Shit, (e:jim) I didn't realize what was going on today! So basically Bear Stearns just got bought out as a company for less than what their skyscraper is worth!
I am going to have more money come 9:30am than I had when I left work on Friday & I didn't even get paid. I didn't even work or get paid! How often does that happen?
For some reason I think that the markets will not go back to the 90's (Below 10,000) just yet but they are going to test it right now.
All of this rate cutting is actually hurting everyone IMHO. Eventually we are going to have to have a currency that is worth something. Every time Ben cuts rates the dollar gets hammered & Oil & Gas skyrocket, since they are priced in DOLLARS. Meaning the oil producing countries want more of those less worth dollars for the black gold they are pumping into our veins.
Eventually we are going to have to raise rates to bring some kind of price stability. We can't be printing up money & loaning out like Zimbabwe. If printing money turned around economies they would be ahead of Germany, Japan and Russia. We are going to see the "flight to quality" with treasuries going to less than 1% and at that point you will be PAYING THE BANK TO HOLD YOUR MONEY! Just think about it if you have a money market account the fees to the bank will be more than the interest you will be earning!!!
This is either going to end up with the ultimate capitalist scenario where the losers or the pigs get slaughtered and the winners pick up everything like J.P. Morgan, "On Pennies on the Dollar!" or we just say, "F* it!"& Nationalize everything.
We are all getting hit by the Chinese Curse, we are living in interesting times.

Coming to America Soon...
i have to admit it does kinda make me wanna pull my money and throw it in a sock under my mattress...