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05/25/2008 22:09 #44449

New, Used or Beater?
Now that i have a license and a job that will take me out to West Seneca every day, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i are wondering if we should add a vehicle to our family.

So, the next question arises. Do we get a new, newish or old beat up car?

I read your reply to (e:Mrmike)'s journal, (e:imk2), regarding Hyundai, even which dealership. We might look into that. What are their resale value like? Any good?

I think i would actually not want to get my dream car right away... being a new driver, what would i do if i even got a ding? Probably faint. So, no bright orange Mini Cooper for me just yet... *heavy sigh*

Anyone know of a good used car lot around here? Something i could take a look at some cheap but reliable beaters?
mrmike - 05/27/08 06:46

Perhaps a nice beater
mrmike - 05/26/08 22:30
I was thinking of shopping at Mission Motors - the city mission takes cars in a repairs them. The sales benefit the mission. You get an older car, but it's been re-cared for.
theecarey - 05/26/08 20:03
How far of a commute will you have? As a brand new driver, maybe a beater/used to start off with which would include the bonus of having really low or no payments and lower insurance premiums.

Gas mileage will vary of course but you wont necessarily pay a fortune. Just pass over the 500 cubic inch engine Cadillac sedans and go for something smaller.

Check out for the fuel econoomy of pretty much every early and late model car out there.

good luck! :)
drew - 05/26/08 14:02
I don't know. My old Geo Metro did better than 40 mpg.
paul - 05/26/08 11:52
I think with the price of gas, you are actually better going with a newer model that costs a bit more. If you buy a beat up older car it is going to cost a fortune in gas with gas being $4.00/gallon.

05/21/2008 16:20 #44411

Background Check
For my new job, i need to accomplish several tasks so that they can make sure i have been an upstanding citizen.

On Monday, i was fingerprinted. Cool. Got that done when i moved to this country. No more ink pads these days -- my finger tips were scanned.

I have given my social security number on forms repeatedly (ok, i get that they want it, that is totally cool, but on a 4 page document, do they really need it at the top, bottom and middle of every page?). I have filled out the exact same forms 3 times now. All 5 multi-page forms.

Right now, however, i am stuck on something that is needed for my background check.

This is what the information sheet says:
"You will need to provide your current address and all other addresses at which you resided since 1973. If you turned 18 after 1973, you need only provide addresses from the year you turned 18 to present. Complete addresses are required, including the number, street, city, state and zip code, and the number of years you resided at each address. You must be sure that there are no periods of time unaccounted for. This is requires for State Central Register Clearance and Child Abuse Prevention Act forms."

Right now, i am stuck at 1996(ish), -- age 27(ish) unable to remember what the street address of an apartment building i lived at is.

In an email to my mom, she said i have moved around so much, she has had to replace the sheet of paper in the wee loose leaf binder she uses as an address book because i have used up "at least 2 sheets".

I just called and left a message with my oldest friend, Mark. He lived in the same building, so maybe he has a memory... or old address book.
jon - 05/21/08 20:03
I recently went to and ordered a free credit report. To my surprise it had every address I've lived at. Or at least the ones where I had my bills sent to. You might want to try that.
libertad - 05/21/08 18:50
That would be so hard for me. I can't remember every address I ever had. What do you put if you were transient and lived in a freaking Inn above a hick bar for a while like I did?

05/18/2008 14:30 #44386

Sad News
Yesteday, Tux, one of the rats we adopted from the SPCA died. I was expecting it. The vet told us to be on guard with her, that she might develop pneumonia and gave us the specifics of the symptoms, but also said that she is an old girl and may not live too much longer. We knew it when we adopted her that she was old.

She was not showing any signs of being sick, just old. Getting a bit clumsy, a bit thin, moving slower. On Thursday, i knew i needed to keep an eye on her, she had fallen out of her hammock getting in or out a few days earlier, moving slowly, being a bit more of a Stumbleina. So, if she didn't show signs of getting generally better, we were going to risk the shock to her to take her to the vet... but she didn't live long enough.

She was moving slow in the morning, as well as the few times i checked on her. My mom was visiting, (e:Uncutsaniflush) was home and she and i went to one of my mom's favie shops on Elmwood, Half and Half. When we left, she was there, head looking out the window of her little wooden house in her cage.

When we got back, us humans were chatting in the kitchen. Then, i got this sick feeling and ran to the cage. I don't know, exactly, when she died, but Tofu was there with her, laying over her, trying to keep her warm. I don't know what i did or said, but my mom and (e:Uncutsaniflush) came running.

I don't think her body was stone cold yet, but i am not the one that lifted her out, (e:Uncutsaniflush) did that. She is buried in our back yard, with some of her blankets (old torn towel pieces) with a big rock as a marker. Poor thing.

Tofu looks a bit confused, but i think she prefers having all the food to herself... the little piggie.
fellyconnelly - 05/20/08 08:29
that is so sad! aww poor little tux... will tofu be okay by herself?
theecarey - 05/19/08 11:06
((hug)) oh that's so sad. RIP Tux :(
tinypliny - 05/18/08 21:43
That is so sad. :( How old was she?

05/16/2008 12:47 #44362

I just finished writing a letter to the manager of Sally Beauty Supply. Confirming our conversation of yesterday. That i gave my 2 week notice.

I got the state job. I still need to do some leg work (fingerprinting, shift and location decisions, and orientation) and the hope is the hiring freeze from Albany won't kick in until after all of us new hires are in the system....

I'm stunned and freaked and happy and nervous and all kinds of other emotions.

Mostly, right now, i am thrilled to give notice at my current place of employment!!
museumchick - 05/19/08 14:54
congratulations! I'm glad the job worked out for you.
tinypliny - 05/18/08 21:40
Here's to a new lease on happy life!!!!! :) Congrats!
libertad - 05/17/08 16:09
Great! Hope it goes well. Let us know how it goes.
jenks - 05/16/08 22:31
woohoo!! congrats. :)
metalpeter - 05/16/08 17:42
Congratulations, I wish you luck with the new job.
paul - 05/16/08 17:10
That is the best feeling ever. What state job did you end up getting? I couldn't remember and then I reviewed your previous journals and I think you didn't give any specifics.
imk2 - 05/16/08 13:45
mrmike - 05/16/08 13:44
Good for you, Lee. That's an awesome feeling. I had that nice mix when I told the cable overlords where to go

05/15/2008 09:20 #44345

Invasion of the Stroller People
Now, i realize i am not a parent, so i may not fully understand the incredible work and sacrifice it is to care for a child 24 hours a day.

When i think about it, i am amazed that had i not been so sick, needing an emergency hysterectomy, the child i was carrying at that point would almost be 21.... and perhaps my opinions would be different.

Every time i am at the zoo, as (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i were yesterday, i look around in awe. What the hell is with all the strollers these days? I see children that are old enough to walk, knees practically hitting their chins to sit in strollers so mom can push them around.

I feel like an old fart saying this, but shit, when i was a kid, once i could walk, i walked. My dad might carry me if i got tired, but that was the point, to have me expend all of my childhood energy. What, exactly, is wrong with a tired child? An exercised child? Are we breeding a new generation of lazy people?

And now, i see these gianormous stroller things with all these "conveniences" like little bowls attached to the arms of the stroller so that the Cheerios and Goldfish can be at hands reach at all times. Huh? So, not only no exercise but more food? Is this to placate or because the child is actually hungry?

To add insult to injury, the adults that push these things around can be so inconsiderate and have such a sense of entitlement about them. At the zoo, they remove the child to get a good view and leave the stroller right up front blocking the view for everyone else. And not just for me, but for other children, sometimes not big enough to see round the 2 child stroller with S.U.V. attachment.

Maybe someone can make a model with power -- so we can have children watching dvd's and playing video games right there in the stroller!! With a little fridge, so the bottled water doesn't get cold and everything!!!
metalpeter - 05/16/08 17:52
I have to agree with (e:imk2). When you have a kid the stroller is a good way to carry all the stuff you need for the kid. I haven't done it but having one kid and holding their hand and a bag over the other shoulder can be a little tough not to mention a 2nd kid. As you walk around carring stuff it can get a little tough. I'm not a fan of them at places like festivals where they just get in the way and clog things up. But that being said they are very helpful. One of the things is that the big SUV keeps kids in place and you don't have little Johnny and Susie run towards different animals. Back in the old days kids didn't get taken. Plus you add in that a bet a lot of these people are from the burbs and they are in the dangerous city. It is a good way to keep kids under control and make their own life a little less tough. In terms of the parking it is kinda like how people don't think and park there cars other places.
james - 05/15/08 11:55
why DVD players for strollers are already available


The revolution will be televised and it will sell record numbers of DVD's
imk2 - 05/15/08 11:37
i would have to say that i used the stroller to help caRrY all the Shit i had to lug around liKe a change of clothes and diaper bag and snacks and my purse and toys and blankets.
it's much easier to just hang it on the stroller than to have carRY it all and then to have to carry the kid too when it gets tired.
drew - 05/15/08 10:17
I'll bet we see DVD's on strollers within a year. I'm almost willing to bet on it.
mrmike - 05/15/08 09:39
I feel your pain and will ignore the lack of a hello since I was out on grounds hanging signs yesterday. The thing I fear most is for my ankles. Damn stroller drivers don't always realize how big their "Cars" are.
jenks - 05/15/08 09:33
hehe, nice rant. I agree 100%.