Yea, with Hillary I was laughing at local talk radio douchbag Tom Bauerle on the drive in. Basically he was stating that Hillary is going to pull out some kind of evil back handed plan to put a stop to all of this Obama stuff. Because the Clinton's are evil like that and have a track record of doing that kind of stuff. Dude, it's just over for her and there is no way Bill is gong to make her "younger, taller and male." He just should put the Vince Foster stuff in the ancient history storage bin.
To be honest I'm for Edwards. Mainly for the fact that I know that he is his own man and does not owe any "favors" eerrr doners. To be honest I think that most Obama supporters are just in love with the concept of "change" and just buy the self-help Oprah rhetoric. Yea, he sounds cool, but I just doubt he can follow through with the hype.
Basically my point is that you can't change the system when you owe your office to the people that put up the Ca$h for you. How is he going to take the money of HMO's and then turn around after 1/20/09 and tell then to expect much smaller profits for the greater good? Not going to happen. That's why I support Edwards since he's spending his own money and not owing anything to anyone at a cocktail party.
But all I can say with all the Obama hype and Huckabee fanaticism is that your next president has yet to announce his candidacy.

As an independent his him I'm just watching to see how things are gong to shake out. If it stands now, I would almost fly out to Vegas and put a bet on him. With a billion dollars to spend on a campaign he would toast both parties. Plus, he would be a true independent now owing anything to a special interests or PACs.The way it stands now there is a ton of space in the center to get him elected.
times like this that I'm glad I'm not clever enough to have bothered with stocks/funds/investing whatsoever.
Well if that is really true then lots of people who don't have money tied up in the market should find all the stocks that hit rock bottom and buy a shit load of them that will then push the market up in that market that crashed then just hold on as let the stocks go up as they peak then resell them.
Go short - I wish I would have even six months ago on an ETF or a SPDR or something.