This is to honor all the "Crazy" chicks out there. I just love the line, "So what's going to happen to you now? Therapy? Pharmacy? That's what you'd like to believe ,but it ain't easy, when you're going crazy Over The Rainbow..." It just stuffs my mind when I heard some Judy Garland tapes that she recorded when supposedly she was going to write an autobiography. From what they were saying she was drinking & hammered on pills. It is actually kind of errie to hear to say the least.

This songs captures in a very good way the insane chicks that patronize the Allen st strip.
Also I came across the Dashboard Confessional cover of this song. I don't have an open mind when it comes to those guys, but you can judge for yourself. To my it does not do it justice in the least.
I did see a lot of hot ladies out last night also, but I don't know if they where single. When ever at a concert it is so hard to tell often they know or are with one of the bands. That being said there where a couple of ladies who maybe they where friends or with each other who knows. I should have said something but when I don't know a lot about the bands playing it makes something tough even thougher. It sounds like you had a good time and I'm glad you did.