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04/17/2008 09:33 #44033

Palace of Dosas
A while back, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i saw a review in the Buffalo News about this restaurant. Unfortunately, my stomach was at a point in which i could eat so little and one of the trigger foods when i ate out was Indian. So, we weren't eating out much and never eating Indian.

I've never found out what is wrong with my stomach (sucks to not have health insurance), but i do have flare ups when i can eat almost nothing without cramps. Tea and toast, and somedays, not that. But i digress.

But, yesterday, i felt brave. Been months and months since i had Indian. And i missed it... oh, how i missed Indian food.

So, we went to the Palace of Dosas (not much of a website, but, it exsits). It was soooOOOooo yummy.

Sorry, (e:Paul), i didn't take pictures, didn't have the camera with me.

(e:Uncutsaniflush) had the masala dosa lunch special.... the dosa was HUGE. About a foot long!! He gave me a hunk and it was superyum! It came with some sort of creamy minty stuff that had a kick, some soup that had peppers in it and a couple of bread things -- one that looked and tasted like a savoury donut (yep, i am from Hamilton, the birthplace of Tim Horton's) and the other like a slightly bland piece of corn bread.

I had what i thought was the other lunch special, the Thali, i think it was called. It was huge... rice with nann and a pompadom, and 6 wee dishes of yummy things to scoop up and eat. There was a riata (please, forgive all my mispellings) that was amazing and had chunks of cucumber. There was a spicy bell pepper dish that was sorta like a soup. There was a spinach and chick pea dish that had a bit of a kick and a slight mint taste. There was a tangy tomatoey soup that was spicy. There was a legume dish that was mild. And, much to my surprise, a desert i liked. Surprising because it had 2 things i rarely like in deserts -- raisins and tapioca. It was a nice finish to the meal... mangos with raisins and pistachios.

Turns out, when we got the bill, i had the full version, the dinner one, i guess you could call it. A bit disappointing that there was a communication problem, but it wasn't expensive at all.... for both of us, the bill was 20 bucks and change.

I loved the fact that i had all these choices (despite the fact that there are technically only 2 lunch specials) for me. Everything was vegetarian...!!!!!!!!!!
tinypliny - 04/17/08 22:16
I love this restaurant as well. (Biased opinion coming up.) South Indian food is far superior to North Indian food anyway. "They" just don't get it. hehehe.

To put some names to your descriptions:

-- Creamy minty stuff that had a kick: Mint-Coriander-Coconut Chutney with a guarded dose of thai green chillies.
-- Soup that had peppers in it: Rasam (If it was the thicker one with some veggies and a hint of lentils that would be Sambhar)
-- Bread that looked and tasted like a savoury donut: Vadai (made with light lentils (Urad Dal) and rice dough and deep fried.
-- Slightly bland piece of corn bread: I am guessing this was white, right? Then its the famed idly - the ubiquitous breakfast steamed rice cake from south india. Tastes splendid dipped in the chutneys and the rasam/sambhar.

-- riata --> Raita: Yoghurt based dish. Chunks can vary from fried chick-pea crispies to pineapple to cucumber.
-- Spicy bell pepper dish that was sorta like a soup: Sambhar
-- Spinach and chick pea dish that had a bit of a kick and a slight mint taste: ??? At a loss. I need to check this out.
-- Tangy tomatoey soup that was spicy: Rasam
-- A legume dish that was mild: I am guessing some Dal.
-- Raisins and tapioca: Payasam. Can also be made with rice.

Ooohhh.... You have made me want to cook now...

04/13/2008 10:43 #43995

Free Ride
We just renewed our Buffalo Zoo membership and since we did it early, we got some coupons. Some we will use, others, we won't. So, i thought i would ask if anyone here would be interested in them.

Anyone want 10 free train or carousel ride coupons for the Buffalo Zoo? Email or post it me with your address and i will mail them to you.
mrmike - 04/13/08 12:49
I don't think I need them this year Lee :) I might be able to hook up LC and her nephew when the time comes.

Felly, the ride coupons don't but if you by a Buffalo Zoo membership, you don't pay at Toronto
metalpeter - 04/13/08 11:34
That is a funny Question. On a side note I haven't been to the zoo in a long time, I wish I could use them but I'm sure I'll never wind up going this year.
fellyconnelly - 04/13/08 11:14
don't suppose they will work at the toronto zoo, will they?
ladycroft - 04/13/08 11:08
well i don't know about 10 - but i was planning to take my nephew to the zoo when i come home in a few?

04/01/2008 09:50 #43858

Well, we finally figured out names for our girls, (e:LeeTee,43805).

The more outgoing but less dominate one was called Decca before; she is dark brown and has a white chin and belly. So, we named her after the Linux mascot, Tux.

The timid but dominate one was called Uh-Oh before; she is beige all over. We decided to name her Tofu.

So, there you have it, Tux and Tofu. :)

We made a vet appointment for them tomorrow. I signed a paper at the SPCA promising to take them to the vet within 10 days of adopting them, and tomorrow, both (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i have the day off, so he can drive us.

Yesterday, my our DM was in the store, as she usually is on Monday. Of course, that makes things run less efficiently and it makes our manager artificially cheerful. My manager asked me if we found names yet, so i told her. Of course, the DM was a moron about it. How could you have rats as pets? Do they have rabies she asked!? I shake my head at the sheer stupidity and lack of knowledge some people have.

Don't mock my rats!
fellyconnelly - 04/13/08 11:15
rats are cute! i had a pet mouse once. I loved her(him?).

03/29/2008 09:56 #43820

Next Step
Not too long ago, i got a letter letting me know that i got a perfect score of 100 on the civil service test ((e:Leetee,43764)) i wrote back in early February.

I got another letter. This one is for a group presentation and individual interviews on the 14th of April. A cattle call of those with a good score.

Wish me luck!
museumchick - 03/30/08 20:57
I wish you lots of luck! Congratulations on doing so well on the test!

PS. I liked the picture of your new rats. They are so adorable.
jbeatty - 03/30/08 10:08
good luck!
paul - 03/29/08 11:51
That awesome, a great job is sure to follow.
megan - 03/29/08 11:28
awesome. good luck!
ladycroft - 03/29/08 10:24

by the power of grayskull, you shall do well!

03/27/2008 11:03 #43805

Introducing, The Girls
We don't like the names they already had, so we have been trying to think of new ones... while waiting for them to be less afraid and see some personality come out. One of them is far more timid, but is dominant. The other one likes to climb and is far more inquisitive.



jbeatty - 03/30/08 10:09
Normally rodents feel my wrath, but these two are adorable.
lilho - 03/29/08 11:39
hi babies!
paul - 03/27/08 20:15
They are so cute!
libertad - 03/27/08 18:10
They look very cute and endearing. I'm glad you adopted them.
theecarey - 03/27/08 12:54
aweee cute! How old are the little ladies you have there?