tiburon) I hope you liked everyone you meet and had a good time it seemed like you did. I have to thank (e:Imk2) that was a great idea. When I first heard about it I wanted to go the movie but got the date wrong and thought it was next month. To Dan and Paul thanks for getting me home. I really did have a good time and I hope everyone else did also here are pictures from the Buffet.

From inside the Theartre here is one original pictures of (e:imk2) and then two that where updated on my Camera. So I hope you enjoy them.

So now onto the movie at last. I have never read any of the Manga but I watch or record DeathNote on Adult Swim after Bleach on Cartoon Network. It isn't my favorite show that they have had on but it is still pretty good. The Shirgami was so cool looking and the voice was spot on that was really cool. I thought they got L perfect. That would include all the little movements like the feet and how he holds the phone. I'm not sure if it was all the same Voice Talent from the cartoon but if not it sure sounded just like them. You might not think it but those little touches make a movie so much better. I didn't really know how they where going to tell the story or how far they would go into it. I thought the story was told pretty well. I guess the ended the movie at a pretty good point in the story. I don't really do the stars or thumbs up but it has 2 thumbs up and enough stars to be good. Oh yeah the special features where pretty good also. The only thing that I thought could have made the movie better is that there was stuff in Japanese that they could have translated on screen but I think not doing that is kinda a common thing, but other then that it was pretty cool. There where people who dressed up and screamed when there favorites where introduced. That I wasn't used to but you gotta like the passion that people have. Part 2 looks like it will be very good, not sure if they will have another screening for that anytime soon or if it is better to see if it is on DVD anywhere. I think it would be cool to see it in the large screen. They did have an ad for a Bleach Movie they will be showing in June, but that is animated not live action. Bleach is a pretty good Show also, I should go see that also.

The Chinese food was pretty good. I think I had like two plates but it was worth it. The food and company was good The people who went where (e:Imk2) and Faben (sorry if I misspelled that), (e:Jenks) and Dan, (e:Tiburon), (e:Paul) and myself. It was nice to meet (e:Tiburon) I hope you liked everyone you meet and had a good time it seemed like you did. I have to thank (e:Imk2) that was a great idea. When I first heard about it I wanted to go the movie but got the date wrong and thought it was next month. To Dan and Paul thanks for getting me home. I really did have a good time and I hope everyone else did also here are pictures from the Buffet.

From inside the Theartre here is one original pictures of (e:imk2) and then two that where updated on my Camera. So I hope you enjoy them.

So now onto the movie at last. I have never read any of the Manga but I watch or record DeathNote on Adult Swim after Bleach on Cartoon Network. It isn't my favorite show that they have had on but it is still pretty good. The Shirgami was so cool looking and the voice was spot on that was really cool. I thought they got L perfect. That would include all the little movements like the feet and how he holds the phone. I'm not sure if it was all the same Voice Talent from the cartoon but if not it sure sounded just like them. You might not think it but those little touches make a movie so much better. I didn't really know how they where going to tell the story or how far they would go into it. I thought the story was told pretty well. I guess the ended the movie at a pretty good point in the story. I don't really do the stars or thumbs up but it has 2 thumbs up and enough stars to be good. Oh yeah the special features where pretty good also. The only thing that I thought could have made the movie better is that there was stuff in Japanese that they could have translated on screen but I think not doing that is kinda a common thing, but other then that it was pretty cool. There where people who dressed up and screamed when there favorites where introduced. That I wasn't used to but you gotta like the passion that people have. Part 2 looks like it will be very good, not sure if they will have another screening for that anytime soon or if it is better to see if it is on DVD anywhere. I think it would be cool to see it in the large screen. They did have an ad for a Bleach Movie they will be showing in June, but that is animated not live action. Bleach is a pretty good Show also, I should go see that also.
metalpeter - 05/22/08 19:39
Picture wise it isn't you really, it is that it is dark in there and my camera flash is weird, plus they are not posed in terms of looking like your mother don't really know what she looks like.
I should explain that adult swim is on everyday of the week. Death Note is on Saturday night/Sunday Mornings not sure if the time is all ways the same but around 12:30 right after bleach. To say that their lineup is all ways changing isn't really true. But every so often their shows do change.
Picture wise it isn't you really, it is that it is dark in there and my camera flash is weird, plus they are not posed in terms of looking like your mother don't really know what she looks like.
I should explain that adult swim is on everyday of the week. Death Note is on Saturday night/Sunday Mornings not sure if the time is all ways the same but around 12:30 right after bleach. To say that their lineup is all ways changing isn't really true. But every so often their shows do change.
jenks - 05/22/08 18:09
it's on adult swim? i didn't know that....
it's on adult swim? i didn't know that....
jenks - 05/22/08 18:08
ack. i look old and like my mother in all those pix. barf!
ack. i look old and like my mother in all those pix. barf!
05/24/2008 17:25 #44441
1000th Indy PotpurriCategory: e:strip
Well Based on what that Number up there says I have 999 posts so that makes this one my .....................................
1000th Post
Well I was hoping it would be about some huge event like being on a white sand beach or Mountain or something along those lines. Then I meet a couple people and they have a bunch of girls and there is some event like a bonfire or being pushed over a waterfall and swimming in the Lagune (the thing at the bottom of the falls that is some how deep and calm and the water doesn't move.) Then of course every one would do some type of drug that bonds us all together and there is some kind of group or multi partner sex. After wards everyone gets the same tattoo that binds us all to that moment for life and to each other so we never forget it.
But nothing like that ever happens to me and even if it where to the timing isn't right so I'll just write about today and the movie I saw.
But before I do that I do want to add that I have been slowing down on how much a post, and not sure why that is. Who knows maybe it is because I don't do so much during the winter other then wake up early and trek out to work trek home go on line and watch TV. then there are also sports events but no Taste of Buffalo or anything like that. It is odd to think of that many posts I guess I'm a big mouth sometimes the fact that I have 2,853 comments currently that I've posted would agree with that, but other times I'm very keep to my self type of person. I did have the idea to video myself typing a blog then down load it then upload it to youtube but I don't really know how to video on my camera and I have no idea how to do you tube here. I also thought about putting links to other journals I had written on here but kinda forgot how to do that plus that would mean a lot of re reading. It is to bad I couldn't find 1000 hot ladies or neat Tattoo pictures that was another idea for a 1000th post. I didn't want to get into an issue on my about 100th post. So onto indy.
I can't compare the new Indiana Jones to the old ones because I don't remember much about them. Yeah I know I liked them and that at some theme park they had an Indiana Jones show that was pretty cool with huge flames and tricks, my guess is Epcott Center but not sure. One thing I have heard from a few places is Harrison Ford is old and then they break on the movie. Well I got some bad news for the people I have heard say this he is in Better shape then you are, and I'm guessing he is in better shape now then your where 5 years ago and maybe 10 years ago, if that is true then you need to shut up.
Some people say that they did this as a way to just make money. I do see there point because there are a lot of product tie ins, ceral multiple ones, and Burger King come to mind quickly. I tried the indy burger I think it is a new kind of Whopper and it was pretty tasty. I don't think it is all about the money. I could be wrong here But I think with the success of Movies like National Treasure and Tomb Raider it shows that people still like this kind of movie. I think this will not be the only new Indiana Jones Movie. I could Ford doing one more and there is another thing they could do and I think they might but to say it here would give away a part of the movie.
Ok onto the movie itself. How can you not like a movie that starts out with music by Elvis, It is background music and doesn't really have anything to do with the story. Story wise I liked it, again that is all I will say don't want to give anything away. Even though she was evil it was nice to see a strong women as being the evil lead charachter, I wonder if they will do a Sci-Fi spinoff (again if you saw how it ended you know where I'm going) that would be funny. Of course there is a lot of action including fighting and that is all ways good. I like that Indy wasn't perfect. I'm sure if you anyone has seen the previews the show the scene where he swings and doesn't make his target there is another scene kinda like that. It was a lot of fun and think anyone would like it. It is also good family viewing. You don't have to know about the cold war and that the (not nazi's here) nazi supposidly tried to find occult powers to take over the world. You don't have to worry about cursing or sex scenes or all kinds of blood. Yes that is good stuff but it doesn't fit in this movie and it wouldn't have seemed right if it would have been I don't do the star system but I'll say 3 out of 4 or 4 out of 5 and two thumbs up.
One thing I do need to mention before the movie though, and I don't mean the preview for the new Hell Boy movie that really looks amazing. I mean the coke ads. The most recent is two people debating on some show they say the same thing one buys one a coke and they tour washington, great ad it really is. I admit I'm a Perpsi Guy myself. That being said Coke has way better ads. There is one with santa who gives out coke bottles to this little girl over the ages untill she is old and then gives it to her graduaghter or something like that. There have been a bunch of great ones But here is the part where I need Help in all there ads (maybe they are all made in other countries) they always have tall glass coke bottles, hey maybe it is just me but where I live they don't even sell those anymore. Do they sell them in America anymore? Also it got me thinking is glass or plastic better for the enviroment. Granted I know glass breaks and is heavy but if you droped a bottle of (owned by pepsi) Sobe they land on there bottom and bounce into your shin or at least when I have done that, that is what happens.
Hope everyone gets to have a great long Holiday weekend, even if that means you have to do more at work on tuesday.
1000th Post
Well I was hoping it would be about some huge event like being on a white sand beach or Mountain or something along those lines. Then I meet a couple people and they have a bunch of girls and there is some event like a bonfire or being pushed over a waterfall and swimming in the Lagune (the thing at the bottom of the falls that is some how deep and calm and the water doesn't move.) Then of course every one would do some type of drug that bonds us all together and there is some kind of group or multi partner sex. After wards everyone gets the same tattoo that binds us all to that moment for life and to each other so we never forget it.
But nothing like that ever happens to me and even if it where to the timing isn't right so I'll just write about today and the movie I saw.
But before I do that I do want to add that I have been slowing down on how much a post, and not sure why that is. Who knows maybe it is because I don't do so much during the winter other then wake up early and trek out to work trek home go on line and watch TV. then there are also sports events but no Taste of Buffalo or anything like that. It is odd to think of that many posts I guess I'm a big mouth sometimes the fact that I have 2,853 comments currently that I've posted would agree with that, but other times I'm very keep to my self type of person. I did have the idea to video myself typing a blog then down load it then upload it to youtube but I don't really know how to video on my camera and I have no idea how to do you tube here. I also thought about putting links to other journals I had written on here but kinda forgot how to do that plus that would mean a lot of re reading. It is to bad I couldn't find 1000 hot ladies or neat Tattoo pictures that was another idea for a 1000th post. I didn't want to get into an issue on my about 100th post. So onto indy.
I can't compare the new Indiana Jones to the old ones because I don't remember much about them. Yeah I know I liked them and that at some theme park they had an Indiana Jones show that was pretty cool with huge flames and tricks, my guess is Epcott Center but not sure. One thing I have heard from a few places is Harrison Ford is old and then they break on the movie. Well I got some bad news for the people I have heard say this he is in Better shape then you are, and I'm guessing he is in better shape now then your where 5 years ago and maybe 10 years ago, if that is true then you need to shut up.
Some people say that they did this as a way to just make money. I do see there point because there are a lot of product tie ins, ceral multiple ones, and Burger King come to mind quickly. I tried the indy burger I think it is a new kind of Whopper and it was pretty tasty. I don't think it is all about the money. I could be wrong here But I think with the success of Movies like National Treasure and Tomb Raider it shows that people still like this kind of movie. I think this will not be the only new Indiana Jones Movie. I could Ford doing one more and there is another thing they could do and I think they might but to say it here would give away a part of the movie.
Ok onto the movie itself. How can you not like a movie that starts out with music by Elvis, It is background music and doesn't really have anything to do with the story. Story wise I liked it, again that is all I will say don't want to give anything away. Even though she was evil it was nice to see a strong women as being the evil lead charachter, I wonder if they will do a Sci-Fi spinoff (again if you saw how it ended you know where I'm going) that would be funny. Of course there is a lot of action including fighting and that is all ways good. I like that Indy wasn't perfect. I'm sure if you anyone has seen the previews the show the scene where he swings and doesn't make his target there is another scene kinda like that. It was a lot of fun and think anyone would like it. It is also good family viewing. You don't have to know about the cold war and that the (not nazi's here) nazi supposidly tried to find occult powers to take over the world. You don't have to worry about cursing or sex scenes or all kinds of blood. Yes that is good stuff but it doesn't fit in this movie and it wouldn't have seemed right if it would have been I don't do the star system but I'll say 3 out of 4 or 4 out of 5 and two thumbs up.
One thing I do need to mention before the movie though, and I don't mean the preview for the new Hell Boy movie that really looks amazing. I mean the coke ads. The most recent is two people debating on some show they say the same thing one buys one a coke and they tour washington, great ad it really is. I admit I'm a Perpsi Guy myself. That being said Coke has way better ads. There is one with santa who gives out coke bottles to this little girl over the ages untill she is old and then gives it to her graduaghter or something like that. There have been a bunch of great ones But here is the part where I need Help in all there ads (maybe they are all made in other countries) they always have tall glass coke bottles, hey maybe it is just me but where I live they don't even sell those anymore. Do they sell them in America anymore? Also it got me thinking is glass or plastic better for the enviroment. Granted I know glass breaks and is heavy but if you droped a bottle of (owned by pepsi) Sobe they land on there bottom and bounce into your shin or at least when I have done that, that is what happens.
Hope everyone gets to have a great long Holiday weekend, even if that means you have to do more at work on tuesday.
05/18/2008 14:53 #44387
Bandits Win 4th ChampionshipCategory: lax
I will be the 1st to admit that I'm not a sports writer so if you want some nice articles Check out the Buffalo News there are 3 of them on the Bandits and about their win. It was a very tight game and Thompson made some amazing saves he really did. Towards the end of the game everyone was going crazy as they stood and tried to get the Bandits to win the LumberJax where close to tying it up with a few seconds left but the bandits held and one the game. Here are some pictures from after the win.

Pictures can be nice as a reflection but the thing is there is so much they can't show like the atmopshere or energy and things like that. the game was so much fun and the place was sold out. It was for the championship and there was that something that I don't know how to say that is like excite where you kinda prey you team can hold on to win, when you score a big goal you jump in the air. Well here are a few more pictures from the game.

I'm sure NLL.com and Bandits.com have news on the game also. I look foreward to taping the game and listening to what the people say about it, that will be a way to maybe relive it a little bit. Before the game I watched Pan's Labyrnth and thought it was pretty good, I like that it was dark and had an ending of things being righted but not being happy. I thought it was pretty interesting.

Pictures can be nice as a reflection but the thing is there is so much they can't show like the atmopshere or energy and things like that. the game was so much fun and the place was sold out. It was for the championship and there was that something that I don't know how to say that is like excite where you kinda prey you team can hold on to win, when you score a big goal you jump in the air. Well here are a few more pictures from the game.

I'm sure NLL.com and Bandits.com have news on the game also. I look foreward to taping the game and listening to what the people say about it, that will be a way to maybe relive it a little bit. Before the game I watched Pan's Labyrnth and thought it was pretty good, I like that it was dark and had an ending of things being righted but not being happy. I thought it was pretty interesting.
metalpeter - 05/19/08 19:31
I'm so glad the Bandits won it has been so long since they have won a championship. Recently they made it to the finals and lost. People have often said Buffalo has never won a championship I I would have to Correct them The Bandits won Two then it became Three and Now it will be four. People don't consider it a Major Sport but I disagree. Hockey has all ways been a major sport even when unless you lived in an NHL city you couldn't find it on TV. I won't attack bowling but I'm sorry Poker shouldn't be on ESPN it is a game there isn't anything athletic and not a sport I don't care if you have athletes on I'm sure if Lacrosse isn't on Put on Indoor or outdoor soccer or some thing. In any event I think it is great the Bandits won, and hope they can keep most of this team together for next year. On a side note I like that the win is forcing the news to cover it.
I'm so glad the Bandits won it has been so long since they have won a championship. Recently they made it to the finals and lost. People have often said Buffalo has never won a championship I I would have to Correct them The Bandits won Two then it became Three and Now it will be four. People don't consider it a Major Sport but I disagree. Hockey has all ways been a major sport even when unless you lived in an NHL city you couldn't find it on TV. I won't attack bowling but I'm sorry Poker shouldn't be on ESPN it is a game there isn't anything athletic and not a sport I don't care if you have athletes on I'm sure if Lacrosse isn't on Put on Indoor or outdoor soccer or some thing. In any event I think it is great the Bandits won, and hope they can keep most of this team together for next year. On a side note I like that the win is forcing the news to cover it.
vincent - 05/19/08 00:40
It feels good to actually win a championship in this town. That is a sweet shot of Johnnie.
It feels good to actually win a championship in this town. That is a sweet shot of Johnnie.
05/16/2008 18:55 #44372
not pro-life or pro-choiceCategory: issues
First of all I wanted to say this is my second post if you care about the Bandits or copperfield you might want to read it.
One thing that I don't like about the Abortion debate is how you have to be Abortion is murder and wrong or It is great and I love abortion. It seems like people have it set up to be devicisive. The first thing is that the two terms are wrong. Pro-choice means that you think women should have a choice if they want an abortion but often this term is used to mean that you like abortions and that isn't really true. The term Pro-Life is also wrong also. The reason is that if you out law abortion then some people will go and still get them like how they used to in the old days and People would bleed to death sometimes so if you are pro-life you really are not. Some Pro-life people have also killed or taken life by blowing up abortion clinics or killing doctors so that doesn't mean they are really pro life then.
I think that Abortion should be legal. I don't think the state has a right to say what a women or anyone can do to their own body. That doesn't only apply to abortion, there was a time when Tattoos were illegal. Even if I thought that the State had a right to stop a women from getting an abortion. I would still want them to be legal. The reason for that is that some people won't get them any more but a lot of people will go do the "Back Ally thing" those are very (or where) dangerous and then the mother is in danger.
In terms of the if it is a taking a life or not I'm not sure. It really depends on how far along the lady/girl is. When you call it a kid or baby then I say that it is alive and it is wrong to abort it then, that is unless it is a danger to the mother. I do think that 3rd trimester abortions are wrong. I do think that ladies should be given all the facts and one option shouldn't be pushed over others or the facts shouldn't be bias. I think that for anyone who can they should go for adoption instead but I know that isn't all ways an option. There is a 3rd cause but I don't know if it has a name that tries to cut down on the number of abortions there are a year and I would like to see more of that, it seems more senseable as opposed to the war and crazyness that goes into both movements.
SO: Abortion should be legal and safe and in some cases it is killing but in most cases it isn't, I think it is ok today but wish more people would choose adoption instead, hope I covered all my thoughts on it.
One thing that I don't like about the Abortion debate is how you have to be Abortion is murder and wrong or It is great and I love abortion. It seems like people have it set up to be devicisive. The first thing is that the two terms are wrong. Pro-choice means that you think women should have a choice if they want an abortion but often this term is used to mean that you like abortions and that isn't really true. The term Pro-Life is also wrong also. The reason is that if you out law abortion then some people will go and still get them like how they used to in the old days and People would bleed to death sometimes so if you are pro-life you really are not. Some Pro-life people have also killed or taken life by blowing up abortion clinics or killing doctors so that doesn't mean they are really pro life then.
I think that Abortion should be legal. I don't think the state has a right to say what a women or anyone can do to their own body. That doesn't only apply to abortion, there was a time when Tattoos were illegal. Even if I thought that the State had a right to stop a women from getting an abortion. I would still want them to be legal. The reason for that is that some people won't get them any more but a lot of people will go do the "Back Ally thing" those are very (or where) dangerous and then the mother is in danger.
In terms of the if it is a taking a life or not I'm not sure. It really depends on how far along the lady/girl is. When you call it a kid or baby then I say that it is alive and it is wrong to abort it then, that is unless it is a danger to the mother. I do think that 3rd trimester abortions are wrong. I do think that ladies should be given all the facts and one option shouldn't be pushed over others or the facts shouldn't be bias. I think that for anyone who can they should go for adoption instead but I know that isn't all ways an option. There is a 3rd cause but I don't know if it has a name that tries to cut down on the number of abortions there are a year and I would like to see more of that, it seems more senseable as opposed to the war and crazyness that goes into both movements.
SO: Abortion should be legal and safe and in some cases it is killing but in most cases it isn't, I think it is ok today but wish more people would choose adoption instead, hope I covered all my thoughts on it.
metalpeter - 05/17/08 13:16
I can't imagine having a broken space bar, I don't even know what an on the screen one is, but it sounds annoying to use. I know I would hate when the computer moves slow and you can type quicker then the letters show up. I look fore ward to your response and others if anyone does so.
I can't imagine having a broken space bar, I don't even know what an on the screen one is, but it sounds annoying to use. I know I would hate when the computer moves slow and you can type quicker then the letters show up. I look fore ward to your response and others if anyone does so.
lauren - 05/17/08 10:51
oh peter i wish my space bar wasn't broken so i could give you a full and proper response...this..on-screen..keyboard..is..too..slow...but..i..wil...as..soon...as..we...get...a...new...one
oh peter i wish my space bar wasn't broken so i could give you a full and proper response...this..on-screen..keyboard..is..too..slow...but..i..wil...as..soon...as..we...get...a...new...one
Thanks, maybe I should say more then just thanks but that is all that comes to mind so again; Thanks.
i'm glad you feel better. i'm sorry to hear about your friend's mother. (hug)