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05/06/2008 11:38 #44251

Reoccuring Nightmares
I wonder if the cycle of frustration with my teeth and dentists will ever end? Perhaps in a few years when i need to get dentures? *sigh*

I spent Sunday night with a searing toothache. Monday, the only appointment available was just before i was supposed to go to work. So, i took massive doses of over the counter pain pills (recommended in 24 hours, 4 pills; my intake in 24 hours, about 16) and drove myself to work.

Yes, you read that right. I drove myself to and from work. Was weird seeing our lil Toyota Prius sitting in the parking lot without (e:Uncutsaniflush) in it. I even went to the car and almost got in the passenger side. Old habits, i reckon.

Now, today, i have my dental appointment (no car, bus day *pout*) today at 1.30pm (Buffalo bus schedules suck, i need to leave at about 11.50am and get there by 1.00pm so i am not late). And would you believe no toothache? I guess i should just point to the giant gap where a filling (i think) used to be. My own fault for ignoring this gap for a few weeks... and for canceling the cleaning i had in October then not making a new one.

I am sure it will not be the only filling i need.

On to reoccuring frustration #2.

I do not know what my work schedule for next week is.

Ah, but that is just inviting trouble? Perhaps all the wee lil pains in my mouth in all the different places are not cavities? Perhaps i will be able to make an accurate guess what i will be scheduled to work based on weeks past?

Expect the worst... so that when it's not so bad, i will be happily surprised?
museumchick - 05/11/08 23:46
I hope you are feeling better with the dental problems. They can be so terrible to deal with sometimes.
libertad - 05/08/08 18:17
I have an apt to see the dentist for the first time in like 8 years on Tuesday. I am REALLY nervous. I have never needed any fillings or anything but I am sure that I probably will need some work done. I hope everything worked out well for you.
tinypliny - 05/07/08 23:50
Hope your dental troubles resolve fast, lee. Someone else I know is also struggling with dental problems, dental insurance and dentist. Such a pain. I am so sorry. :(

Awesome job driving yourself!! Way to go!

04/28/2008 23:08 #44177

The Streets Are No Longer Safe
Yep, ya'll guessed it right. I got my license. I am legally able to drive.

The road test itself was so short, it felt like we were driving for about 30 seconds.

One bad thing i did was forget to take the emergency brake off. Yipes! The examiner was in a hurry; he didn't seem to want to wait for me to adjust the seat and mirrors after (e:Uncutsaniflush) got out of the car. So, i drove off and made the left hand turn he wanted me to make. Then, i heard the squealing and realized why that left was such a challenge. Off the emergency brake went, and i am not sure he even noticed 'cause it goes on and off with the left foot, not with a hand brake between the seats. Thank goodness the car seems to be running ok.... don't think i did too much damage.

Once done, he said that he "took 5 points off" (i think i need to do some research to find out what that means) because my 3 point turn and parallel park were "perfect, but too slow" and i should be careful because "it's busy around here" and i need to "get it done".

When i asked, "does that mean i passed?", he laughed and said yes. Told me to sign the paper right away and keep it with my learner's permit until my license comes in the mail...

So, it looks like i gone done did it....
chico - 04/30/08 20:44
Go Leetee!!! That is fantastic news. Soon you'll be driving like the rest of us Buffalonians: optional stop signs, lefts-on-red, crazy quasi-legal U-turns...
museumchick - 04/30/08 18:32
Congratulations! That's great news:).
metalpeter - 04/30/08 17:05
ladycroft - 04/30/08 13:21
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO! Way to go Lettuce!
hodown - 04/29/08 11:42
Yea! Congrats :)
fellyconnelly - 04/29/08 08:40
Hoorah! congrats!
jason - 04/29/08 08:14
mrmike - 04/29/08 06:25
awesome, I'm happy for you, but I will check and see whos driving for the foreseable future next time I see your Prius on the road :)
drew - 04/29/08 00:01
good job! Lets drag race!
jenks - 04/28/08 23:34
yay! Congratulations! I wonder if you will act like every newly-minted 16yo now, and offer to go buy milk/smokes/newspaper/dogfood/etc etc etc at any hour of the day.

(and my driver's test story- I learned to drive (and took the test) in my dad's car, which is a stick. Our DMV had a little uphill coming out of the driveway. Well, I stalled on that hill. I was convinced that I had failed before even leaving the driveway, and finished the test with this sense of dread. At the end, when he told me I passed, i was like "wha?!" and he just said 'you have balls to take it on a stick.')
libertad - 04/28/08 23:31
LOL! That is awesome. Go on get er done!
paul - 04/28/08 23:17
kookcity2000 - 04/28/08 23:14
you will quickly learn to steer with your knees while you crack peanut shells and/or play air-drums

04/23/2008 09:05 #44112

Scheduled A Road Test!!!!
I just logged on to the DMV Road Test Scheduling System site.

I put in my zip code, and it gave me all the nearest test sites including as far away as East Aurora and Niagara Falls. Most of the appointments were mid to late May. Although the idea of that much time seems sweet, because of this job, i need to get this done as soon as i can.

So, i kept clicking around. Suddenly, there was a new appointment for this month in Niagara Falls! Damn. Someone must have just cancelled one! So, i jumped all over it.

Now, i am freaking a bit. I have a road test scheduled at 2pm for the 28th. That, my friends, is this upcoming Monday! THIS MONDAY!! Yipes!!!

Anyone willing to loan their car, their patience and their nerves of steel to help me practise driving this Saturday? (e:Uncutsaniflush) is working that day, or he would be it. He will be available on Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Monday before the test....

OMG... what did i just do???
tinypliny - 04/23/08 20:54
Good Luck!! I am sure you will pass it with driving colours!
jenks - 04/23/08 17:53
just remember lee- if every dumbass sixteen year old american kid can pass their driver's test- you DEFINITELY can. :)

Good luck!
ladycroft - 04/23/08 10:07
yay! you know i'd totally cruise with you and aqua mouse, but i'm not there and aqua mouse is dead. good luck! don't forget to use your hand signals if they still make you do that ridiculous shit :)

04/22/2008 22:59 #44109

I did the 5 hour pre-licensing course today.

One more thing checked off my to do list.

The class itself was kinda lame. Mostly, what i got out of it was that the Tonawanda road test site is decent. Not too many difficult intersections, unlike the Buffalo site.

And that if people do the Buffalo road test site, out on William by North Ogden, be careful about the school zones; you will fail if you go even 1 mile over the school zone speed limit of 15. Apparently, the school zone up in Tonawanda, on Roosevelt Ave., between William and Grove will be on Delaware, so it should be around 30MPH.

Also useful was knowing what, exactly, the examiners will be looking for. Basic car handling skills, including things like how to hold the steering wheel when making right hand turns (seems us righties don't do right hand turns properly and do not begin the turn with our left hand as, apparently, we are supposed to), how jerky the stops and starts are and how well the driver can maintain a speed.

And, i think i also learned i need to practise my parallel parking. I've not done many of them...

I have a lesson on Friday morning. Perhaps that is what i will want to focus on.
tiburon1724 - 04/22/08 23:52
I can't parallel park AT ALL. If I don't come across a space with another space behind it so I can pull straight in, I have to keep looking. And it's tough to learn because I can't really take the time while I'm blocking traffic on Elmwood or something. Wasn't much parallel/street parking in Florida, in fact it's not even part of the driving test.

04/19/2008 20:10 #44057

An Engineer's Guide To Cats

theecarey - 04/20/08 20:37
Oh, this was jut awesome! I need to send it on to a few people. hilarious..
metalpeter - 04/20/08 13:26
Cute cats and what a great video it is quit funny
ladycroft - 04/20/08 11:18
OMG the cat yodeling is hysterical!!!