All I can say is YAH Federal, BOO NY State Dept of Taxation & Finance....
I'm getting back a really nice chunk of change from Uncle Sam & only getting back a $100 from NY. This is just another reason for myself that if I am ever to gt ahead with my life I must leave this area.
This is what PISSES ME OFF. In New York State there is no Lifelong Learning Educational Credit for Graduate Students :-( So they're not reflecting the Federal Tax code when it comes to income taxes. They're just trying to squeeze some extra out of you. I remember I would get screwed when I used to work in Canada. You would get back the Foreign Tax Credit/Deduction on your federal, but when it comes to NY State you get NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING when it comes to that part of the tax code. New York State absolutely Sucks when it comes to State Income Tax. We can always talk of trying to make this region better, but at the end of the day Western New York will always be handicapped due to being in NEW YORK State. Case in point if they ever included the Foreign Tax Credit/Deduction just think of how much that would boost Real Estate Prices in this area. You could lure more of the Half American/Half Canadian households to live over here & commute to Southern Ontario. Even more so than the ones that are doing it now & building like crazy in Lewiston.

Now I can't complain since I'm just grateful that I don't owe NY. I know so many people that claim Single 0 and still write a check every April to Albany.
This is the only time where I am actually praising George W. Bush for cutting those Capital Gains for the small people like myself. It's just amazing what that will do for you bottom line if you buy & sell a few shares were and there through the year. I know that in the future the Capital Gaines tax cut is going to be toast, but I just hope that they keep the lowered rate for people like myself that are not living off of the small bit of Schedule D income that we get & don't want to actively trade their IRA Account.
Come on Tuburon. Don't complain about owing a little money to NYS when you get such great services from them you cant get in any other state. Services like... um... give me a second...
ah hell, taxes such here.
This is the first year I've filed state income tax since Florida has none. I got my usual of around $1800 from the feds and a whopping 8 DOLLARS from NYS. Wow! What a joke. It really is a huge chunk of change every month missing from my check now that I have to pay it :(
I should really do mine, soon. I mostly get back money from the feds and a very small amount from the state. I think one year recently I owed them but the amount was so small I didn't have to pay it I forget what it was, or maybe I'm confused.
Ever since I've moved to NY, I've owed federal (<100) and gotten a refund (like $20) from the state. Every year. (and stupidly, every year I cross my fingers and hope I'll get a refund.)