That's a poker term used to describe betting on the flop [2nd round of betting] after betting/raising on the deal.
Given that I still feel that the next 6 weeks are not going to be good for the economy I am going to buy the UGA fund. UGA is an exchange traded fund that tracks the price of gasoline via futures contracts. Basically I am looking to hedge the cost of driving to work every day. Somehow in this capitalist society I think everyone should have the opportunity be able to make $ by just watching the news.
Second given that everyone is paying to fill up their tank using their credit cards I think I will also add to my short position of Capital One.
We shall see, I may sell the UGA around Memorial Day.
Vincent's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/14/2008 00:16 #44005
continuation betCategory: money
04/11/2008 01:05 #43981
NHL PlayoffsCategory: sports
It does feel kind of empty around here without Buffalo or Toronto in the playoffs. Just for some reason I needed my fix, so I stopped by Buffalo Wild Wings after work tonight to catch some of the Boston/Montreal game. It was pretty cool to see Tim Thomas make his first NHL Playoff start. Ok, it was just being able to see a guy 1 year older than me, my height and weight make his first NHL Playoff start. Too bad that they lost 4-1 but the score did not do his effort any justice.
I guess my the teams that I am actually going to be pulling for are the Washington Capitals, since I did immerse myself into their media when I was down there for a week not too long ago. Also to stay true to my NHL Fantasy team I'm going to go with Calgary in the west, Jerome Iginla did wonders for me this year. Plus it was the team that I watched most often this year in a weird way. For them most part I would catch the nightcap from the west coast on CBC Hockey Night in Canada while I was out somewhere. Being out at a place say like Frizzy's on a Saturday night and watching a live sporting event is just tits ;-) I'm the weird guy that loves it when the baseball playoffs go 14 innings and the game gets decided at 2:20 am!
But Springtime & the NHL Playoffs, it brings a smile to my face...
I guess my the teams that I am actually going to be pulling for are the Washington Capitals, since I did immerse myself into their media when I was down there for a week not too long ago. Also to stay true to my NHL Fantasy team I'm going to go with Calgary in the west, Jerome Iginla did wonders for me this year. Plus it was the team that I watched most often this year in a weird way. For them most part I would catch the nightcap from the west coast on CBC Hockey Night in Canada while I was out somewhere. Being out at a place say like Frizzy's on a Saturday night and watching a live sporting event is just tits ;-) I'm the weird guy that loves it when the baseball playoffs go 14 innings and the game gets decided at 2:20 am!
But Springtime & the NHL Playoffs, it brings a smile to my face...
04/05/2008 04:04 #43909
D.C Pic DumpCategory: vacation
With the tip off of the first final 4 game today, the need to post these pics before they become totally outdated became urgent. For the most part they are of the first round and the pre-game of the first round.
On the tip off day of the NCAA Tournament Colin Cowherd
had an event @ Clyde's
which was basically a real life beer commercial! We heard about the event on his ESPN Radio show & decided to attend. We were starving as we didn't eat breakfast, but low and behold there was free bagels and danishes. Being the college sports fans we were we did need to kick back some adult beverages before the dry NCAA event. When we went to the bar to get something to drink, there was only one selection, Heineken and it was FREE!!! After listening to Colin who in a weird way reminded me of (e:austin) the staff brought out more free food this time descent finger food such chicken wings, ceasar salad and turkey wraps. Oh, and my buddy from college got to look at some Heineken girls as well. The only thing that would have made it a better experience would have been if they were wearing bikini's! Needless to say we hit the jackpot before tip off ;-)
Anyway here are just random pics of the Verizon Center and the surrounding areas. The other pics are from Maryland off of I-70 before the US 15/I-99 split.

This one was taken from the Waffle House Parking Lot in Frederick MD. I just was stunned by the fake turn of the 20th century lighting. Serioulsy, there is a reason why we have florescent lighting now, it's because it works better! Why does every new/gentrified area need to play the "old fashioned" lighting card?

On the tip off day of the NCAA Tournament Colin Cowherd

Anyway here are just random pics of the Verizon Center and the surrounding areas. The other pics are from Maryland off of I-70 before the US 15/I-99 split.

This one was taken from the Waffle House Parking Lot in Frederick MD. I just was stunned by the fake turn of the 20th century lighting. Serioulsy, there is a reason why we have florescent lighting now, it's because it works better! Why does every new/gentrified area need to play the "old fashioned" lighting card?

carolinian - 04/05/08 12:42
So who were the two girls? ;)
So who were the two girls? ;)
metalpeter - 04/05/08 11:58
I have no idea about the lighting thing except maybe they think it looks cool. In terms of the NCAA I wanted to add that I'm not going because of the Bandits game tonight But they are Having a Benefit for Brian Dux (think that is his Name) at Towne Ballroom tonight and showing the games and having music and stuff. On the picture note I really like that one old building that is taken from an elevation.
I have no idea about the lighting thing except maybe they think it looks cool. In terms of the NCAA I wanted to add that I'm not going because of the Bandits game tonight But they are Having a Benefit for Brian Dux (think that is his Name) at Towne Ballroom tonight and showing the games and having music and stuff. On the picture note I really like that one old building that is taken from an elevation.
04/01/2008 23:12 #43871
Wheeling WVCategory: vacation
A couple of weeks ago I ended up going on a mini vacation that was highlighted by attendance at the 1st & 2nd Round of the NCAA Tournament. With the conclusion coming this weekend I just felt the need to expedite the process of posting. Given the fact that I've been working OT I've just been too drained to post anything of value.
So here was my stop on Wheeling WV. I didn't go to the "fringes" of the Ohio Valley like another local Lewiston resident
although I was attracted to the Gambling
It's a pretty nice place. The only knock against it is that it is run by a local company DNC & if anyone has an idea about their corporate culture, it was the only casino I have been to where they CHARGE YOU FOR WATER & SOFT DRINKS! So needless to say I didn't gamble too much there.
So here are a few pics from around town.

For some reason I'm draw to early 70's Office buildings & Victorian's
So here was my stop on Wheeling WV. I didn't go to the "fringes" of the Ohio Valley like another local Lewiston resident

So here are a few pics from around town.

For some reason I'm draw to early 70's Office buildings & Victorian's
metalpeter - 04/02/08 17:45
Nice pictures hope you had a great time.
Nice pictures hope you had a great time.
ajay - 04/02/08 01:52
Isn't Wheeling the center of the Hare Krishnas? You could've got some cheap Indian food at their cult, I mean "world" headquarters.
Isn't Wheeling the center of the Hare Krishnas? You could've got some cheap Indian food at their cult, I mean "world" headquarters.
ajay - 04/02/08 01:51
"DNC" = Delaware North Corporation , a proud Buffalo-based company. :-D They run a lot of the concession stands in the National Parks.
"DNC" = Delaware North Corporation , a proud Buffalo-based company. :-D They run a lot of the concession stands in the National Parks.
vincent - 04/02/08 00:33
Seneca, Canada (Fallsview & Niagara), even the shittiest casino's on Freemont St in Vegas Don't charge for bottled water or soft drinks.
Seneca, Canada (Fallsview & Niagara), even the shittiest casino's on Freemont St in Vegas Don't charge for bottled water or soft drinks.
jason - 04/01/08 23:43
Charge money for water and soft drinks? What the...?
Charge money for water and soft drinks? What the...?
03/17/2008 01:37 #43699
Let the Bank Runs Begin!!!!Category: money
GOLD UP $25 an Ounce in Overnight Trading!
Shit, (e:jim) I didn't realize what was going on today! So basically Bear Stearns just got bought out as a company for less than what their skyscraper is worth!
I am going to have more money come 9:30am than I had when I left work on Friday & I didn't even get paid. I didn't even work or get paid! How often does that happen?
For some reason I think that the markets will not go back to the 90's (Below 10,000) just yet but they are going to test it right now.
All of this rate cutting is actually hurting everyone IMHO. Eventually we are going to have to have a currency that is worth something. Every time Ben cuts rates the dollar gets hammered & Oil & Gas skyrocket, since they are priced in DOLLARS. Meaning the oil producing countries want more of those less worth dollars for the black gold they are pumping into our veins.
Eventually we are going to have to raise rates to bring some kind of price stability. We can't be printing up money & loaning out like Zimbabwe. If printing money turned around economies they would be ahead of Germany, Japan and Russia. We are going to see the "flight to quality" with treasuries going to less than 1% and at that point you will be PAYING THE BANK TO HOLD YOUR MONEY! Just think about it if you have a money market account the fees to the bank will be more than the interest you will be earning!!!
This is either going to end up with the ultimate capitalist scenario where the losers or the pigs get slaughtered and the winners pick up everything like J.P. Morgan, "On Pennies on the Dollar!" or we just say, "F* it!"& Nationalize everything.
We are all getting hit by the Chinese Curse, we are living in interesting times.

Coming to America Soon...
Shit, (e:jim) I didn't realize what was going on today! So basically Bear Stearns just got bought out as a company for less than what their skyscraper is worth!
I am going to have more money come 9:30am than I had when I left work on Friday & I didn't even get paid. I didn't even work or get paid! How often does that happen?
For some reason I think that the markets will not go back to the 90's (Below 10,000) just yet but they are going to test it right now.
All of this rate cutting is actually hurting everyone IMHO. Eventually we are going to have to have a currency that is worth something. Every time Ben cuts rates the dollar gets hammered & Oil & Gas skyrocket, since they are priced in DOLLARS. Meaning the oil producing countries want more of those less worth dollars for the black gold they are pumping into our veins.
Eventually we are going to have to raise rates to bring some kind of price stability. We can't be printing up money & loaning out like Zimbabwe. If printing money turned around economies they would be ahead of Germany, Japan and Russia. We are going to see the "flight to quality" with treasuries going to less than 1% and at that point you will be PAYING THE BANK TO HOLD YOUR MONEY! Just think about it if you have a money market account the fees to the bank will be more than the interest you will be earning!!!
This is either going to end up with the ultimate capitalist scenario where the losers or the pigs get slaughtered and the winners pick up everything like J.P. Morgan, "On Pennies on the Dollar!" or we just say, "F* it!"& Nationalize everything.
We are all getting hit by the Chinese Curse, we are living in interesting times.

Coming to America Soon...
fellyconnelly - 03/17/08 08:22
i have to admit it does kinda make me wanna pull my money and throw it in a sock under my mattress...
i have to admit it does kinda make me wanna pull my money and throw it in a sock under my mattress...
You can watch Baseball on TV, wow that is a trick I find it dull on TV. That being said I just want to see someone win it. Of course there was a wrestling show that I used to watch on TBS and I swear every time that it followed Baseball the game ran long and even into extra innings or ran late because of a two hour rain delay. I just hope today's rain is all over so I can see the Bison's opening night game. Hockey wise Go Guins all the way.
Go Pens!